Burning in the head: causes, symptoms, treatment and possible diseases

Burning in the head: causes, symptoms, treatment and possible diseases
Burning in the head: causes, symptoms, treatment and possible diseases

People who suffer from chronic headaches sometimes start to feel a burning sensation in their head. And even those who have never suffered from them can feel it. The condition may indicate a serious illness. But do not rush to conclusions - sometimes this is just a signal that you should take a break from work and everyday affairs for at least a while. This article looks at the symptoms, causes of a burning sensation in the head, and treatment for this unpleasant condition.


Burning pain in the head can occur anywhere in the head. It appears in the frontal part, temporal, occipital. Sometimes it gives to the shoulders and back. In addition to the main symptoms, sometimes there are additional ones:

  • Nausea.
  • Dizziness.
  • Weakness.
  • Severe burning sensation in the temples.
  • Tachycardia.
in the parietal part of the head causes
in the parietal part of the head causes

Oftenthe person himself cannot determine exactly where the source of pain is, because it spreads throughout the body. Can throw in heat. In addition, many are familiar with the feeling of hot coals in the head. Then there is redness in the eyes.


There can be many reasons for burning at the top of the head. If these pains are chronic, you should contact the appropriate specialist. But if this happened recently, then you can try to identify the root of the problem. The most common causes of a burning sensation in the scalp:

  1. Osteochondrosis. When s alts accumulate in the neck and shoulders, nerve endings are pinched and pain appears. If a person’s work is associated with long sitting, then it can be assumed that this symptom arose due to osteochondrosis. In 90% of cases, the burning problem lies precisely in it. But it is important to find a professional doctor who is highly specialized in this area. In addition to a variety of massages and treatments, a good doctor will prescribe light exercises to solve the problem.
  2. Hormonal disorders. They can cause such headaches in women. And it doesn't matter how old she is. Although most often this process occurs during menopause. Therefore, you need to be attentive to your body. Perhaps someone is taking hormone-based medications. In this case, you should consult a doctor so that he adjusts the dose or prescribes another drug.
  3. Stress. Sometimes behind a burning sensation in the head lies chronic fatigue and strong emotional stress. All this arises from the fact that a person does not give himself time to rest. The fact is that stress leads to disruption of the nervous system. And it, in turn, ceases to perform its functions correctly. As a result, the head suffers, the blood vessels constrict, since a sufficient amount of oxygen does not enter the brain. For treatment, it is important to pay special attention to rest. At the end of the day, rest for at least an hour without using electronic devices. If this does not help, then it is worth looking for another reason. When the burning sensation in the head has already bothered more than once, a too busy daily schedule can become an additional cause of pain.
  4. Lifestyle in general. This includes eating junk food, smoking, and drinking alcohol frequently. It is worth giving up bad habits. Next, you need to visit a doctor.
  5. Scalp burning is most often caused by cosmetic reasons. For example, hair coloring, skin sensitivity to care products or diseases of the epidermis. High blood pressure may also be the cause.
burning causes
burning causes

Burning in the head: tests

To determine the disease that causes pain in the head, it is recommended to conduct various tests. It is necessary to pass all the studies that were prescribed by the doctor. This is the only way to exclude serious diseases. So, what tests are often prescribed for a patient with a burning head?

  1. Examination by a therapist. General blood tests are needed, as well as urine tests.
  2. X-ray of the skull. Produced to determine the injury or tumor.
  3. Ophthalmologist's consultation.
  4. Echoencephalography. It's ultrasonicstudy of the cranium. It is done to detect intracranial pressure, as well as circulatory disorders.
  5. Electroencephalogram. It allows you to determine the presence of sympathetic-adrenal paroxysm.
  6. MRI of the head. This study determines the brain tumor and the condition of the vessels.


Since cervical osteochondrosis is the main cause of a burning sensation in the head, it is first necessary to exclude this disease. It can be identified by the following features:

  1. Fatigue.
  2. Chronic fatigue.
  3. Dizziness.
  4. Headache.

If these symptoms are present, then you need to act immediately. But this does not mean that you can engage in self-treatment. It is very dangerous in the current situation. Need to find a good doctor.

If the reason is everyday stress, then you definitely need to find time to relax. With constant pain, it is better not to look for the cause, but simply contact a specialist. In such situations, sedatives are sometimes prescribed. But if the process is too advanced, then antidepressants or a trip to a psychologist will be needed.

