Enterobiosis. What is this disease?

Enterobiosis. What is this disease?
Enterobiosis. What is this disease?

There is such a disease as enterobiasis. What it is? This is an infection caused by the penetration of parasites into the human body. The disease does not bypass either adults or children. But in most cases, pinworms more often settle in the bodies of primary school students and preschool children. The reason is a gross violation of the rules of personal hygiene.

Why does enterobiasis infection occur?

enterobiasis what is it
enterobiasis what is it

What are the main causes of such a disease as enterobiasis? What is it - an epidemic or isolated cases of diseases?

After the pinworms enter the human digestive system, they begin their development from larvae to adult worms. This happens within a month or so. The most common route of egg transmission is fecal-oral. But even small insects (mainly flies) and dust can cause disease.

Special importance should be given to the water that the child drinks. It is very important to boil baby bottles, wash decanters and pots of water thoroughly to rule out enterobiasis. Pinworms are mostly active at night. Laying the larvae on the buttockshuman, they thereby contribute to re-infection. In no case should you comb itchy places, since the eggs of helminths (pinworms) can be transferred to a he althy area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.

how to treat enterobiasis
how to treat enterobiasis

These parasites are very difficult to deal with. Once in a favorable habitat for them (sections of the small intestine, caecum and appendix), pinworms do not want to just leave the body. Parasites are not affected by heat or cold, as they are only found in the human body.

Main signs of enterobiasis

By what signs can you judge that you have enterobiasis? What does it mean? The general condition of a person is significantly deteriorating. There is fatigue, fatigue, at the same time insomnia torments. In children, there is a lag in development, a decrease in immunity, and allergic reactions appear. The person becomes irritable. Women may be bothered by itching in the vagina or perineum. Problems from the gastrointestinal tract are manifested by a decrease in appetite, loose stools with mucus, and sudden weight loss. Some people experience frequent and severe headaches.

How to treat enterobiosis?

pinworm enterobiasis
pinworm enterobiasis

Remember that you will never get sick if you are very careful about your personal hygiene: wash your hands after going to the toilet, use only your toothbrush, comb, towel, change bedding often, cut your nails on time. For children, the cleanliness of toys, carpets and floors is of great importance.

But if you are still diagnosed"Enterobiosis", what it is, remains to be seen from our own experience. The doctor will prescribe individual treatment. And the rest of the family will have to drink the medicine as a preventive measure.

The patient must complete the full course of therapy. Adults and older children are prescribed antiparasitic drugs Vermox, Adipant, Liperazin, Vanquin, Pirantel, Vormil. The most versatile and easy to use is the first of this list. It is allowed to give to children from the age of one. To completely get rid of enterobiasis, one tablet is enough, and the next one must be taken after four days. At the same time, you should take the remedy "Bifidumbacterin".

But some drugs are contraindicated for babies, pregnant and lactating women. The doctor can prescribe them the means "Naftamon", "Piperazin", "Pamoat", "Pirvinum", wormwood flowers. Soda enemas and cotton swabs with petroleum jelly (insert them between the buttocks) at night greatly alleviate the condition. And most importantly, do not be discouraged, any "enemy" can be defeated.
