Before treating fatty liver hepatosis, you need to understand exactly what this disease is, why it occurs, so that you can make a timely diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy.
Hepatosis is a chronic non-inflammatory disease associated with the degeneration of cells into adipose tissue. Basically, this violation occurs due to an excess of fats in the structure of the liver.
Causes of disease development
What is the ICD code for the disease? Fatty hepatosis of the liver was assigned the code K76.0. This pathological disorder occurs with the deterioration of metabolic processes and the destruction of the cells of this organ. There are many different factors contributing to the development of this pathology. Often a similar problem occurs in overweight people, but this is far from the only cause of hepatosis. The disease can also occur in thin people. Fatty liver disease mainly occurs for reasons such as:
- alcohol abuse;
- lack of protein food;
- consumption of energy drinks;
- passion for diets;
- hepatitis, diabetes, pancreatitis;
- food poisoning;
- prolonged entry of toxins into the body.
With all these factors, the consumption of excessive amounts of fat plays a very important role. If a he althy liver easily processes and removes fats, then a weakened organ does not cope well with this function. Fat particles accumulate in hepatocytes, disrupting their structure and blood supply. Damaged cells cannot normally remove toxic substances and cleanse the body of harmful metabolic products.

Progression of cell damage provokes inflammation, which, in turn, causes their death and tissue scarring. At the same time, concomitant pathological processes of the cardiovascular system, stomach, intestines and various metabolic disorders develop. With the occurrence of such a violation, the patient is very difficult to endure any injuries, infections and operations.
What are the types of pathology
Changes in the liver according to the type of fatty hepatosis can be acute or chronic. The acute type of lesion develops as a result of the active effect of toxic substances on the liver. Among the main reasons, toxic poisoning with alcohol, medications, and poisonous mushrooms can be distinguished. Unlike the chronic form, acute hepatosis develops very quickly.
The chronic type of the disease is provoked by the consumption of alcoholic beverages and somediseases. Damage to liver cells can be eliminated with the help of various multivitamins and hepatoprotectors. There are several different stages of the disease. Initial stages can be treated with drugs and exercise.

When the pathology proceeds at stage 3, when fatty cysts form, organ transplantation is required, as irreversible processes begin that can lead to the death of the patient.
In addition, pigmentary hepatosis is quite common, which is a hereditary form of a functional disorder of the liver. The disease begins to manifest itself from a very early age and is expressed in the course of a chronic form of jaundice. There are absolutely no structural changes and disorders in the liver.
Cholestatic hepatosis is formed when there is a static violation of the formation and outflow of bile, as well as its insufficient supply to the required organs and systems. As a result of toxic effects on liver cells, pigmentation of the organ is observed. Often this form of violation occurs in women in late pregnancy.
Main symptoms
Symptoms of fatty liver often begin to appear in the later stages of the course of the disease. The accumulation of lipids occurs almost painlessly, and a slight increase in the body is not always perceived as a serious violation. As a result of the appointment of inadequate treatment, the disease progresses even more, and the patient experiences discomfort, as well assymptoms such as:
- heaviness and pain in the right hypochondrium;
- flatulence;
- poor appetite;
- nausea.
Over time, this body copes worse and worse with metabolic products, disrupting the functioning of other organs. At the same time, blood saturated with toxins begins to circulate in the body, poisoning the liver. Very often there are pains in fatty hepatosis of the liver, since the destruction of this organ occurs during the course of the disease.
Chronic intoxication of the body affects many internal organs. With the subsequent development of liver failure, symptoms such as:
- weakness;
- vomit;
- impaired performance;
- disruption of digestive processes;
- puffiness;
- exhaustion;
- convulsions;
- jaundice of the skin.
In the presence of predisposing factors, hepatosis occurs in people around 40-45 years of age. If you ignore the symptoms, then this can provoke the addition of secondary pathologies. The neglected tissue damage negatively affects the state of the whole organism.
It is possible to detect fatty hepatosis of the liver on ultrasound, since during the diagnostic process a uniform increase in the liver can be observed while maintaining its homogeneity. However, in the case of progression of the pathology, there may be a "granularity" of the organ, which indicates the development of hepatitis.

