Healthy lifestyle, traditional medicine

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How many calories are burned in sleep: calculation per hour and per night

How many calories are burned in sleep: calculation per hour and per night

2025-01-23 17:01

For any movement or internal processes, our body spends a certain amount of energy. Brain activity along with the work of the digestive system and metabolism do not stop even when people sleep. Any muscle contraction consumes energy, in connection with this, calories can be spent during sleep. In addition, at night they observe the activation of many processes, and if you manage to spur them correctly, you can increase the amount of energy spent

How and why Retasol is used: customer reviews

How and why Retasol is used: customer reviews

2025-01-23 17:01

Does Retasol help with acne? Reviews of those who have ever used this tool will be presented in this article

Stent in the kidney: appointment of the procedure, installation and removal

Stent in the kidney: appointment of the procedure, installation and removal

2025-01-23 17:01

A stent is a mechanism that is placed inside the vena cava and ducts to widen narrowing areas. Let's take a closer look at how a kidney stent works, what it looks like and why it is inserted. The operation is easy and fast. In most cases, the mechanism is established for a period of 2-3 months until the normal physiological outflow of urine is restored

Installation of braces: features and detailed description

Installation of braces: features and detailed description

2025-01-23 17:01

Incorrect bite can cause a lot of complexes. Therefore, many parents install braces for children when the first signs of curvature appear. At the same time, they have a lot of questions about the procedure itself. How is the installation of braces? How long do you need to wear them? The answers to these and other questions can be found in this article

What does a surgeon treat and what is his competence?

What does a surgeon treat and what is his competence?

2025-01-23 17:01

What does a surgeon treat? The doctor of this speci alty is engaged in the restoration of body functions through invasive intervention. There are surgeons in all areas of medicine, from neurosurgery to traumatology and dentistry

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Antibiotic for acute respiratory infections in adults: list, features of use, contraindications, reviews

Antibiotic for acute respiratory infections in adults: list, features of use, contraindications, reviews

Antibiotics for acute respiratory infections in adults are prescribed quite often, especially with a complicated course of the disease. They have a very good result, and also help to quickly and effectively get rid of the signs of a cold. However, it should be noted that the drug should be prescribed only by the attending physician

How to improve vision? Tips

How to improve vision? Tips

In this article you will find some useful tips on how to improve your eyesight. After all, you must admit, no one wants to lose such a priceless gift given to us by nature

How to treat a bruised leg at home? Treatment of a leg injury at home with folk remedies

How to treat a bruised leg at home? Treatment of a leg injury at home with folk remedies

Treatment of a bruised leg at home is usually based on the use of drugs. In pharmacies, you can find a wide variety of drugs

What memory pills are there?

What memory pills are there?

Pills for memory are often purchased by those who have any vascular pathologies associated with chronic oxygen starvation of the cerebral cortex, as well as with skull injuries, parasitic invasions, viral or bacterial infections. In addition, such drugs are necessary in cases where memory is impaired as a result of the influence of sleeping pills, anesthesia and intoxication, including alcohol, drugs and tobacco

New generation anti-leukotriene drugs: a list of the best

New generation anti-leukotriene drugs: a list of the best

Antileukotriene drugs are a new class of drugs that reduce inflammation that have an infectious or allergic etiology

Oatmeal oil. Healing properties of oil, composition, use in medicine

Oatmeal oil. Healing properties of oil, composition, use in medicine

Throughout the history of mankind, plants and cereals have been widely used not only in cooking, but also in alternative, Ayurvedic and official medicine

Cervical fibroids: signs, causes and features of treatment

Cervical fibroids: signs, causes and features of treatment

Cervical fibroids today is one of the most common female diseases, which doctors call a benign tumor. This ailment becomes the main cause of the difficulties that arise when you want to get pregnant, and a number of painful sensations experienced by a woman suffering from fibroids prevent her from leading a normal life

How to remove warts? Laser wart removal

How to remove warts? Laser wart removal

Let's try to figure out what papilloma is and what is the best way to remove warts. Consider the pros and cons of each of the methods, along with the indications and contraindications of doctors

What are DICs?

What are DICs?

