Quite natural natural processes invariably leave their mark on the human body. The warm summer has been replaced by a rather cold season - autumn, when you need to wear not only warmer clothes, but also appropriate shoes. Feet feel the change very well, because loose and light sandals are replaced by tight, insulated shoes.

Almost the whole day the skin of the feet is in a closed space, which does not allow it to breathe, causes irritation, sweating, constantly cramped condition, as a result - ingrown calluses. What it is, how to cope with such an ailment and what preventive measures a person should take to prevent this from happening, we will analyze in this article.
Ingrown corn is a seal of various sizes that occurs due to a large accumulation of dead cells in one place. This type of callus does not occur spontaneously, as happens when rubbing with uncomfortable shoes, but with prolonged unpleasant pressure on the same area. A neglected ingrown corn spreads deep into the tissue of the skin and causes a lot of inconvenience to itsowner. These include pain, discomfort when wearing shoes and, of course, an unpleasant appearance. Most often, an ingrown callus appears on the big toe or little finger, and also on the sole.
Especially painful and "inaccessible" is the callus on the heel. Not only are the sensations not entirely comfortable, but it is also the most difficult to cure, so it is better not to delay the start of the procedures.

Before contacting specialists, you can muffle the discomfort a little by bandaging the corns or gluing a special patch to the affected area, which can be found in any pharmacy. At home, it is better not to wear a bandage - let the skin rest, and you can do several procedures to soften the callus, for example, a s alt bath. In general, if an ingrown callus is not new, that is, it occurs systematically in different places, it is necessary to visit a pedicure salon at least once a month.
How to get rid of such a scourge forever? In general, ingrown calluses can be treated with both pharmaceutical and folk remedies - whoever likes what. In addition to the corn plasters, which have already been mentioned above, there are also corn pads, sponges or felt rings and other quite effective means. After taking baths with salicylic acid, it is necessary to treat the area with rough skin with a pumice stone, removing all those particles that are possible. Subsequently, you can do a foot massage with aromatic oils or treat the affected, but already cleaned area with castor oil or lanolin.

In general, with a running variant of an ingrown callus, it is better to contact a specialist who will quickly and painlessly remove the annoying sore. But, as practice shows, with such problems, few people run headlong to the clinic, many are taken for self-treatment. If you have already started doing this, then do not retreat to the last, in the end, you will succeed.
As a preventive measure, it is advised to wear only comfortable, non-tight shoes, and to wear a corn patch from time to time.