Reactive pancreatitis: symptoms and treatment

Reactive pancreatitis: symptoms and treatment
Reactive pancreatitis: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the pancreas of a reactive type is a process that is a kind of response to a negative impact. There are many diseases that can cause disturbances in the functioning of the body. Examples of such conditions include inflammation of the stomach, intestines, formation of gallstones, and excessive drinking.

General information about the pathology

Reactive pancreatitis is a condition characterized by a sudden onset and an acute course. Its distinguishing feature is the rather rapid elimination of symptoms after the start of therapy. The duration of the patient's recovery depends on how timely the diagnosis and therapeutic measures are carried out.

Reactive type pancreatitis is accompanied by spasms inside the ducts of the gland. As a result of this process, the substances necessary for the digestion of food, which are produced by the body, are not released, but remain in its tissues. Enzymes break down the mucousshell, so painful symptoms occur.

human pancreas
human pancreas

Reactive pancreatitis itself has no code according to ICD-10. However, there are several varieties of this pathology. Experts divide it into types according to the characteristics of the course and the factors that caused the disease. Inflammatory processes of this kind occur in about thirty-five people out of 100,000 Russian citizens. Most patients with this diagnosis are the representatives of the stronger sex.

Varieties of pathology

Specialists distinguish between the following types of disease:

  1. Iatrogenic. Appears due to surgical interventions.
  2. Toxic. Occurs when poisoned.
  3. Traumatic - a pathology caused by mechanical damage to the abdominal cavity.
  4. System. Such pancreatitis is associated with malfunctions of various systems of the human body.
  5. Medication inflammatory process (appears due to the negative effects of drugs).
  6. Reactive pancreatitis, which develops as a result of various diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver or gallbladder.
  7. Pathology due to improper diet.

This condition is also divided into several types depending on the nature of the course. This is, first of all, the process of acute inflammation - K 85. There is also a form of chronic reactive pancreatitis KSD - K 86.

Factors that provoke the disease

What causes pathology? Inflammation of the pancreasgland appears as a result of influences that interfere with the normal functioning of the body. The main factors of this kind include the following:

  1. Wrong diet, eating unhe althy foods: fatty and s alty foods, a lot of spices, marinades, fast food, sweets. Dishes of this kind corrode the tissues of the digestive tract, which leads to violations.
  2. Addiction.
  3. alcoholic drinks
    alcoholic drinks

    The composition of alcohol-containing products and tobacco includes compounds that cause the development of reactive pancreatitis, symptoms of pathology.

  4. Drugs. If a person uses them in large quantities, without the supervision of a doctor, it harms the he alth of the pancreas. Especially this statement applies to funds aimed at combating harmful microbes, inflammation, vitamin supplements.
  5. Mechanical damage to the peritoneum, leading to disruption of tissue integrity.
  6. Strong emotional overload.
  7. Infectious bowel disease associated with microbial exposure.

A separate group of causes are various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels, viral pathologies.

Reactive pancreatitis is a very serious condition. It cannot be taken lightly. In the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment, dangerous consequences can occur. Death in the development of pathology occurs in about twenty percent of cases.


Talking about reactive pancreatitis, its symptoms and treatmentstate, it should be emphasized that at the beginning of its development it does not manifest itself clearly. As a result of this feature, the patient tries to eliminate discomfort on his own, without resorting to the help of specialists. However, the state of he alth of a person is rapidly deteriorating within a few hours. He is worried about nausea, a feeling of heaviness and pain in the abdominal cavity, heartburn, flatulence. Vomiting appears, consisting of particles of food, mucus and bile, as well as diarrhea. The temperature rises, which indicates the development of intoxication of the body. The patient loses his appetite, as the digestive system is not capable of absorbing and processing nutrients.

Unpleasant sensations are encircling. They become more intense directly after eating.

Types of pain

Reactive pancreatitis can cause various types of discomfort. Patients usually complain of a burning sensation in the upper part of the peritoneum. However, the type of pain depends on which part of the organ has undergone an inflammatory process.

abdominal pain
abdominal pain

With the development of pathology in the tail or head of the gland, a person feels discomfort under the ribs. If pancreatitis has affected the central part, the patient suffers from an unpleasant feeling in the upper abdomen.

Pain is slightly relieved when sitting. Vomiting does not make a person feel better. If the pathology is caused by violations of the work of other organs, it is accompanied by manifestations of major diseases. For example, with cirrhosis, edema is observed, the liver increases in size. Intestinal infection accompanied by diarrhea andfever, and disorders of the gallbladder function - with pain under the right rib.

