Symptoms of mushroom poisoning can be very different. It is not always that patients experience only digestive disorders, because the toxins contained in these products can affect the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
Because these situations are considered very common, many people are looking for more information. What are the symptoms and signs of mushroom poisoning? After how many hours do the first "bells" appear? How to help a person in a similar situation? What methods of treatment does medicine offer? What are the consequences of poisoning? The answers to these questions are important.
Why does poisoning occur?

Poisoning is the result of eating poisonous mushrooms. Symptoms and disorders from various organ systems are associated with the fact that dangerous toxins that are contained in these products (muscarine, psilocybin,beocystin, phallocin).
Incorrectly prepared foods also pose a potential threat. For example, poisoning with s alted mushrooms is quite possible. Symptoms in this case may be less pronounced, but the person still needs help. It is worth remembering that these gifts of the forest can be stored raw for no longer than 18-24 hours (in the refrigerator). After this time, the mushrooms begin to rot, resulting in the formation of toxins, even if we are talking about edible products.
It is worth noting that the fungus is a kind of sponge - dangerous substances accumulate in its body from the soil, water and air (for example, s alts of heavy metals). That is why you should not collect them near railways, factories, chemical industries.
Mushroom poisoning: how long does it take for symptoms to appear?
This is a fairly popular product that appears in every kitchen from time to time. And unfortunately, not every housewife can distinguish edible raw materials from potentially dangerous ones. What are the first symptoms and signs of mushroom poisoning? How long does it take for the first violations to appear?
Actually, it all depends on the type of toxin and the amount of mushrooms eaten. For example, after a pale toadstool enters the human digestive system, the first signs appear after 5-6 hours, and after fly agaric after 60 minutes. In any case, if poisoning occurs, it will manifest itself within the next 12 hours.
Mushroom poisoning: symptoms and signs

In the firsta few hours a person can feel quite normal. But as the toxins spread throughout the body, the clinical picture becomes very characteristic. What disorders can be observed in mushroom poisoning? Symptoms and signs in this case are varied:
- First of all, as a rule, there are violations of the digestive system. Poisoning is characterized by severe nausea and vomiting. Vomit often acquires the consistency and color of coffee grounds. Symptoms include cramping abdominal pain. Frequent loose stools are observed - bowel emptying sometimes occurs 20-25 times a day. Blood may be seen in the stool.
- Toxins contained in mushrooms often affect the nervous system. For example, after eating fly agaric, motor excitation and hallucinations are often observed. The list of symptoms also includes lethargy, unexplained restlessness, fainting.
- Possible damage to the circulatory system, which is accompanied by increased heart rate, a sharp decrease in blood pressure.
- Symptoms indicative of damage to the kidneys and liver are often observed. Some patients note a decrease in the amount of urine. Possible development of liver and kidney failure.
Toadstool poisoning

As already mentioned, the clinical picture largely depends on the type of toxin that has entered the body. Pale grebe is by far one of the most dangerous mushrooms. The poison it contains isdecomposes during heat treatment and is insensitive to acids, so the product retains its properties even after conservation. According to studies, 30 mg of poison is enough to kill a person.
The first symptoms of poisoning are severe headaches, a sharp deterioration in vision. Then there is a strong, repeated vomiting, pain in the abdomen. Patients complain of weakness, increased thirst. Perhaps the appearance of convulsions, the disappearance of the voice. Severe dehydration leads to the cessation of urine output. Human skin becomes covered with sticky sweat, limbs become cold, body temperature drops to 35 degrees. The pulse is hard to feel, the cyanosis of the skin appears.
After 2-3 days after eating mushrooms, kidney and liver failure develops. Poisoning often ends in a coma. The death rate is high at 90%.
Eating fly agarics: signs of poisoning

Amanita contains various dangerous substances, including fly poison, mycoatropine, muscarine.
Symptoms of poisoning with this type of mushroom appear quickly - after 30-90 minutes. At first, you can observe pain in the abdomen, however, not as intense as after eating pale toadstool. The list of symptoms also includes severe diarrhea, profuse vomiting. Possible increased sweating, significant pupillary constriction, salivation.
Toxins contained in fly agaric affect the nervous system. There is a sharp drop in blood pressure, activation of secretionin the bronchi, breathing problems. Excitation is replaced by dizziness, a feeling of depression, delirium, hallucinations, inexplicable attacks of aggression. If the patient was not provided with timely assistance, a coma is possible
It is worth noting that children, the elderly, patients with a weak heart and kidney disease die more often from such poisoning.
Line poisoning
These small, sinuous-capped, brittle-fleshed, and pleasant-smelling mushrooms are the source of many poisons, including gelvellic acid and some neurotoxins.
The first signs appear after about 6-10 hours. Patients suffer from severe nausea, general deterioration of well-being, abdominal pain. As the toxins spread, indomitable vomiting and a severe headache appear. Some people also suffer from frequent stools.
In severe poisoning, the patient develops jaundice of varying severity. At the same time, the volume of the liver increases, palpation in the region of the right hypochondrium is accompanied by pain. Helvellic acid has hemolytic properties - it destroys red blood cells, resulting in anemia. If left untreated, poisoning can result in the development of cardiovascular insufficiency.
Poisoning with conditionally edible mushrooms: features of the clinical picture
If we are talking about eating false honey mushrooms, false nigella and other mushrooms with burning milky juice, then the symptoms of poisoning are not so pronounced. People suffer from cutting pains in the abdomen. There is diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Perhaps the appearance of weakness, drowsiness.
It is worth noting that poisoning with these types of mushrooms is not so dangerous. As a rule, the symptoms disappear on their own after 1-2 days. Nevertheless, you still need to see a doctor - you can’t risk your he alth.
First Aid