DIC is considered a fairly serious disease characterized by impaired hemostasis, in which disseminated blood coagulation is observed. It is as a result of such a violation that the so-called cell aggregates and the smallest blood clots are formed, which, in turn, block the existing microcirculation, and also subsequently cause dystrophic changes. In this article, we will describe in more detail how DIC syndromes differ

Monthly cycle: norm and deviations

Monthly cycle: norm and deviations

In this article I would like to consider the monthly cycle in some detail. The norm and deviations, as well as the phases of the menstrual cycle, the causes of failures, how to diagnose and treat them - all this and much more about what is useful can be read in the text below

Ultrasound of the gallbladder: how to prepare for the procedure? How to properly prepare for an ultrasound of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas?

Ultrasound of the gallbladder: how to prepare for the procedure? How to properly prepare for an ultrasound of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas?

Ultrasound in gastroenterology is the leading diagnostic method. It allows you to examine and study the textures, as well as the functionality of many digestive organs. One of the most frequently prescribed studies is an ultrasound of the gallbladder. How to prepare for the procedure so that it is the most informative? It is important to follow a certain diet for several days and perform the study on an empty stomach

Validity of fluorography as a mandatory type of examination

Validity of fluorography as a mandatory type of examination

Timely diagnosis of tuberculosis and other lung diseases significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and recovery of a person. One of the most affordable preventive studies is fluorography, which requires a minimum of time and preparation. In addition, the validity of fluorography is 1 year. So you don't have to do it often

7 maternity hospital, Kyiv: overview, specialists, services and reviews

7 maternity hospital, Kyiv: overview, specialists, services and reviews

The birth of a baby is an exciting and long-awaited moment. Choosing the 7th maternity hospital (Kyiv), a woman can be sure of the quality of assistance that she will be provided with. High-level specialists work here, ready to do everything necessary for the he alth of mother and newborn

Allergy to diapers in a child: symptoms, causes and features of treatment

Allergy to diapers in a child: symptoms, causes and features of treatment

Diapers have long been an essential part of baby care. Such an unpleasant phenomenon as an allergy to diapers can cause a lot of trouble if not properly treated. Competent care of the child and compliance with certain hygiene rules will reduce the risk of developing this pathology to a minimum

The drug "Klopiksol-Akufaz": instructions for use and reviews

The drug "Klopiksol-Akufaz": instructions for use and reviews

Mental illnesses are a potential danger for both the person himself and for those around him. It is important to recognize alarming symptoms in time and seek qualified help. The drug "Klopiksol-Akufaz" is an effective tool of a new generation for the treatment of acute mental pathologies

Frontal sinus hurts: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, recovery period and consequences

Frontal sinus hurts: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, recovery period and consequences

Often, discomfort in the frontal sinuses is referred to as a headache. But it is important to distinguish between these phenomena, because they are very different. If the frontal sinus hurts, then this is usually referred to as a disease such as frontal sinusitis. With this disease, inflammation occurs in the nasal mucosa. The causes and treatment of pain are described in the article

Signs of hemorrhoids: scarlet blood on toilet paper and underwear

Signs of hemorrhoids: scarlet blood on toilet paper and underwear

In the first stage of hemorrhoids, a person does not experience pain. The only thing that is alarming is scarlet blood on toilet paper after a bowel movement, blood stains on underwear and prolapse of hemorrhoids

Bitterness in the mouth after antibiotics. How to get rid of bitterness in the mouth after antibiotics

Bitterness in the mouth after antibiotics. How to get rid of bitterness in the mouth after antibiotics

Each of us has had to take antibiotics. And many during or after the course of treatment with these drugs began to feel a bitter taste in the mouth. By the way, almost every instruction for this type of medicine warns of the possibility of such a side effect. Why does such a problem arise? What to do when bitterness appears in the mouth and what can you drink to avoid it?

"Pimafutsin": Russian equivalent. Pimafucin: instructions for use, prices, reviews, analogues

"Pimafutsin": Russian equivalent. Pimafucin: instructions for use, prices, reviews, analogues

"Pimafucin" belongs to the group of antifungal antibiotics for the treatment of various fungal diseases. Available at the moment in three forms - in the form of candles, tablets and ointments

Hemorrhages - what is it? Causes and treatment of hemorrhage

Hemorrhages - what is it? Causes and treatment of hemorrhage

In this article you will learn: What are hemorrhages? Types of hemorrhage, their causes. How to deal with it and how to treat it properly