Worm infestations can hardly be considered a rarity, and children are most susceptible to such a disease. And often during a laboratory study of stool samples, ascaris is found in a child. Why is this disease dangerous? What are its main symptoms?
Ascaris worms in children and ways of infection

Ascarids are rather large parasitic worms that live in the human intestine. After entering the digestive system, parasite larvae emerge from the eggs, which, after a rather complex developmental cycle, reach the adult stage. During the day, the female lays about 100 thousand eggs, which, together with the feces, are released into the external environment.
Of course, infection can occur through contact with a sick person or by sharing bed linen and bath accessories. But most often roundworm in a child is the result of non-compliance with hygiene rules. For example, helminth eggs can settle in the sand, and if the child did not wash their hands after playing, the likelihood of infection is very high. In addition, infection can occur through the useunwashed fruits and vegetables. In some cases, cockroaches and flies are carriers of the infection.
How does roundworm manifest in a child?

Immediately it should be noted that the parasites secrete their own waste products that act on the child's body as an allergen. That is why in the early stages the disease is accompanied by standard symptoms of intoxication. Children often complain of weakness, headaches, body aches. Symptoms of the disease can also include fever, swelling of the face. Quite often, ascariasis leads to a rash on the child's body.
In the process of development, Ascaris larvae enter the lungs, which often leads to severe coughing and the development of bronchitis.
Chronic invasions lead to an increase or, conversely, a decrease in appetite. Sometimes the larvae linger in the tissues of the liver or pancreas, which contributes to the development of inflammation, the appearance of hepatic colic, etc.
Naturally, the disease simply cannot but affect the behavior of the patient. Indeed, ascaris in a child often leads to a decrease in school performance, problems with concentration, increased irritability. When it comes to young children, they tend to become more restless, often crying, waking up at night.
How to remove roundworm from a child?

Of course, with suspicions of such a disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. Butonly after stool tests and some other studies can a final diagnosis be made and treatment prescribed.
Fortunately, today there are a lot of antihelminthic drugs that quickly help get rid of the disease. Examples include drugs such as Vermox and Medamin. As a rule, one dose of the drug is enough to completely eliminate the parasitic infection.
Only in some cases, to destroy parasites, a thin tube is inserted into the patient's intestines through which oxygen is supplied, since roundworms are extremely sensitive to the effects of this gas. But such treatment is used only when conventional antihelminthics are ineffective or impossible to use.