You already know what the symptoms of mushroom poisoning can be, after what time they make themselves felt. If you suspect intoxication of the body or when the first signs appear, you should urgently call a doctor. Under no circumstances should the symptoms be ignored. As food is digested, more and more toxins enter the human bloodstream.
Something you can do yourself. You should try gastric lavage. At home, this is not so difficult to do - a person needs to drink at least 1.5 liters of warm liquid in small sips. This procedure will help induce vomiting (to quickly achieve the effect, you just need to press your fingers on the root of the tongue). Instead of water, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is sometimes used.
Vomiting should not be induced in the elderly, patients with hypo- and hypertension, pregnant women. Until the arrival of the doctor, the patient should continue to give non-carbonated mineral water. The use of food, as well as any drugs (for example, antiemetics, anti-inflammatory, painkillers), is contraindicated.
It is important to keep the remnants of food that poisoned a person - it must be transferred to a doctor. This will help determine the type of toxin and make moreeffective treatment regimen.
What not to do?
If a person has symptoms of mushroom poisoning, he needs help (the recommendations were described above). But there are things that cannot be done. For example, if the patient is unconscious or semi-conscious, do not attempt to induce vomiting as the vomit may be inhaled.
Contrary to popular belief that toxins can be neutralized and / or removed from the body with alcohol, drinking alcohol in this case is contraindicated. It is impossible to ignore the symptoms, self-medicate and hope that the violations will disappear on their own - it is very important to see a doctor immediately, because the consequences of poisoning can be terrible.
Medicated treatment

Therapy in a hospital setting directly depends on what symptoms of mushroom poisoning are present in the patient. The type of toxin that has entered the body, the time elapsed since its use, as well as the general condition of the patient are taken into account.
- First of all, gastric lavage is carried out - this will help cleanse the digestive system of the remnants of fungi and toxins present there.
- In addition, patients are prescribed sorbents in the first few days, in particular White Coal, Enterosgel, Smecta. These drugs help bind, neutralize and remove toxic substances from the body.
- If the patient does not have symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, thenthe doctor may prescribe laxatives - this will help clear the intestines from the remnants of dangerous food.
- In the future, symptomatic therapy is carried out. If respiratory arrest occurs, then patients are given drugs containing atropine.
- In the presence of an inflammatory process and severe fever, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, are indicated.
- Vomiting and diarrhea are accompanied by fluid loss, which can lead to dehydration. In order to provide the body with water and the necessary s alts, Regidron and other solutions of a similar action are administered intravenously.
- When it comes to poisoning with the most dangerous species of fungi, sometimes a patient needs a blood transfusion, intravenous administration of glucose and insulin, hemodialysis to cleanse the blood of toxins.
These are the therapeutic measures that are possible with mushroom poisoning. Symptoms and treatment, as is often the case in medical practice, are closely related. Therefore, the doctor needs to describe his condition in as much detail as possible (or, if the patient does not have such an opportunity, this should be done by relatives).
Recovery period
If the symptoms of mushroom poisoning have been eliminated, then in the first few days (and sometimes weeks) the patient will need time to recover. Recommended bed rest, minimum physical activity.
Diet is extremely important. The body should receive enough nutrients, but along with this, food should be easily digested andbe digested. The diet includes light soups, boiled or stewed vegetables (necessarily chopped, preferably in the form of mashed potatoes), some fruits. Gradually, other dishes can be added to the menu. But alcohol, smoked meats, fatty, fried and spicy foods should be abandoned.
Prevention: what you need to know?

You already know what the main symptoms and signs of mushroom poisoning are. It is much better to try to protect yourself than to deal with the consequences of intoxication later. There are no specific means that can protect against poisoning, as well as a sure way to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible ones. Therefore, experts recommend following several rules:
- Never pick or buy mushrooms unless you are sure they are safe.
- Don't taste raw mushrooms unless you're sure they're edible.
- The collected products must be thoroughly washed and cleaned.
- Follow the technology of cooking mushrooms (some varieties need to be boiled several times).
- Remember that raw foods like this should not be stored longer than 18-24 hours.
- Don't pick mushrooms that grow in ecologically polluted areas, near industries, factories or roadways.
Consequences of poisoning and forecasts
You already know the damage that can result from eating poisonous mushrooms. Symptoms of poisoning, first aid, methods of treatment in a hospital are,Definitely important information. It is worth noting that if the patient was taken to the hospital on time, received adequate care and received appropriate treatment, then the likelihood of a full recovery is very high.
Unfortunately, delay in this case is really like death. Toxins contained in mushrooms sometimes quickly spread throughout the body, affecting certain systems. In severe cases, the kidneys and liver are so damaged that it is almost impossible to restore their normal functioning - patients need a transplant. Fly agaric poisoning leads to the death of a person in about 50% of cases. The probability of death after eating pale grebe is even higher - up to 90%.
That is why it is worthwhile with all possible responsibility to choose and prepare the gifts of the forest. Having noticed the first symptoms of mushroom poisoning, you should immediately call an ambulance.