“Royal disease” sounds quite harmless. But behind this simple name lies a huge problem. Few dare to see a doctor with this pathology, and in vain. The disease must be treated. One of the most radical ways is the removal of hemorrhoids. This is what will be discussed now.
A little about the disease
Before you start getting rid of the disease, you should know what kind of disease it is. Hemorrhoids - the most common disease, which is an abnormal expansion of the veins that pass through the tissues surrounding the anus. The disease can appear at any age. This is her cunning. According to statistics, every second person has some form of pathology.
Any stage of the disease creates physical and psychological discomfort. Treatment depends on a number of factors: the presence of concomitant diseases and complications, the stage of the disease and the age of the patient.

Getting rid of the disease is preceded by a complete medical examination. The exact stage of the pathology is determined and selectedthe best way to treat. The main thing is not to miss the moment when they will help:
- drugs;
- healing diets;
- gymnastics and exercises;
- traditional medicine and homeopathic medicines.
And you don't have to resort to surgery to remove hemorrhoids.
The most radical treatment for abnormal varicose veins is surgery. This method is used only if other means no longer help. Before agreeing to surgery, you should discuss all issues with your doctor. Be sure to ask the specialist why he decided that hemorrhoids should be removed surgically, what will be the postoperative period, what is the level of risk and prognosis.
Indications for treatment in this way are:
- Hemorrhoidal bleeding.
- Drop-down nodes.
- Danger of thrombosis.
The main task of surgical intervention is the removal of all, even the smallest nodes.
Currently, there are various modifications of this method of dealing with pathology. The surgeon will select one of them, based on the characteristics of the course of the disease. Let's get acquainted with these types of surgical intervention.
Sclerotherapy and infrared coagulation
Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive treatment. Used in the first or second stage of the disease and as a way to stop bleeding.
The essence of the method. Into the hemorrhoids with the help of a special syringe and an anoscope is introducedsclerosing agent. Under the influence of these agents, the vessels located in the nodes are replaced by connective tissue. Thanks to this method, the "balls" become smaller. They stop bleeding.
Infrared coagulation. In this case, to remove hemorrhoids, you will need a special device - a photocoagulator. The method is used to prevent bleeding. Using an anoscope, the tip of the light guide of the device is brought to the node (until direct contact). The flow of heat that moves along the light guide pulls the surface of the node.

Latex rings and cryotherapy
Ligation of hemorrhoids with latex rings. A vacuum or mechanical ligator is used. Thanks to the procedure, ninety percent of patients recover completely. A small operation to remove hemorrhoids is as follows: latex rings are put on the internal node. Two weeks later, it is rejected. In place of the knot, a stump remains, covered with connective tissue.
Cryotherapy. Most often, the operation is performed under local anesthesia. Liquid nitrogen is used. With the help of his cone is frozen. This will take no more than four minutes. When thawed, the node dies. A wound appears in its place. For its treatment, special drugs are used.
Such minimally invasive methods of surgical intervention have a significant drawback - they do not eliminate the cause of excess blood flow to the nodes.
Now let's move on to surgery. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia andrequires hospitalization.
Transanal resection
Transanal resection of the mucosa according to the Longo method. This method is an excellent alternative to conventional surgery. Its essence is the suturing of hemorrhoids. If surgery is performed according to the Longo method, then only a piece of mucous is removed, located slightly above the dentate line of the rectum.
After removal of hemorrhoids, the damaged mucosa is connected with titanium staples using the end-to-end method. It is impossible to say that the bump is removed in the truest sense of the word. She just pulls herself up. Blood flow to the hemorrhoidal veins deteriorates. Due to this, the nodes are greatly reduced in volume. Over time, they become empty and are closed by connective tissue.
This operation has a drawback. It lies in the fact that it cannot be used to treat external hemorrhoidal cones.
Hemorrhoidectomy and deserterization
Hemorrhoidectomy is a standard operation that is often used in surgery. Its essence is the radical removal of hemorrhoids. It is recommended in the presence of large external and internal hemorrhoids, which have symptoms - pain and itching. The lump is removed under general or local anesthesia.

There are two types of interference:
- Open - after complete removal of the wound on the rectum remains open.
- Closed - after removal of the bump, the mucosa is restored with sutures.
Patients need three to ten days to stay in the hospital after removing hemorrhoids. The postoperative period at home is two to four weeks.
Desarterization - the hemorrhoidal arteries are ligated. This method is the most painless and effective. It can be carried out both at the initial stage of the disease, and when it is running. Advantages - no wounds and bleeding, the rehabilitation period is short, ranging from four to five days.
A feature of this method is that the blood flow to the rectum is not disturbed, since only hemorrhoidal vessels are ligated.
Get rid of external hemorrhoids
If conservative treatment does not lead to positive results, the removal of external hemorrhoids is also carried out with the help of surgical intervention. This method is prescribed even if the external pathology is complicated by constant bleeding and thrombosis.
The operation is to remove blood clots from vessels or nodes. This procedure is carried out under general anesthesia, and the ectomy of blood clots is performed under local anesthesia. The duration of the operation is no more than an hour. Recovery after removal of hemorrhoids is long, about two weeks.
To get rid of the external lump, minimally invasive methods are also suitable, such as: laser coagulation, electrocoagulation, photocoagulation, cryodestruction. The advantage of these methods is a short recovery period. They are used only in the initial stages of the disease, when there are no cracks and thrombosis.
Laser removal
Laser coagulation is used at any stage of the disease. Thanks to her, you can get rid of internal, external hemorrhoids and thrombosis.
The advantage of removing hemorrhoids with a laser is the ability to excise and cauterize at the same time. The thermal effect of the beam folds the proteins and cauterizes the vessels. That is why this method is completely bloodless, the possibility of catching an infection is minimal. The procedure is much easier for patients than others.
During the operation, the beam removes (burns out) hemorrhoids in layers. Small wounds remain. They crust over after a while and then heal.
The outer bump is even easier to remove. The laser cuts the knot and immediately cauterizes the wound and blood vessels. Removal of hemorrhoids with a laser helps to avoid bleeding.
The procedure is carried out using a specialized high-tech device. It directs a stream of light with certain parameters to the varicose vein, empties its cavity. The vein begins to decrease, the blood flow in it stops.

