Healthy lifestyle, traditional medicine

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How to take a contrast shower correctly. The benefits and harms of a contrast shower

How to take a contrast shower correctly. The benefits and harms of a contrast shower

The method of pouring hot and cold water is used by many. But not everyone knows how to take a contrast shower correctly. Only strict adherence to the rules of this procedure will bring great benefits to the body

Whooping cough: symptoms, treatment, prevention. Cough with whooping cough: how to treat?

Whooping cough: symptoms, treatment, prevention. Cough with whooping cough: how to treat?

From the article you can find out how to treat cough with whooping cough, why this disease occurs, what complications may appear with such a pathology of the respiratory tract

Ingrown toenail in a baby: causes and treatments

Ingrown toenail in a baby: causes and treatments

Nail plates can grow into the surrounding roller, not only in adults. Some parents are perplexed to discover that their newborn baby has an ingrown nail. What to do? How to help the baby? Parents wonder why this happened. After all, it is known that a similar question is more about people who wear inappropriate shoes, and in this case, the baby has not even made an attempt to stand on his feet

Pneumonia in a newborn: causes, symptoms and treatments

Pneumonia in a newborn: causes, symptoms and treatments

Inflammation of the lungs is a dangerous disease. In a newborn, pneumonia is especially severe. The disease develops either immediately after the birth of the baby, or during the first month of his life. The peculiarity of inflammation in such crumbs is that the pathological process is rapidly spreading to both lungs, and therefore the condition of the newborn is getting worse every minute. Complications of this pathology can be very serious and affect the future life of the child

Alternating strabismus: features, diagnosis and treatment

Alternating strabismus: features, diagnosis and treatment

All you need to know about alternating strabismus: description, features, causes, clinical picture, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Microcurrent therapy: indications and contraindications

Microcurrent therapy: indications and contraindications

Today, microcurrent therapy is gaining more and more fans. This is a fairly effective method that allows you to quickly and almost painlessly restore freshness and youth to the skin, improve metabolic processes and blood circulation

Parasites in the lungs: symptoms and treatment

Parasites in the lungs: symptoms and treatment

A condition in which a person has parasites in their lungs requires immediate treatment. It is very dangerous, although rare. If a person has helminths in the lung tissue, it should be treated immediately. Otherwise, the quality of life will rapidly decline. The saddest outcome is disability, further disability or death. How do parasites get into the lungs? What symptoms indicate this? Is it possible to take them out? This and much more will now be discussed

Dill for cystitis: brewing method, benefits, recommendations

Dill for cystitis: brewing method, benefits, recommendations

Insuring against cystitis is not so easy. According to statistics, every second woman faces this disease, which is explained by the individual structure of their genitourinary system. Treatment of the disease is reduced to taking certain medications. In addition to them, traditional medicine can be used. Dill for cystitis will help speed up the healing process. To achieve a therapeutic effect, the seeds of this plant are used

Elder herbaceous: medicinal properties, cultivation rules, application

Elder herbaceous: medicinal properties, cultivation rules, application

Elder grass is not only an ornamental shrub that can decorate your garden. These are also useful berries, which are widely used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. We invite you to find out why elderberry is needed, planting and caring for this plant, as well as recipes for medicinal preparations and tinctures

Effective treatment of dysbacteriosis with folk remedies

Effective treatment of dysbacteriosis with folk remedies

The concept of "dysbacteriosis" today is familiar to everyone, from children to their relatives. He is treated from infancy, attributing all problems with the gastrointestinal tract to this ailment. The child does not sleep well, suffers from colic, pain, frustration or constipation - dysbacteriosis is to blame. District pediatricians prescribe very expensive drugs, and parents go to the pharmacy with a sigh of relief. After all, it is clear that now the child will feel better. Is it possible to treat dysbacteriosis with folk remedies?

Ceresin: what is it and where is it used?

Ceresin: what is it and where is it used?

There are a large number of varieties of ceresin. What it is? We will talk about this in the article. These mixtures are numbered based on the dropping point (65, 70, 75, 80, 80oE). They are widely used in the manufacture of a huge number of products

Rigid gas permeable lenses: overview, manufacturers, benefits and reviews

Rigid gas permeable lenses: overview, manufacturers, benefits and reviews

Rigid gas-permeable lenses in many people are associated with those optical devices that were used a few years ago. They were difficult to wear and often caused redness in the eyes. However, technology has come a long way, and today's hard lenses have a number of advantages over the more familiar soft options

"Dimethyl phthalate" - what is it? How to use the medication?

"Dimethyl phthalate" - what is it? How to use the medication?

"Dimethyl phthalate" is a drug that is widely used in the fight against insects. It is also used in the treatment of fungal infections of the skin. How to use the tool, you can learn from the article

Diagnosis: breast fibroadenoma. What it is? Is it dangerous?

Diagnosis: breast fibroadenoma. What it is? Is it dangerous?

A rare woman is not afraid after such a neoplasm is discovered. First thoughts about oncology, about surgery. Is breast fibroadenoma dangerous, what is it in general? After the removal, will it be possible to return to normal life, or will there be no "after"?

Pain in childbirth: pros and cons

Pain in childbirth: pros and cons

So the wonderful nine months of waiting have passed, very soon there will be an addition to your family. But, the closer the baby's birthday, the more fears of pain during childbirth appear in the expectant mother. Many people want pain relief in childbirth

Foliate fibroadenoma of the breast: causes, symptoms and treatment

Foliate fibroadenoma of the breast: causes, symptoms and treatment

Foliate fibroadenoma is a benign neoplasm. It often appears as a result of hormonal imbalance. The likelihood of such a tumor turning into a malignant pathology is rather small. It is about 5 percent

ADSM vaccination for adults: contraindications, complications and reviews

ADSM vaccination for adults: contraindications, complications and reviews

It so happened that most adults and fairly educated people believe that the concept of "vaccination" can only apply to children. False, vaccination in adulthood is just as relevant as in childhood

"Human Electrolyte": instructions for use

"Human Electrolyte": instructions for use

"Human Electrolyte" is a low-osmolar solution for restoring the energy and water-electrolyte balance lost during diarrhea. Forms of release and composition of the drug "Humana Electrolyte", instructions for use, schemes for use in children and adults - all information in the article

Frehley's syndrome: description, diagnosis, treatment, pregnancy and childbirth

Frehley's syndrome: description, diagnosis, treatment, pregnancy and childbirth

Frehley's syndrome is an anomaly of the kidneys of a congenital nature, in which a decussation of the anterior and posterior branches of the superior renal artery is formed. As a result, the normal functions of the organ are disrupted

Frederick Syndrome Clinic

Frederick Syndrome Clinic

Frederick's syndrome got its name in honor of the Belgian physiologist, who defined it as a combination of complete transverse (atrioventricular) blockade and atrial fibrillation, in other cases - atrial flutter. This article discusses Frederick's syndrome: clinic, diagnosis, treatment of the disease