Quite a common occurrence - ingrown toenails. What to do in this case?

Quite a common occurrence - ingrown toenails. What to do in this case?
Quite a common occurrence - ingrown toenails. What to do in this case?

Ingrown toenails are not only a concern for those who like to wear tight shoes. This problem occurs for various reasons. For example, an improperly done manicure or pedicure can also lead to an ingrown nail plate. In general, there are many factors contributing to such an unpleasant phenomenon. And today we will talk about what to do if toenails grow in. What to do in this situation and how to avoid relapse?

What is causing the problem?

ingrown toenail reviews
ingrown toenail reviews

As already mentioned, one of the most common causes is the wrong pedicure. When trimming nails, you must follow some simple rules. So, you can not round your nails beyond measure for the sake of beauty. Cut the plate evenly, without deepening the edges too much.

In no case do not bite, do not break off your nails (of course, on your hands)! This bad habit is not only unhygienic, but also significantly increases the likelihood of an ingrown toenail.

Often the cause of the pathology lies in a hereditary predisposition caused by a special shape of the platesnails.

Tight, uncomfortable, narrow shoes are also often to blame for ingrown toenails. What to do in this case is obvious. In addition to treatment, you must choose comfortable shoes (boots, sneakers). By the way! Compressing the foot causes more than just ingrown toenails. Its deformations and, as a result, additional pathologies are possible.

Fast weight gain, finger injuries are also risk factors. Well, do not discount fungal diseases - they also very often cause onychocryptosis.

Ingrown toenail symptoms

Ingrown toenails are easy to spot. His plate begins to grow sideways and eventually rests on the nail roller. Then she begins to grow into him, and the skin around is injured. As a result, inflammation appears.

The main symptoms of the disease in question are as follows: pain when walking, inflammation, redness of the skin, suppuration.

ingrown toenails what to do
ingrown toenails what to do

So, you are facing the problem of ingrown toenails. What to do, how to relieve the throbbing pain? Yes, it subsides at night at rest, but in the daytime it reappears even before visible inflammation on the skin. Later, the nail fold turns red and inflames. If you do not take action, he will begin to suppurate. Pus accumulates under the skin, periodically it comes out. An ingrown nail violates the integrity of the internal tissues, and even slight bleeding is possible. The spectacle of a bleeding, festering finger is unpleasant, you have to forget about open shoes in the summer, but the most important thing is pain! Remember:it is impossible to bring the disease to an extreme stage.

Ingrown toenails. What to do and who to contact for help?

The first thing to do is to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. But there is one caveat. If the disease bothers you again and again, you should not try to cope with the problem on your own, it is better to contact a professional. If you can get to the surgeon for an appointment only after a couple of days, folk remedies will help alleviate the current condition and remove the discomfort that an ingrown nail can cause. Reviews of those who suffered from severe pain say that warm manganese baths (weak solution), which have disinfectant properties, or baths with sea s alt, decoctions of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, help well.

A leaf of aloe without skin, bandaged to the finger at night, is also very effective. In the morning, you can try to trim the diseased nail plate and replace the agave with a fresh copy. Abscesses are also treated with Vishnevsky's ointment - a well-known antiseptic agent for a long time. The compress is applied to a clean area and left overnight.

ingrown nail removal price
ingrown nail removal price

But all the listed remedies, as a rule, will only help relieve the symptoms, but will not eliminate the root cause. Therefore, you still have to go to the doctor, and the sooner the better. Modern medicine has in its arsenal laser correction of ingrown nails. This method is safe and reliable. But the most effective is surgery.

If desired, the operation can be done in a beauty salon. All it takes isbook an ingrown toenail removal. The price of the procedure starts at one thousand rubles, and in some places reaches 7-8 thousand. Still, it would be wiser to put yourself in the hands of qualified doctors.


If radical ways to fix the problem have been avoided, the doctor will advise measures to prevent re-ingrown nails. There are several generally accepted rules of prevention. They can be formulated like this:

  1. Stay away from tight and uncomfortable pointed-toe shoes.
  2. Get rid of the habit of biting your nails (we are talking about beautiful pens, of course)!
  3. Don't chase low quality manicure or pedicure even if the price is low!