During the operation, the surgeon can adjust the strength of the heat beam, its depth. This ensures the accuracy of the influence of the beam flow on the diseased area.
Preparation for surgery
Before the procedure, preparations are underway. The most important thing during this period is to make the correct diagnosis. To do this, the patient is examined: tests are taken, the presence of concomitant diseases, possible contraindications, and the risk of complications are determined. Hemorrhoidal nodes are thoroughly studied - their location, size, presence of cracks, blood clots, and so on.
Inspection in progressan anesthesiologist. He selects the type of painkiller and determines the risks that may arise during the operation.
Seven days before the procedure, you will have to go on a diet - preparation for the operation to remove hemorrhoids includes this event.
- Do not eat foods that cause bloating.
- We'll have to refrain from food indigestible.
- The menu should include a large amount of plant foods and dairy products.
A cleansing enema is given before the operation, but a laxative is given before it.
Post-operative period
Now let's talk about how the rehabilitation period proceeds after the removal of hemorrhoids. Discomfort, pain are the companions of any operation, but already on the fourth day the patient begins to feel better. Most often, after a week, the patient can gradually return to normal life. Everything will be back to normal within two weeks. Immediately after the operation, you must adhere to the following rules:
- During the first two weeks after the procedure, you will have to adhere to bed rest. Any excessive force can cause a recurrence, or the stitches will come apart after the removal of the hemorrhoids. This is also very dangerous.
- A few weeks after the operation, light exercise can be done. For example, walking several times a day. Duration - from five to ten minutes. Especially useful for overweight people.
- After surgery, there may be severe pain during bowel movements. In the second week, they weaken. If pain is notstop in the second and third weeks, you should consult a doctor.

The menu after removal of hemorrhoids also plays an important role in the rehabilitation period. Let's talk about him.
Vegetables and fruits will support the body's immune system. They are an excellent source of vitamin C, beta-carotene. These foods are also high in fluid and fiber, which can help soften stools and prevent punctures.
After the operation to remove hemorrhoids, reviews of former patients indicate that it is useful to include vegetables and fruits rich in fiber in the diet. These are such as: carrots, cabbage, melon, celery and others. We should not forget about legumes: peas, beans, lentils.
An important part of the diet is drinking enough water, at least two liters a day.
We'll have to give up fatty, fried foods, tea, coffee, carbonated drinks.
Prohibited foods also include sweets: puddings, cakes, donuts, pies.
You can not eat: duck meat, veal, pork. Bacon and sausages are also prohibited. Avoid mustard, chili sauce, pepper.
Postoperative complications
Like every surgical intervention, hemorrhoid surgery can also have negative consequences. Let's talk a little about them:
- Pain. Anesthesia ceases to act, pain begins to appear. You can tolerate them, but you should take an anesthetic to stabilize the condition.
- Dropoutrectum. In this case, a second operation is indispensable, and this entails an increase in the recovery period.
- Retention of urination. This pathology most often appears in men. It doesn't last long. Maximum - a day.
- Bleeding. The first act of defecation occurs after the operation, the place of suturing is injured. The doctor should examine and determine the cause of the blood.
- Narrowing of the anus. The rectum will not be completely empty. The cause of the pathology is improper suturing. Plastic surgery in progress.
- Fistulas and pus.

If there are no complications, we can assume that the operation was successful.
Word to the one who survived
Now let's pay attention to the reviews about the operation to remove hemorrhoids. Opinions are different, but they all come down to one thing - the problem cannot be ignored. This can lead to serious consequences.
Positive feedback from the lips of many people can be heard about laser removal of hemorrhoids. The procedure is performed under anesthesia. The first day there is almost no pain, on the second there is a feeling of constriction. It's all over in a week. Patients feel great.
You can hear from former patients that the quality of the recovery period is greatly influenced by diet. If you immediately return to the usual diet, then after the act of defecation, pain and blood may appear. All doctor's recommendations must be followed. Only in this case, the rehabilitation period will pass normally.
After many yearstorment, when ointments, suppositories no longer help, people are forced to turn to a specialist. You should know that even at the fourth stage, you can get rid of hemorrhoids (though by surgery) and forget about the disease forever.
You can hear positive feedback about the Longo method. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. During the procedure, it is not so much painful as unpleasant. On the second day, pain occurs, they can be weakened by injections.

In order to remove the symptoms of the disease or prevent them, you must follow simple rules:
- Hiking or cycling daily. Duration - at least thirty minutes.
- A visit to the pool or a contrast shower.
- Drink at least two liters of fluid. Drink evenly throughout the day, limit your water intake before bed.
- Proper nutrition. Give up sweet, flour, fatty. The menu should include more fruits, vegetables.
- Less fried, more boiled and baked.
Following these recommendations, you can "run away" from an unpleasant disease.