Candidiasis urethritis is localized in the urethra at a time when the immunity of its walls is very low. In this case, it turns out that infection of the urethra occurs regularly. The fungus can penetrate the skin, from the intestinal tract, but more often during sexual intercourse.
The main reason for the development of candidal urethritis is the appearance of the Candida fungus in the body and its successful development under favorable circumstances. It is usually difficult for fungi to defeat a he althy body, the infection begins to develop against the background of a weakened immune system.

Reducing the defenses of the urethra can be caused by the following reasons:
- transferred stress;
- presence of bad habits;
- congenital or acquired diseases of the immune system;
- violation of the intestinal microflora;
- promiscuous intercourse;
- allergic reactions;
- disruptions in the endocrine system caused by taking antibiotics or hormones;
- among men the main cause of fungalinfection is considered promiscuous with frequent changes of partners, without the use of protection measures.

What else influences development?
Other factors affecting the development of the disease are:
- intensive hormonal therapy, long-term antibiotics;
- abuse of sweets, flour products, foods high in starch;
- obesity;
- anticancer therapy while taking cytotoxic drugs;
- diabetes mellitus;
- dysbacteriosis;
- avitaminosis;
- hormonal disorders caused by age-related changes.
Candida urethritis occurs in both sexes. Due to the difference in the structure of the genital organs, the symptoms in men and women may differ. Next, consider the manifestations of the pathology in more detail, depending on the gender of the patient.
For men
Thus, men have the following symptoms that indicate the presence of a fungal infection:
- When urinating, there are cramps, burning and itching.
- The head of the penis is red and swollen.
- The head itself is covered with a light white coating.
- Possible discharge from the urethra in the form of white mucus.
- Frequent urination, constant feeling of full bladder.
- The penis becomes very sensitive.
- Sharp pain during intercourse.

In women, the symptoms of candidal urethritis are less pronounced, appearing as follows:
- Itching and burning in the urethra.
- Curdy white or light yellow vaginal discharge that increases in the morning and during intercourse.
- Vagina covered with permanent white coating.
- Itching in the anus, inner thighs, in the vagina.
There are also common sensations in men and women with a fungal infection of the genital organs. These are pains in the lower abdomen with increased physical activity, pain during urination, white plaque on the genitals, burning in the urethra.

Candida urethritis is a disease in which the fungus affects the urogenital area. You can diagnose candidiasis yourself if you have the following symptoms:
- Mild to moderate pain when urinating.
- With an increase in physical activity, pain in the lower abdomen periodically occurs.
- Vaginal discharge of white or light yellow cheesy discharge that increases in the morning and during intercourse.
- A cheesy coating can be observed on the genital external organs.
- Genital area feels burning.
- Vagina, anus and inner thighs feel itchy.
Such symptoms can indicate many diseases, so in order to more accurately diagnose the disease, you need to gosurvey.
Medical diagnosis
Examination for the diagnosis of candidal urethritis in women and men includes the following activities:
- Examination by a gynecologist.
- Examination with a ureteroscope of the urethra.
- Complete blood and urine tests.
- Taking a smear to study the pathogenic flora and identify the pathogen.
- Bacteriological culture.
- In some cases, a histological examination is possible, when a scraping is taken from the affected tissue.
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs for some indications.
All these activities will help not only to identify the disease, but also the pathogen, prescribe a more correct treatment.