If the cause is a hormonal disorder, then an endocrinologist can help find the right treatment.

parts of the head cause
parts of the head cause

Occipital headaches

Such symptoms often appear in the elderly, especially in the morning or in bad weather. The cause of a burning sensation in the back of the head can be increased pressure. In such situations, it is recommended to contactneurologist.

In rare cases, even young people have similar symptoms. The reason for this may be the degeneration of the intervertebral discs of the spine. This is a pretty serious condition. Medical help needed.


You should also investigate the cause of high blood pressure, if it caused a burning sensation in the head. After all, this is a frequent occurrence not only among mature people, but also among young people. In such situations, it is necessary to measure the pressure. If the cause of the burning sensation in the head really lies in this, then you can try to reduce pressure with the help of folk remedies. If they were ineffective, then you can not do without drugs. However, when choosing a medicine, it is necessary to consult a doctor. With the wrong choice of drug, the situation can only get worse.

burning sensation in the temples
burning sensation in the temples

Pain relief

You need to know how to properly relieve the pain of a burning sensation in your head. For example, you can try taking painkillers. If there is confidence that the cause is osteochondrosis, then you can warm up a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe head (where there is a burning sensation). The point is to improve blood circulation and expand blood vessels. However, warming up is not the safest method and should be used with caution. The same goes for high blood pressure. With hypertension, the vessels narrow in the same way, which need to be expanded by taking drugs.

Panic attack

What is this? A panic attack is an attack that can last indefinitely. Its hardly appropriatecall it a disease. It's just an emotional state. It can be corrected with the help of a professional psychologist. Here are the main symptoms:

  1. Thoughts of suicide or fear of death.
  2. Feeling of choking or lump in throat.
  3. Burning headaches.
  4. Tachycardia.
  5. Increase in pressure.
  6. Chills.

Possible diseases

What kind of disease can cause a burning sensation in the head? If we are talking about serious diseases, then Binswanger's disease can be noted first of all. With a burning sensation in the head due to this disease, vasoconstriction occurs. The white matter is also affected. In a sick person, the pressure decreases at night or rises sharply. The first symptom of this disease is insomnia. The patient often wakes up at night. Also among the symptoms it is worth noting memory impairment, gait disturbance, urination disorders. It is noteworthy that this disease is primarily detected by a burning sensation in the head. To identify such a disease, you need to monitor your behavior for some time and contact a professional specialist at the right time.

burning in the parietal region
burning in the parietal region

Burning in the parietal part of the head

Let's consider one more case. Burning pain in the parietal part of the head is the most common. This pain spreads all over the face: ears, eyes, and so on. It is noteworthy that it can increase if there is a source of light and strong noise. The reasons for her appearance are as follows:

  1. Bad habits (smoking, excessivedrinking alcohol, malnutrition, and so on).
  2. Bad weather.
  3. Stress.
  4. Long sitting work.

Burning in this area, as a rule, appears several times a week. First of all, you should try a massage, which will greatly alleviate the burning sensation. If it does not help, then you will have to resort to drugs. Cold compresses on the back of the head are also effective. However, with persistent attacks, you should definitely visit a doctor (especially if nausea and vomiting also appear along with headaches).

burning from what
burning from what

Top of head

Often, the burning sensation at the top of the head appears unexpectedly. Causes are difficult to identify without additional symptoms. Most often this happens after a physical injury, so it is worthwhile to conduct an MRI of the brain. Although sometimes people have similar pain due to emotional stress and stress.


Also, the cause of burning in the parietal part of the head may be a migraine, the exact causes of which are still unknown. It can be both acquired and hereditary. For example, various foods can cause it. You need to monitor the diet and understand if it affects the condition of the head. Although the signs of migraine are not easy to identify due to its variety, even in this case a classified physician can help. Fight a migraine with light massage and exercise. But before massaging certain areas of the body and doing exercises, it is important to find out exactly the reason so as not to harm yourself even more.degree.


So, we looked at the causes of burning scalp and treatment. Summing up this article, we can come to certain conclusions. If you have a burning sensation in the head, you should go to the doctor when:

  1. Burning accompanied by additional symptoms. These are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, insomnia and so on.
  2. These symptoms last more than one week.
  3. Medicines do not help for a long time.
  4. There was a head injury. Probably, the area of the brain is seriously damaged and additional studies are required.
  5. burning and pain
    burning and pain

The causes of a burning sensation in the head can be significant. Tracking the data and other symptoms, it is definitely worth visiting a doctor for relief from discomfort and constant burning in the head.