It must be remembered that reactive pancreatitis in children is less pronounced than in adults.

Consequences that threaten the life of the patient

Lack of medical care, non-compliance with diet and medication rules can lead to the development of dangerous complications. One of the most severe is the necrosis of organ tissues, which is irreversible. If a person suffers from signs of reactive pancreatitis, the consequences can develop already on the first day of the disease. Among the most likely processes are the following:

  1. Inflammation of the peritoneum.
  2. Bleeding from the digestive organs.
  3. Shock.
  4. Purulent lesion of the abdominal space.
  5. Formation of channels between organs.

It should be remembered that the treatment of reactive pancreatitis must be carried out in a hospital setting. Only the constant supervision of a doctor and the therapy prescribed by him can protect the patient from dangerous consequences.

Causes of the development of pathology in children

In minors, the disease occurs due to various factors. These include respiratory tract infections, intoxication, the use of drugs that are aimed at combating microorganisms. Also, pathology can develop after damage to the peritoneum or as a result of an improper diet (overeating, a large amount of sweets, fatty, spicy foods, poisoning with spoiled dishes, skipping meals). Sometimes reactive pancreatitis in childrenyounger age results from defects in the pancreas that are present from birth.

Symptoms of the disease, characteristic of minors

The inflammatory process in this category of patients, as well as in adults, is associated with improper functioning of the organ and the production of substances necessary for digestion. Signs of pathology in babies are usually less pronounced than in older children.

A burning sensation in the abdomen is cause for alarm. An urgent need to contact a medical institution. After all, parents are not capable of establishing a diagnosis and conducting competent therapy.

child's urge to vomit
child's urge to vomit

When reactive pancreatitis in children, the symptoms are as follows:

  1. Gagging, after which the state of he alth does not improve.
  2. Yellowish skin tone.
  3. Light stools, dark urine.
  4. Heat temperature.
  5. Delay bowel movements (in some cases).
  6. Tearfulness, loss of appetite in infants.

What should parents do?

First of all, when symptoms of reactive pancreatitis appear, you need to call the ambulance service. Before the doctor arrives, the child is put to bed, a calm environment is provided.

If the little patient's condition is serious, the doctor sends him to the hospital. In the hospital, doctors carry out research, analysis and examination to clarify the causes of the disease.

child in the hospital
child in the hospital

Surgical intervention forthis pathology is not carried out. Therapy involves taking medications to make you feel better. These are drugs that help get rid of vomiting, discomfort, and so on.

After the end of treatment in the hospital, parents need to pay special attention to the child's diet. Proper nutrition plays an important role, since in case of non-compliance with the recommendations, there is a high probability of developing a chronic disease. If the baby attends a kindergarten or school, the mother and father must inform the teachers which foods can be consumed and which are strictly prohibited.

Diagnostic measures

When symptoms consistent with reactive pancreatitis occur, the patient is referred for evaluation.

referral of the patient for examination
referral of the patient for examination

It includes:

  1. Different types of analyzes of biological material (blood and urine).
  2. Assessment of the state of the digestive system using ultrasound.
  3. Research using a tomograph.
  4. Laparoscope insertion into the abdominal cavity.
  5. FGDS.
  6. Examination of the bile ducts using x-rays.


Speaking of such a disease as reactive pancreatitis, symptoms and treatment, it should be emphasized that therapy depends on the factors that caused the violation. For example, if there are stones in the gallbladder, an operation is performed, and in the presence of alcohol dependence, the patient is relieved of the consequences of ethanol poisoning.

In general, the funds are aimed at combatingspasms, discomfort and disorders of the functions of the gland. The patient is also prescribed drugs that promote the discharge of fluid and toxic compounds. Sometimes it is recommended to take drugs that destroy harmful microorganisms.

Treatment of reactive pancreatitis in children and adults involves a special diet. The patient is advised to eat five times a day, the food should be low-fat, steamed, chopped, pureed.

diet meat soup
diet meat soup

Foods with spices and a lot of s alt, soda, alcohol-containing products, strong coffee and chocolate are excluded. Meat and fish are better to choose lean varieties. Fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as sugar and pastries (cakes, waffles, pastries) should be strictly limited or even excluded. Useful foods for this disease include:

  1. First courses of cereals, such as rice.
  2. Beef patties, lean mashed meat.
  3. Omelets cooked in oven.
  4. Boiled fish and chicken.
  5. Crackers, biscuits.
  6. Fat-free yogurt.
  7. Pure vegetables.
  8. Compotes, kissels, unsweetened juices and herbal decoctions, mineral water without gas bubbles.
