Fracture of the big toe: symptoms. Do I need a cast for a broken big toe?

Fracture of the big toe: symptoms. Do I need a cast for a broken big toe?
Fracture of the big toe: symptoms. Do I need a cast for a broken big toe?

Fractured big toe is a common occurrence. The phalanges of the limbs are vulnerable to many external influences, and are also subjected to constant pressure from the weight of a person. From the materials of this article, you will learn what symptoms this pathology accompanies and how long it takes to treat it.

The structure of the finger joint and its main functions

Toes are an integral part of the locomotor apparatus in the human body. Together with the foot, they hold the weight of the body, make it possible to move around, while helping to maintain balance.

Each toe consists of several small bones, which are otherwise called phalanges. They are connected to each other by movable joints, which makes it possible to bend and unbend the fingers.

Limbs are a vulnerable part of the human body, which is most often subjected to fractures. In most cases, the big toe is affected. It differs from the rest in that it has only two phalanxes instead of the prescribed three. Inwhile walking, the thumb experiences the main load. The probability of getting a fracture increases several times. When traumatized, blueing and swelling usually spread to the entire foot.

big toe fracture
big toe fracture

Fractured big toe: photo, features

When a finger is broken, the unity of the bone tissue is broken. It can be complete and partial, as well as pathological and traumatic. Pathological ones occur against the background of bone destruction by any diseases. These include the following: tumor, tuberculosis, osteoporosis, osteomyelitis. All these ailments reduce the strength of the bone and make it brittle. The most common fractures are those resulting from trauma.

Fracture of the big toe has some features. Pathology is accompanied by a characteristic clinical picture. At the same time, this finger is the largest, so it has the maximum load when moving. Next, we will consider the main symptoms of this pathology and methods of its treatment.

do I need a cast to break my big toe?
do I need a cast to break my big toe?

What are the signs of injury?

Manifestations of a fracture of the big toe can be relative and absolute. In the first case, one can only assume the presence of an injury. With absolute symptoms, there is no doubt.

Relative signs of injury include:

  • sharp pain;
  • damaged area swells;
  • limb function is impaired;
  • the possibility of hemorrhage undernail;
  • pain when moving the finger.

The intensity of manifestation of relative symptoms directly depends on the location of the fracture. The clinical picture is especially pronounced when the main phalanx is injured, which communicates directly with the bones of the foot.

The leg quickly swells and becomes bluish. The painful discomfort that accompanies this pathology usually does not allow the victim to fully lean on the limb. Often, an open fracture of the big toe is complicated due to damage to the skin and infection. In this case, the person has clear signs of intoxication of the body.

broken toe symptoms
broken toe symptoms

The difference between a fracture and a bruise

With a severe bruise, the clinical picture may be the same as with a fracture. It is possible to distinguish one pathology from another by absolute signs:

  • unnatural foot position;
  • there is abnormal mobility in the area of the fracture;
  • characteristic sound when pressed, similar to a crunch.

These signs indicate a broken big toe. Trauma symptoms should alert and be a reason to go to the hospital.

What types of fractures occur?

To determine the most effective treatment regimen, it is important to determine the type of injury. When the skin is damaged, when the wound and the bone itself are visible, we are talking about an open fracture. In this case, the risk of infection of the affected area increases,therefore, medical attention is required immediately. After applying an aseptic bandage, the victim must be immediately taken to a traumatologist.

Closed fracture of the big toe is characterized by the absence of visible damage. There are no special difficulties in the treatment.

Displacement is usually observed when a force is applied to a bone that provoked an injury. Often, patients experience pinched nerves, blood vessels, or muscles. To restore the full anatomical shape of the finger, it is necessary to compare the fragments. When a bone is crushed and fragments penetrate the wound, the fracture is called comminuted.

fracture with dislocation of the big toe
fracture with dislocation of the big toe

First aid for a fracture

When a toe is injured, assistance should be provided to the victim in the first minutes, even before the arrival of doctors. Further fusion of the bone directly depends on this. The patient needs to ensure complete rest, try not to disturb the damaged area and exclude stress. Ice or a cold compress should be applied to the fracture site. To ease pain and reduce swelling, you can slightly raise the leg.

