Common urinalysis often shows the presence of pus. This phenomenon is called pyuria. Pathology requires serious treatment. At the moment, several causes of pus in the urine have been identified. With such a symptom, a thorough examination is required, and then complex therapy. Pus in the urine is a sign of a disease that can manifest itself in both a woman and a man. In this case, age does not matter.

Pus in the urine indicates a large number of leukocytes in the analysis. The results obtained are verified with the standards. If the analysis showed that the number of leukocytes is increased, then a second analysis is performed for pyuria. In women, samples for examination are taken using a catheter.
For men, a thorough lavage of the glans penis is performed before testing.
Signs of infection
The causes of pus in the urine are quite serious. All of them require immediate treatment. Even harmless diseases can lead to undesirable consequences. Among the reasons for this phenomenon, it is worth highlighting:
Urinary tract infection. This is the most common cause of pus in the urine. In this case, the infection can be anywhere: in the kidneys, in the urethra, in the bladder, and so on. Further. Cystitis is the most common cause. Such diseases can be cured with antibiotics.
- Certain microorganisms. Pus in the urine occurs as a result of excessive activity of bacteria that cause infection of the organs of the genitourinary system. Microorganisms are one of the causes of sexually transmitted diseases.
To determine the disease, a specialist may prescribe a special test to identify the underlying cause of the infection. Pus in the urine can be a symptom of trichomonas, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Sign of disease of internal organs
Often, pus in the urine in women and men indicates the development of diseases of the internal organs. However, this symptom does not always occur.
Tuberculosis of the urinary system. With this disease, pus can be found in the urine. In this case, the culture may be negative. Tuberculosis is considered a relatively rare disease. However, to exclude it, a general urine test is required.
- Kidney stones. Solid particles can cause inflammation and irritation in the urinary tract. As a result, pus appears in the urine. In addition, erythrocytes may be present in the analysis.
- Interstitial cystitis. This is an unofficial type of disease in which an inflammatory process occurs in the bladder. This disease is more common in men. In the analysis of urine with such a disease it is impossible to detectmicroorganisms that are the causative agent.
- Prostatitis. Pus in the urine in men can occur with inflammation of the prostate gland. Most often, the cause lies in the infection.
Cancer. Pus in the urine often occurs with oncology of the bladder or kidneys. The likelihood of developing this disease increases with age. With such an ailment, droplets of blood may appear in the urine. Most often, cancer affects people over 40 years of age.
pus in urine in women
Kidney disease
Pus in the urine may result from the development of kidney disease. At the moment, there are a number of serious ailments in which such a symptom is necessarily manifested. Pus cells in the urine can appear even when the disease is not caused by infection. These kidney ailments include:
- interstitial nephritis;
- glomerulonephritis;
- renal tubular acidosis;
- lupus nephritis;
- polycystic kidney disease;
- renal capillary necrosis.
With the development of such diseases, not only pus cells, but also blood, protein can be present in the urine test.
How is pyuria treated
Pyuria is characterized by symptoms such as flakes in the urine, a change in its smell and shade. If these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. After a thorough examination, based on the results, the specialist will prescribe a course of therapy. The choice of drug dependsfrom where pus has accumulated, what is the cause of pyuria, who is the causative agent. The most commonly prescribed antibiotic.
If the infection entered the body during medical procedures, then the right drug will get rid of the disease in just a week. If the disease has become chronic, then it will be more difficult to get rid of it. Special attention should be paid to the treatment of diseases in children. In such situations, therapy should be comprehensive and gentle. Antibiotics should be supplemented with vitamins, herbal medicine and a special diet.

Pus in the urine is a sign of many diseases of the genitourinary system. If such a symptom occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice, undergo a thorough examination and identify the underlying cause. It is worth noting that pus in the urine can appear as a result of dehydration, constant stress, taking certain drugs, as well as from excessive physical exertion.