During a CT scan, it maydiffuse lesion of varying severity can be detected. In addition, you can visually determine the presence of fatty infiltration, which is surrounded by normal liver tissue.
When fatty liver disease is suspected, tests are ordered to determine the level of cholesterol, as well as the presence of changes in the blood and urine.
Features of treatment
Many are wondering if it is possible to cure fatty liver hepatosis and what needs to be done for this. In order for the therapy to bring a positive result, the following conditions are required, such as:
- eliminate provoking factors;
- taking medication;
- application of folk remedies and techniques;
- diet;
- doing special exercises.
The traditional treatment regimen for fatty liver hepatosis involves detoxification of the body, as well as restoration of damaged tissues. The process of detoxification implies cleansing the body, getting rid of parasites, correcting the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and losing weight. In addition, recovery procedures for the liver are required, as well as stimulation of the growth of new cells.
It is important to use special medications during therapy, as well as herbal remedies that have a beneficial effect on the affected organ.
Drug therapy
At the initial stage of the course of the disease, drug treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liver is carried out, which consists of cell stabilization, antioxidant protection, immunomodulation, whichis aimed at anti-inflammatory protection, as well as the normalization of the functioning of the biliary tract.
Often, doctors prescribe the drug "Ademetionine", aimed at stabilizing the liver. This is a medicine of complex action, since it contains active substances that allow you to restore destroyed cells. The drug is effective not only in hepatosis, but also helps in the treatment of cirrhosis and hepatitis due to the fact that it has a mild antidepressant effect.

Drug treatment of fatty liver hepatosis involves the use of the drug Ursosan, which is a bile acid. The drug has a high analgesic effect. In addition, it helps to reduce acidity, normalizes the activity of the immune system, and also affects the biochemistry of bile.
To increase hepatic blood flow, normalize tissue activity, and remove bile, the doctor prescribes drugs such as Heptral, Dibicor, Taufon. They also help dissolve bile acids and lower cholesterol levels.
Tablets "Karsil" in their composition have plant extracts, and are also a natural drug that has an antitoxic effect. In addition, such a tool helps to normalize metabolic processes. To increase the resistance of the liver to the effects of pathological processes, as well as to cleanse and restore it, the drug "Essentiale" is prescribed.
If there is an increase in the density of bile, thenspecial drugs for fatty liver hepatosis to normalize its outflow. In particular, the use of the drug "Holosas" is shown, which consists exclusively of plant components. It helps to eliminate the feeling of discomfort, as well as the feeling of heaviness in the side. To neutralize toxic substances, the use of vitamin complexes is required.
The course of therapy and the dosage of drugs should be determined only by the attending physician. Do not self-treat, as this will only bring significant harm to the body. When conducting drug therapy, you need to adjust your diet, as well as your lifestyle.
Use of folk remedies
The treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liver with folk remedies, which are completely safe and practically do not provoke the occurrence of side effects, is quite successfully carried out. If you have problems with this organ, you must first consult a doctor so as not to provoke complications, since alternative methods do not always give the desired result.

Like medications, herbal remedies can put extra stress on the liver. However, with the course of hepatosis, treatment can be carried out with such means as:
- milk thistle;
- cinnamon;
- pine nuts;
- turmeric;
- herbal liver preparations.
Cinnamon is a he althy spice widely known for its fat-burning properties. By adding a little of it to food, you can stimulate the removal of excess fat and its subsequentelimination during exercise. This spice helps to normalize blood cholesterol levels and reduce appetite.
Another supplement that has a positive effect on the liver is turmeric, as it has a choleretic and antioxidant effect. This seasoning helps soften gallstones and promotes a better outflow of digestive enzymes. The composition of many hepatoprotectors includes milk thistle. This herb helps to normalize the outflow of bile, as well as stimulate the growth and strengthening of cells.
Pine nuts contain valuable fats for the liver. To strengthen this body, it is enough to eat only 1 tsp. this product. They have a good effect on liver cells and provoke the production of bile apricot kernels.
Drink prepared on the basis of lemon helps to reduce the size of the liver, as it is actively involved in the process of splitting fats. To prepare the medicine, you need to grind 3 lemons along with the zest and pour 0.5 liters of hot water over them. You need to take this infusion for 3 days.
Treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liver with folk remedies involves the use of special choleretic preparations made on the basis of immortelle, wild rose and corn stigmas. It is necessary to pour the finished mixture with warm water and insist for several hours. Take 0.5 tbsp. before eating.
You need to take 100 ml of freshly squeezed carrot juice on an empty stomach. You can consume tea with lemon balm or mint.
It is worth noting that herbal medicine for hepatosis cannot be the mainmethod of treatment. Herbal preparations can be used only after the recommendation of the attending physician.
Diet for fatty liver disease promotes weight loss, normalizes cholesterol and glucose levels, and eliminates excessive stress on the digestive system. For obese patients, it is important to reduce weight, but without very rigid and abrupt restrictions. It is forbidden to fast, take fat burners, as well as other drugs intended for weight loss. Recommended frequent and fractional meals in combination with physical activity.