An open fracture of the big toe only requires wound disinfection and bandaging. You can also give the victim an anesthetic ("Ibufen", "Aspirin", "Ketanov"). These drugs are in every home medicine cabinet.

Diagnostic measures

Injuries and mechanical damage to limbs are often asymptomatic, for example, when talking about a fracture without displacement. In such cases, the person usuallyignores pain and does not pay enough attention to it due to being unaware of damage.

Sometimes victims are simply too lazy to seek qualified help and undergo an appropriate examination. The consequences of such neglect of one's own he alth can be serious complications (bone deformity, osteomyelitis, malunion).

In addition to the symptoms of trauma mentioned in the materials of this article, radiography of the foot in two projections is of great importance in diagnosis. With the help of this study, it is possible to recognize a fracture of the big toe with an accuracy of 99%. Radiography allows you to determine the exact localization of damage, which ultimately affects the quality of therapy.

More sophisticated ways of visualizing trauma (CT scan) are hardly used because they are not necessary and the cost of such studies is quite high.

closed fracture of the big toe
closed fracture of the big toe

Fracture treatment tactics

The specific treatment option is chosen by the doctor based on the nature of the injury. With an open fracture, there is a risk of infection of the wound. Pathology is often accompanied by suppuration and tetanus. These patients are given injections of antibiotics and anti-tetanus serum.

The closed version of the injury needs bone reposition, that is, the return of fragments to their anatomical place. A fracture with a displaced big toe requires the fragment to be placed in place and properly fixed. Otherwise, fusion may not occur correctly.

An intra-articular fracture requires surgery. During the operation, the doctor makes an open reposition of the debris and performs intra-articular fixation using special needles. The mobility of the affected joint is restored by about the eighth week. Throughout the entire period of treatment, it is recommended to support the body with vitamin therapy.

open fracture of the big toe
open fracture of the big toe

Fractured big toe: do I need a cast?

Even in ancient times, people believed that a diseased organ needed complete rest to recover. The bone is no exception. Its main function is to create support for the muscles. With fractures, complete immobilization of the bone can be considered a kind of equivalent of rest. Immobilization allows you to speed up and direct the process of regeneration of the damaged area in the right direction.

The patient is put on bandages, which are pre-moistened in a plaster solution. When applied to a limb, they take on its shape and remain until complete recovery. A plaster bandage is usually applied not only to the injured finger, but also to the foot and part of the lower leg. High immobilization is not entirely justified, as it seriously limits the mobility of the leg. On the other hand, in order to provide peace to the finger, it is necessary to immobilize the entire foot, and this is possible only with the help of a “boot” plaster bandage.

Sometimes immobilization is not required for patients diagnosed with a fractured big toe. Without gypsum, they do with bone cracks that heal on their own. Also in the category of exceptionsfall the first few days after surgical manipulations on the limb with a fracture of the finger, when the injury is a secondary pathology. In this case, there is a need for regular monitoring of the wound healing process. When signs of a successful recovery begin to appear, the leg is immediately put in a cast.

cast for broken big toe
cast for broken big toe

Rehabilitation after a fracture

For six weeks after the injury, it is necessary to protect the injured finger from stress and try not to overexert it. Long walks, sports are contraindicated.

The rehabilitation period includes physiotherapy, special gymnastics and therapeutic massage. It is recommended to diversify the diet with foods rich in protein and calcium.

Some patients complain of discomfort when wearing a cast for a long time. This condition must simply be endured so that the bones grow together correctly. Gypsum with a fracture of the big toe should not be wetted or attempted to be removed on your own.


To avoid broken toes, doctors advise wearing comfortable shoes with stable soles. You should also exclude from the diet foods that “wash out” calcium from the body. These include sweet soda, coffee, and alcoholic beverages. Nutrition should be as balanced as possible. Particular attention is recommended to be paid to foods containing calcium (beans, cabbage, carrots, rye bread). In case of pathologies of bone tissue, it is recommended to undergo regular examinations. Such simple stepsprevention can prevent fractures, significantly improve the quality of life and stay he althy at the same time.
