Entamoeba gingivalis, or oral amoeba lives in the oral cavity (on the teeth, palate tonsils, in the alveoli, in dental plaque) and belongs to the protozoan parasites. As a rule, this microorganism feeds on fungi and bacteria and reaches 60 micrometers in length. Gingival amoeba develops in people suffering from various pathologies of the oral cavity, for example, caries. Treatment of the parasite is carried out in combination with the treatment of other diseases and consists of topical medications, rinses and oral medications.
Life cycle of a mouth amoeba
Basically, only humans can be the host of a microorganism. Sometimes the gingival amoeba is found in the mouths of horses, cats and dogs, as well as in monkeys living in zoos. It should be noted that the life cycle of the parasite consists only of the trophozoite stage. Sometimes Entamoeba gingivalis develops a single pseudopod, but more often than not, pseudopodia act as a means of locomotion.

Reproduction of the parasite occurs by simple nuclear fission - two daughter cells are formed from one mother cell. The parasite is incapable of living outside the oral cavity. The structure of the oral amoeba allows it to pass into the stage of a cyst under adverse factors. At this moment, it becomes covered with a strong shell and draws in pseudopodia.
How can you get infected
Infection with gingival amoeba occurs by airborne droplets, that is, the parasite can enter the body along with microscopic droplets of mucus and saliva during coughing or sneezing. Oral amoeba infection can also occur when sharing a toothbrush, kissing, or eating food from the same dish with an infected person.
Experts believe that Entamoeba gingivalis is not a parasitic microorganism, but still it is often found in inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

With a weakened immune system, the amoeba provokes diseases such as gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis and other pathologies of the oral mucosa. As a rule, such diseases affect children at an early age. Recently, cases of oral amoeba infection have been increasingly recorded in adults.
After infection with the parasite, a small round sore appears soon on the mucous membrane of the mouth. In appearance, it is surrounded by a halo, and in the central part a white film is clearly visible. During this period, an unpleasant burning sensation appears in the mouth, and the infected places turn red and swell. Sometimes when infectedbody temperature may rise, gums may bleed, and salivation may increase. With stomatitis, eating becomes problematic, as chewing food brings pain, and bad breath appears from the mouth.
Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums without disturbing the integrity of the connection between the teeth and the gum tissue. This process is most often caused by the oral amoeba. As a rule, the disease appears with a decrease in immunity. Most often, the parasite causes gingivitis in preschool children who put toys and dirty fingers in their mouths. Also, the disease can be a secondary complication of caries. If the pathology is not treated, there is a high risk of periodontitis and tooth loss.

Gingivitis can occur in both acute and chronic forms. Exacerbation most often occurs in autumn and winter. You should know that the acute stage occurs against the background of inflammation and swelling of the gums, most often blood oozes at the site of the lesion. During a severe form of the disease, necrotic tissue damage, as well as ulcers, can form. As a rule, the patient experiences pain in the gums, bad breath appears, and body temperature may rise.
This disease, provoked during the developmental cycle of the oral amoeba, most often appears in adults. Glossitis is characterized by a change in the structure of the language. It becomes soft, enlarges and changes color from pink to burgundy. Patients experience severe burning and pain when swallowing and chewing food. In some cases, the tongue swells so much that it becomes difficult to breathe. The main signs of the disease are;
- increased salivation;
- reduction or loss of taste;
- plaque on the tongue;
- not feeling well;
- fatigue.
Laboratory tests are done to determine involvement in the oral amoeba disease. To do this, take a swab from the oral cavity, as well as scraping from the teeth. After that, a study is carried out under a microscope of biological material. If necessary, additional serological testing can be carried out.

To get rid of the microorganism, you need to see a doctor. After passing all the tests and confirming the presence of an oral amoeba, the specialist prescribes the appropriate therapy. Treatment of the disease includes the use of topical preparations and special rinses. Folk remedies are often used: infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants.
The duration of treatment depends on personal hygiene during therapy. During the course of treatment, it is necessary to constantly clean the teeth and tongue from plaque. During this period, it is not recommended to eat solid and hot dishes. As medicines use: "Chlorhexidine", a solution of potassium permanganate and "Furacilin".
Rotokan is used to disinfect the mouth, and Iruxol is used to treat ulcers. If the patient complains aboutpainful sensations, "Anestezin", "Lidocaine" and similar drugs are prescribed. Modern pharmacology produces many gels and sprays that can effectively fight the parasite.

It must be understood that self-treatment of oral diseases caused by oral amoeba can lead to negative consequences, up to tooth loss. Therefore, when the first signs appear, you should consult a doctor.
Folk remedies
The first recipe. Mix thirty grams of chamomile and sage with twenty grams of celandine and bay leaves, pour boiling water over the mixture and insist for two hours. Use as a mouth rinse in the morning and evening.
Second recipe. A healing decoction that helps relieve burning sensation: thirty grams of oak bark, calamus root and nettle leaves, pour half a liter of cold water and bring to a boil over low heat. Boil for half an hour, then add a tablespoon of sage and strain, after insisting 10 minutes. Rinse the decoction in your mouth three times a day.

Third recipe. One tablespoon of colza, eucalyptus leaves and calendula flowers, pour three glasses of water and boil for twenty minutes. After cool. Rinse the mouth with decoction after eating. This remedy has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Gingival amoeba causes unpleasant diseases of the oral cavity. With properly formulated therapy, the parasite is easily treatable. Self-medication is notrecommended, it may lead to serious complications.