Diet for fatty liver disease implies the rejection of foods such as:
- spirits;
- fried, spicy, s alty foods;
- animal fats;
- preservatives;
- artificial sweeteners and other chemical additives.
Food consumed should be as natural as possible, steamed or boiled. It is advisable to eat chopped foods, in a warm form. You need to eat 5 times a day food with a low content of fat and glucose. You need to eat as much protein as possible. It is important to ensure the required drinking regimen and drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.
Treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liver implies the observance of a certain lifestyle. It is not enough just to use medications, it is also important to follow a special diet, as well as eliminate bad habits. It is equally important to carry out exercise therapy for fatty hepatosisliver, as exercise will help eliminate fatty deposits from the liver and reduce weight.
At the very beginning of the classes, you need to start with light but regular physical activity. If there is excess weight, then initially you need to start with short walks, and then gradually increase the time spent in the fresh air. If time permits, it is recommended to visit the gym. Then you need to start with a treadmill, gradually adding weight exercises. Ideally, you need to hire a trainer who will help you achieve a good result in the shortest possible time.
Being active will help you feel better, as well as help you lose weight and improve your liver.
Hepatosis during pregnancy
Often, without obvious symptoms, fatty liver occurs during pregnancy. Among the main causes of this disorder, it is necessary to single out a change in the hormonal background and enhanced nutrition. Basically, hepatosis is observed in the third trimester, but there may be exceptions. With the course of this disease, various complications can occur and even the death of a woman during delivery. It is often accompanied by jaundice. Among the main symptoms of hepatosis in pregnant women, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- nausea and vomiting;
- discomfort in the liver area;
- strong weakness;
- heartburn.
Many attribute these symptoms to pregnancy and overeating, but this is completely wrong. If alarming symptoms appear, you should immediately inform the doctor about it and go throughcomprehensive examination.
Women suffering from hepatosis during pregnancy have an increased sensitivity to estrogen. The increased content of this hormone in the blood causes a violation of the output of bile. In addition, there is a high risk of fetal death. If the disease is very severe, then urgent delivery is required.
It is worth noting that almost every pregnant woman suffering from hepatosis has gone through a premature birth. In addition, there may be an allergy to antibacterial drugs, as well as disorders of the endocrine system, stomach and intestines.
Prevention measures
Prevention of fatty hepatosis includes compliance with a whole range of specific measures, including:
- observance of proper nutrition;
- exercising;
- reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum.
It is necessary to take medications clearly according to the instructions and after the appointment of a doctor. Before using the medicine, be sure to read the instructions for this medicine, taking into account the rules for its use, as well as compatibility with other therapies.

In order not to worry about whether fatty hepatosis can be cured, it is important to regularly undergo preventive examinations and take tests. If you experience unpleasant symptoms associated with impaired functioning of the intestines and stomach, you need to visit a doctor and start a timelytreatment.
Prognosis and possible complications
With untimely detection and treatment of fatty liver hepatosis, the disease can provoke various complications and turn into cirrhosis, liver failure and chronic hepatitis. All these pathologies are very difficult to treat and can often lead to the death of the patient.
If the disease is detected in time, it can be treated very well. With the right choice of medications and a sparing diet, the patient's well-being improves very quickly. Full recovery occurs within a few months. After undergoing therapy, you can live a normal, fulfilling life.
To prevent a recurrence of the disease, you need to consume alcohol in moderation, eat right and move more. If hepatosis is detected in the later stages, the treatment is long and laborious.