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2025-01-13 07:01
For any movement or internal processes, our body spends a certain amount of energy. Brain activity along with the work of the digestive system and metabolism do not stop even when people sleep. Any muscle contraction consumes energy, in connection with this, calories can be spent during sleep. In addition, at night they observe the activation of many processes, and if you manage to spur them correctly, you can increase the amount of energy spent
2025-01-13 07:01
Does Retasol help with acne? Reviews of those who have ever used this tool will be presented in this article
2025-01-13 07:01
A stent is a mechanism that is placed inside the vena cava and ducts to widen narrowing areas. Let's take a closer look at how a kidney stent works, what it looks like and why it is inserted. The operation is easy and fast. In most cases, the mechanism is established for a period of 2-3 months until the normal physiological outflow of urine is restored
2025-01-13 07:01
Incorrect bite can cause a lot of complexes. Therefore, many parents install braces for children when the first signs of curvature appear. At the same time, they have a lot of questions about the procedure itself. How is the installation of braces? How long do you need to wear them? The answers to these and other questions can be found in this article
2025-01-13 07:01
What does a surgeon treat? The doctor of this speci alty is engaged in the restoration of body functions through invasive intervention. There are surgeons in all areas of medicine, from neurosurgery to traumatology and dentistry
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Our compatriots are not used to asking for help. Usually people wait until the last moment, and then they just go to the hospital. And unfortunately, at this time it is too late to do anything, and the person dies. How to recognize the disease at an early stage? There are many signs that warn in advance that something is wrong in the body. So let's look at them
Unfortunately, no one is immune from cancer. The most dangerous among them are tumors formed in the spine. What are the symptoms and signs of spinal cancer? Features of the diagnosis and treatment are described in the article
Cancerous intoxication is a symptom complex that develops in the human body against the background of malignant decay of tumor cells and causes dysfunction of various organs and systems. Most often, intoxication occurs in people who have a malignant tumor that is at stages 3-4 of development
Cancer or a malignant tumor develops in the body as a result of the appearance of atypical cells that divide at an uncontrolled high rate. This leads to an increase in the tumor, its germination through the tissues, to the very blood vessels. Here, the cells easily enter the general circulation and spread throughout the body, settling in the most distant organs. There are secondary formations - metastases
Oncology of the rectum is often detected only in the later stages. This situation is due to untimely access to doctors, but the symptoms force the person to go to the hospital. However, cancer is a disease that is often fatal
For the first time, oncopathology was described in 1876, when it was revealed during the autopsy of a female corpse. In Russian-language literature, mention of the disease appeared only in 1903. In the mid-1950s, an article was published in which it was mentioned that the most common form of bronchoalveolar cancer is peripheral nodular
Cancer of the mediastinum or lungs are quite terrible diagnoses that in recent years have begun to occur earlier than before. Neoplasms in the mediastinum are localized in the mediastinal part of the sternum. It is customary to divide this area into three zones: top, center, bottom. Three more departments are called central and located behind and in front. Each of them can become an area of localization of the malignant process
The greatest redistribution of morbidity is observed at about 45-60 years old, but cancer can develop at any age, including children and adolescents. At an early age, the tumor manifests itself more aggressively than in adult patients. Women become victims of this pathology 2-3 times more often than men
Linden is one of the natural plants that is used in the treatment of many diseases. Most often it is used to get rid of cough. At the same time, linden is effective in any of its types. In order to get a positive effect, it is necessary to properly brew the flowers of the plant. Further in the article we will talk about how to use linden for coughing, basic recipes for making tea and decoction
There are a lot of reasons why the finger on the hand turned blue. If the cause of this was an injury, then immediate first aid and a visit to a traumatologist are advised. And if the cause is not found, then some hidden diseases manifest themselves, which must be treated without fail
How exactly it is worth brewing sage is largely determined by the disease, gender and age of the person. There are many prescriptions for treating colds, infertility, and recovering from surgery. Properly brewed sage will help with menopause and cessation of lactation. The main thing is to always consult a doctor regarding the admissibility of using this herb and its dosage
In children from birth, immunity to the effects of the external environment has not yet been fully formed. During this period, it is very important to protect the child from possible colds, infections and other adverse pathologies. But not always parents can do this. A runny nose in a child of preschool age can be recorded 5-6 times during the year
Turmeric against cancer: folk recipes, cooking rules, results and opinions of doctors It has long been known that turmeric against cancer really helps. This spice has been considered one of the most powerful natural healing agents for two and a half thousand years. It was used by our distant ancestors in the treatment of all kinds of diseases known at that time. From healing from poisoning to curing snake bites
Every woman sooner or later faces such a phenomenon as menopause. It is impossible to avoid this, but you can seriously alleviate your condition by taking drugs for menopause. Hot flashes, mood swings, dizziness and other symptoms can be managed with the right therapy
This type of gastritis leads to the fact that the mucous membrane of the organ that affects the disease begins to thin sharply, and its glands atrophy. The occurrence of atrophic gastritis is characterized by damage to the gastric fundus, after which the process of producing hydrochloric acid and a special substance pepsinogen, which is the enzyme responsible for digesting food, is activated
The occurrence of such arthritis occurs equally in both men and women, usually in adulthood. Pathology is a consequence of the inflammatory process in the bone tissue of the joints. Its main precursors are rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis, which occur both separately and in parallel
If the arm hurts between the shoulder and the elbow, the reasons for this can be very different. Without the participation of a doctor, it is quite difficult to find out the nature of what is happening. And self-medication can be extremely dangerous
When people have dry ears, they usually go to an otolaryngologist. This symptom may indicate a serious illness. Moreover, the problem may not be directly related to the auricle. The causes and treatment of dryness in the organ of hearing are described in the article
In medical practice, cytological and histological methods are used to diagnose various diseases. Ordinary patients do not always understand the difference between them. Therefore, in this article we will understand what cytology and histology are
Calcifications in the uterus are many times more common than on the peritoneal layer or in the myometrium. They are also often found on the cervix. In each of these cases, calcification is a certain kind of protective reaction of the body. S alts with inorganic properties encapsulate areas where tissue breakdown is observed