Diseases and conditions
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Excessive stress, overweight and injury can cause pinching of the sciatic nerve. The symptoms and treatment of this disease are constantly being studied and adjusted
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If a kidney stone has formed, the symptoms of this disease may be pronounced or absent altogether. Treatment is carried out by a conservative or surgical method, the choice depends on the stage of development of the disease
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Increasingly, doctors are diagnosing fatty liver disease. The symptoms and treatment of this disease have long been studied. To identify it, it is necessary to pass tests, undergo an ultrasound examination, make a computed tomography
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You should not self-medicate if your kidneys hurt. A symptom that is initially regarded as renal colic may actually indicate another serious illness
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There is such a disease as enterobiasis. What it is? This is an infection caused by the penetration of parasites into the human body. The disease does not bypass either adults or children
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If you experience occasional numbness in your fingers or toes, tingling in your extremities, you should consider whether these signs are symptoms of paresthesia. This is not a harmless disease at all, so you should consult a doctor to eliminate it
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Injuries of the cervix of various origins can cause endocervicitis. What is this disease? This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. And if the disease is not recognized and treated in time, it will turn into a chronic form
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Some people get ingrown toenails. What to do? For help, you should contact a surgeon or a beauty salon. But it is not enough just to solve the problem, it is necessary to follow certain rules in the future in order to avoid relapse
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The disease of the stomach and duodenum is called "gastroduodenitis". Symptoms, treatment and prevention of this disease are constantly being studied and adjusted
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In medical practice, one often encounters chronic bronchitis. Its treatment is a rather lengthy process and requires an integrated approach. The disease most often flows into a chronic form in adults, as it is associated with the presence of progressive changes directly in the bronchial wall
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Many have probably heard of such an insidious disease as neuritis. What it is? What are the symptoms of the disease? How to treat neuritis? This will be discussed in the article
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The term "facial neuritis" refers to a pathological process characterized by inflammation of the seventh pair of cranial nerve fibers, or more precisely, one of them. Another name for the disease is Bell's palsy. The patient is not able to show emotions, he cannot even chew food normally. His face is asymmetrical and distorted. In most cases, the facial muscles fail only on one side. In 2% of cases, both parts are involved in the pathological process
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Information about what cholecystitis is. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of cholecystitis and chronic cholecystitis. Folk methods of dealing with the disease
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Information about how a medical compressor should be. Technical features and principle of operation of the medical air compressor. Types of equipment and their differences
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Information about what is normal for a person, which means a temperature of 36.9 °C. Other facts about this indicator. What to do if a person has a low body temperature - 36 degrees. Measurement methods
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The number of surgical interventions for the treatment of chronic calculous cholecystitis and the complications it causes is growing every year. In our country, the number of such operations annually reaches 150 thousand. Every third patient who has undergone cholecystectomy, that is, the removal of the gallbladder, has various disorders of an organic and functional nature from the biliary tract and related organs
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Anacid gastritis: manifestation of symptoms, diagnosis of the disease and methods of treatment. How to avoid the development of anacid gastritis, and whether it is dangerous for humans - first things first
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Infection with gonorrhea infection is a serious problem for a woman, because it can seriously impair reproductive he alth. Gonorrhea, treated only with antibiotics, is a highly contagious disease transmitted through sexual contact
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The bacterium Clostridium difficile lives in the body of every person. It has a tendency to intensive reproduction, and because of which it becomes dangerous, as it acquires pathogenic properties and causes certain diseases
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Pneumococcal meningitis is an extremely serious infectious disease accompanied by inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord and brain. In the presence of such a disease, it is very important to make a diagnosis in time and immediately begin treatment, since otherwise the development of complications up to death is not excluded
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How can you protect yourself from meningitis? Who should be especially concerned about its prevention? Where can I find out everything about possible vaccinations against this disease?
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An abscess on the skin (abscess) is an inflammatory process in soft tissues that occurs due to exposure to pyogenic flora and is characterized by the accumulation of purulent contents. Often, an abscess is observed in people with reduced immunity, mainly in young and old age
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Comedones are a type of cyst that forms on the skin of the face and body. Most often they are found on the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin. They are especially common in people with acne
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Medicinal plant grown by man, which helps with sore throat - what is it? After all, there are more than two dozen species used to treat sore throats. Folk remedies for the fight against angina will be discussed in the article
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“Royal disease” sounds quite harmless. But behind this simple name lies a huge problem. Few dare to see a doctor with a pathology, and in vain. The disease must be treated. One of the most radical ways is the removal of hemorrhoids
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In spring, summer, and autumn, being in a field or in a forest, in the areas of distribution of encephalitis ticks, it is necessary to take preventive protective measures to combat these blood-sucking insects, and also to know what a tick bite looks like, what symptoms are typical in case of infection with tick-borne encephalitis
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Hemorrhoids today is a common disease, which is an expansion of the veins of the rectum with the formation, and sometimes loss of such an inclusion as a hemorrhoid. Such a pathology has recently been often diagnosed in proctology, which is associated to a greater extent with a sedentary lifestyle of people
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Varicose veins of the lower extremities and small pelvis are increasingly affecting the younger generation. Women suffer from this disease somewhat less frequently than men. However, the prolapse of hemorrhoids is not exclusively a pathology of the stronger sex. The reasons for the appearance of formations can be an unhe althy lifestyle, a violation in nutrition and digestion, excessive physical exertion and sedentary work. This article will tell you about how to treat hemorrhoids
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If after walking through the forest you find a tick on your body, do not despair: just remove it and see a doctor
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Treatment of hematomas can be carried out independently, given their nature and location. For this, modern pharmacology and traditional medicine have many effective means
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Pityriasis versicolor is a disease that brings a person not only physical inconvenience, but also looks unaesthetic. Is it possible to get rid of lichen at home and what products can help with this?
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What is a bruise? We will talk about this in the presented article. Also in it you will find information about what degrees are inherent in such a painful condition
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What does ringworm look like on the head? This is a common question, so let's look into it in more detail. The concept of "lichen" hides a lot of different skin diseases. Some of these pathological processes are highly contagious and can be transmitted to humans from infected people or animals. This disease affects the skin on any part of the body, but lichen is most common on the head, arms, abdomen, legs and back
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Hematoma on the leg is a popular problem for many people. Most often, it occurs due to any mechanical damage: bruises, bumps or falls
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Cats are one of the most beloved pets, and their popularity is growing every year. Many happy owners of these wonderful animals are concerned about what temperature in cats is considered normal, how to measure it, and in case of illness, lower it. We will talk about this in the article
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When you stay in the sun for a long time or in a room with a high temperature regime, such as a bath or sauna, it is very important to know what are the signs of heat stroke in order to recognize it in time and provide assistance
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Heatstroke is a pathological condition of the body (child or adult), which occurs as a result of the detrimental effect on a person of too hot air, as well as solar (infrared) radiation
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What is intestinal obstruction? Symptoms, treatment and features of this disease will be presented below
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Reactive pancreatitis is a process that is a kind of response to a negative impact. There are many diseases that can cause disturbances in the functioning of the body. Examples of such conditions include inflammation of the stomach, intestines, the formation of stones in the gallbladder, as well as excessive addiction to alcohol
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Inflammation of the pancreas is an unpleasant and dangerous condition. In medicine it is called pancreatitis