Periodic illness: symptoms and treatment

Periodic illness: symptoms and treatment
Periodic illness: symptoms and treatment

Periodic disease is characterized by inflammation of the joints and internal organs, which recurs from time to time. Usually it is inherited. Most often, the inhabitants of the Mediterranean are susceptible to the disease. It is first diagnosed in childhood, however, it cannot be completely cured, since there are no drugs that can stop the development of the problem and its recurrence.

periodic illness
periodic illness

The cause of the disease is a genetic anomaly. It prevents the production of proteins that can prevent inflammation. The body simply cannot suppress them on its own.

Periodic illness has the following symptoms: pain in the chest, abdomen or muscles, a red rash, inflammation of the joints, constipation or diarrhea, and high fever. Moreover, all signs can occur suddenly and last for several days. There are no specific causes that cause inflammation. And the disease may not remind of itself for several months.

periodic illness treatment
periodic illness treatment

Currently, no special tests (other than blood samples) that couldestablish the presented diagnosis does not exist. Most often, periodic illness is determined by symptoms, with a family history study. If a fever cannot be completely cured, symptoms can be reduced.

Periodic illness, the treatment of which does not require the patient to be admitted to a hospital, brings many inconveniences. However, they can be eliminated with a special drug - "Colchicine". It should be taken every time an exacerbation of the disease is planned. The presented drug has a fairly strong cytostatic effect. It is produced in tablets. As for the reception, it depends on the degree of development of the disease. Some patients take it every day, and some are allowed to take the pills less frequently. The disadvantage of the drug is a large number of side effects.

mediterranean fever
mediterranean fever

Periodic illness can give quite serious complications, especially changes in the structure of joints and organs. However, they can be prevented thanks to modern drugs.

Patients who want to lead a normal life must follow certain doctor's advice. First, medications must be taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription. At the same time, do not try to drink pills on your own, by doing this you can only make things worse. Secondly, you need to adjust the diet. In particular, it is necessary to consume as little fat as possible. You should also limit the consumption of those products that contain lactose.

Be very careful with thisa disease like Mediterranean fever costs women who want to get pregnant. They need to consult with a therapist and a geneticist. The fact is that the doctor must adjust the medication regimen, and possibly replace some drugs.

The disease presented is not a death sentence, however, its treatment must be taken very seriously.
