Treatment of hematomas with medication and folk remedies

Treatment of hematomas with medication and folk remedies
Treatment of hematomas with medication and folk remedies

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No one is safe from hematomas - local hemorrhages in the tissue. In everyday life in a hurry, it is easy to get bruised or injured. If the hematoma is characterized by a large size and increasing swelling, and is located on the head, you should immediately consult a doctor. In other cases, you can treat hematomas yourself.

hematoma treatment
hematoma treatment

First Aid

So, if you are injured, do not waste time and immediately apply a cold object to the hematoma. Ideally, this is ice, but if it is not available, any food from the freezer will do, as well as a cold spoon and any copper object (for example, a coin). Copper cools very quickly, so it is enough to put it in the freezer for 3 minutes and then apply it to the hematoma for 10 minutes. During this time, the blood vessels will narrow as much as possible, which will stop the flow of blood to the damaged area and reduce the size of the hemorrhage. Applying cold objects for more than 30 minutes does not make sense, and your next steps should be directed towards healing.

ointment for hematomas
ointment for hematomas

Medication assistance

Treatment of hematomas with drugs gives a quickeffect, but subject to their frequent application to the affected area of the body. The action of these drugs is based on their ability to reduce tissue swelling, reduce the permeability of blood vessels and have a resolving effect. Heparin ointment for hematomas has a good therapeutic effect. In the case of timely treatment and application of the drug 4-5 times a day, the hematoma disappears in 2 days. Its analogues are the preparations "Venoruton", "Lioton", "Gepatrombin". Treatment of hematomas with homeopathic remedies "Traumeel" and "Arnica" gives the greatest effect if they are used immediately after receiving a bruise. They quickly stop hemorrhage and swelling, increase vascular tone, reduce their permeability and relieve pain. In addition, they have a healing effect, which makes their use on open wounds possible. Another recommended remedy is the Rescuer cream, which contains terpinols, which have a wound healing and hemostatic effect, as well as antiseptics - silver colloids.

brain injury treatment
brain injury treatment

Traditional medicine

In addition to drugs, it is possible to treat hematomas using the knowledge of traditional medicine. Fresh cabbage juice acts like pharmacological preparations. Take a cabbage leaf, pass it through a meat grinder and apply it to the damaged area for 20 minutes. If the procedure is carried out 3 times a day, the hematoma will disappear after 3 days. A honey compress has a similar property. To prepare it, take a tablespoon of vegetable oil and honey, egg yolk andhalf a teaspoon of flour. Mix all the ingredients, apply to the hematoma, cover with plastic wrap and leave for 3-4 hours. Do a compress 2 times a day for 3 days.

Among the remedies for hematomas, the leading position belongs to bodyaga - a freshwater sponge. Lotions of 2 teaspoons of bodyagi powder and 1 teaspoon of water can eliminate hemorrhage in 4 hours. But for this you need to do at least 2-3 procedures. Pay special attention to the fact that self-treatment of head hematomas is contraindicated. Treatment of a brain contusion should take place under the strict supervision of a physician.
