Kidneys hurt - a symptom of problems in the body

Kidneys hurt - a symptom of problems in the body
Kidneys hurt - a symptom of problems in the body

Many patients complain that their kidneys hurt. This symptom most often reports problems in the body. Usually, urolithiasis manifests itself with such sensations. Abnormal mobility of the kidneys is also possible. Blockage of the ureter with blood clots (with a tumor) is not excluded.

kidney pain symptom
kidney pain symptom

In a woman's body, the kidneys support a layer of fat behind the peritoneum in which they reside. If a young lady strives for the parameters of a top model and is too slim, then there are very few or no fat cells in her body. The kidneys have nothing to securely "fix" in, and this is the reason for their mobility.

If the kidneys hurt, this symptom may signal a kink in the ureter. Thin people can face stagnation of urine and pinching of blood vessels, which ultimately becomes the cause of hypertension. The most vulnerable position in this regard is in the right kidney, since the liver exerts additional pressure on it. This type of hypertension is not treated with conventional medicines.

Standard recommendations for women

A little weight gain can often help with the problem. In such cases, doctors recommend not postponing the conception of a child, aswomen giving birth retroperitoneal fat becomes more. With weak abdominal muscles, doctors advise wearing a bandage, putting it on before getting out of bed in the morning. It is worth remembering that he alth is much more important than imaginary beauty and fashion, which leads to malfunctions in the body.

How to recognize that the kidneys hurt? A symptom that portends renal colic is an unpleasant bursting in the hypochondrium, the cause of which is interference with the free flow of urine. It may be a stone or blood clot in the duct, a kink in the ureter. Following the feeling of fullness, pain appears, comparable to a toothache in strength. Nausea and even vomiting may also be present. Urine with frequent urination comes out in very small doses, a few drops.

right kidney pain symptoms
right kidney pain symptoms

Emergency care does not allow the use of painkillers for colic in the kidneys! In this case, antispasmodics are indicated. For example, give the patient at the same time 4 tablets of the drug "No-shpa". The action of the antispasmodic relaxes the ureter, and the accumulated urine comes out into the opened duct, relief comes.

The right kidney hurts. Symptoms

Pain in the right kidney is more likely to indicate a blocked bile duct or appendicitis. In this case, no matter how the patient and his relatives are set, it is impossible to self-medicate. A blurry picture of the disease can cause errors in further diagnosis and irreparably harm he alth. In case of severe pain, you need to call an ambulance. Only a doctor will correctly establish what causedcolic, and prescribe effective treatment.

During pregnancy, renal colic has its own characteristics. They can cause acute pyelonephritis, urolithiasis. The pain is more strongly felt on the right side, gives to the thighs, genitals. Pregnant women should immediately consult a doctor. He will take action to prevent premature birth and alleviate the condition of the woman.

The left kidney hurts. Symptoms

If the left kidney hurts, primary treatment at home is possible. In this part of the body there is no gallbladder and appendix. In many cases, even folk remedies are effective.

left kidney pain symptoms
left kidney pain symptoms

The simplest thing is to take a hot bath, it will relieve the spasm. The preparations "No-shpa", "Baralgin" (injection or in tablets), 10 drops of the drug "Cistenal" will also help. Primary treatment should bring relief, but cannot eliminate the problem. A visit to the urologist in the near future is a must! If colic is repeated for a day or two, on the third day the pressure of urine damages the renal pelvis, the body temperature rises, pustules appear. Timely action is very important, hospitalization may be required. To eliminate the risk of bacteremic shock under the influence of the remaining toxins (those that are not excreted in the urine), antibiotics are not prescribed.

Don't self-diagnose if you feel your kidneys hurt. A symptom that was regarded as a sign of renal colic may actually be a signal of inflammation of the appendages in women, appendicitis,stomach ulcer, intestinal obstruction or other serious illness.

Don't forget about nutrition, which plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. With renal colic, a diet is used with the exception of s alty and smoked foods, legumes, liver and sausages, chocolate, strong tea, cocoa. Boiled and raw vegetables, lean soups, various cereals, fruit salads are shown as a he althy diet.