Medicated treatment
Urethritis is a fairly common problem in urology that requires a balanced approach to treatment. This is especially true of the candidal form of the disease, which most often occurs against the background of a decrease in the body's defenses (acquired immunodeficiency).
Treatment of candidal urethritis in women and men should be comprehensive and include the following areas:
- Etiotropic treatment (antifungal drugs).
- Pathogenetic therapy (detoxification).
- Symptomatic therapy (antipyretics for fever over 38.5 °C, analgesics, antihistamines).
- Local therapy (antiseptics, hygiene measures, antifungal ointments, suppositories, etc.)e.).
An important condition for taking antimycotic drugs: for a complete cure and to obtain the desired result, medicines must be taken strictly at the appointed time. Therapy is carried out taking into account the sensitivity of fungi of the genus Candida to antifungal drugs. Among the substances that are widely used as therapy are clotrimazole, fluconazole, nystatin, levorin, amphotericin B.
The principles of treatment of acute candidal urethritis in men and women are as follows.
Mild degree can be limited only to local therapy: in males, this is instillation (washing) of the urethra with antiseptic solutions (furacillin), clotrimazole 1% cream topically 2-3 times a day. Course 14 days. Women use baths with decoctions of herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect (chamomile), a weak solution of potassium permanganate, antibiotic suppositories in the vagina or rectum.

Moderate and severe degrees require complex treatment: the combination of local and systemic etiotropic therapy. Fluconazole orally according to the scheme: 150 mg on the first day, then 50 mg 1 time per day for another 7 days.
Principles of treatment of chronic candidal urethritis. Treatment has stages:
- first stage - relief of acute manifestations;
- second stage - maintenance therapy (after acute events have been resolved).
The first stage. The duration of the course is 14 days. Drug regimens are the same as for acute urethritis.
Second stage. Duration - six months. Fluconazole orally 150 mg 4 timesper month (once a week). Immunomodulatory drugs ("Timalin", "Ribomunil", "Timogen"), vitamin-mineral complexes are added to the treatment regimen.
Features of treatment of pregnant women with candidal urethritis: the use of funds for local treatment. At the beginning of the gestational period of pregnancy, natamycin is prescribed in vaginal suppositories, 100 mg 1 time per day. Course 4-6 days; in the second half of pregnancy, clotrimazole is allowed in the form of a vaginal tablet 100 mg 1 time per day. Course 7 days.
A he althy lifestyle, a rational fortified diet, adherence to hygiene measures and a culture of sexual behavior contribute to a quick recovery and the prevention of such cases of the disease.

Folk treatment
With candidal (fungal) urethritis, appropriate drug therapy in combination with the use of proven folk remedies and methods of treatment give persistent positive results. Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs are designed to relieve the symptoms of candidal urethritis, including relieve discomfort during urination, reduce pain, they help relieve inflammation and weaken the influence of harmful bacteria, strengthen the human immune system.
The following are the most effective and affordable folk remedies and methods used for urethritis, namely:
- In order to get rid of unpleasant sensations during urination (itching, cramps), lime decoction is used (a spoonful of crushedplants are brewed with a glass of boiling water, heated over a fire and infused for at least half an hour). Taken in a glass before meals twice a day.
- Diuretic and antimicrobial properties has a medicinal plant couch grass creeping. The decoction is prepared from the crushed roots of the plant (two spoons are poured into a glass of cold water, insisted for a day, drained, then boiled water is added and brewed). Consume half a glass half an hour before meals twice a day.
- Strengthens the immune system, has an antibacterial and diuretic effect, has a decoction of crushed and boiled blackcurrant leaves. You can take such a decoction even in the form of ordinary tea, the use of fresh currant berries will enhance its effect.
- Effective for maintaining the general condition of the body, and is also a natural diuretic decoction of parsley. For greater efficiency, the crushed leaves are poured with milk and "stewed" in the oven until the volume is halved. In addition, a recipe is known when a spoonful of chopped parsley is poured with plain cold water and insisted for at least ten hours in a warm room. Parsley leaf juice is also used (to soften the therapeutic effect, it can be diluted, for example, with carrot juice).
- With candidal urethritis, an infusion of cornflower flowers is often used (one spoonful of flowers is poured into a glass of hot water and infused for two hours). The remedy is taken before meals throughout the day.
- A good effect in relieving itching, burning sensation is achieved by drinking soothing teas based on medicinal herbs such as mint andMelissa.
All folk remedies are used after consultation with a doctor, who can also suggest the duration of the course of treatment.