Healthy lifestyle, traditional medicine

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Leuzea essential oil: description with photo, useful properties, therapeutic effect, tips and rules for use

Leuzea essential oil: description with photo, useful properties, therapeutic effect, tips and rules for use

Folk healers and representatives of traditional medicine successfully use plants that have medicinal properties in the treatment of many diseases. Many of us know the most common herbs - valerian, St. John's wort, celandine, sage, chamomile and others. But many plants with unique medicinal properties, less common in nature, are unknown to us

Essential oil of petitgrain: composition, properties and methods of application

Essential oil of petitgrain: composition, properties and methods of application

Petitgrain essential oil allows you to surround yourself with your favorite scent all the time. It is bittersweet, delicate, soft, floral and citrus. In the summer, this fragrance will allow you to create a fresh, cool atmosphere. The oil has a number of useful properties, which we will consider today

How to remove mucus from the body: simple recipes of traditional medicine

How to remove mucus from the body: simple recipes of traditional medicine

Mucus is a natural filter on the surface of organs, necessary to prevent the penetration of microbes and pathogens into tissues. That is why in the human body there are membranes with excreted secretions in areas such as the mouth, nose, sinuses, throat, lungs and gastrointestinal tract. The viscous liquid contains antibodies and enzymes that help the body recognize and kill invaders such as bacteria and viruses

Neck gymnastics: a set of effective exercises, results, medical advice

Neck gymnastics: a set of effective exercises, results, medical advice

The cervical spine is a rather fragile part of the body. With a sedentary lifestyle, it is he who undergoes the first deformations. Today, even schoolchildren are diagnosed with osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae. This can cause pain and discomfort in the shoulder girdle, reduce visual acuity and hearing, and cause cerebrovascular accident. A complex of gymnastics for the neck will help reduce the intensity of pain and improve the patient's condition

Sage decoction for gargling: instructions for use and reviews

Sage decoction for gargling: instructions for use and reviews

For a long time, people have been treating various diseases with folk remedies. And in the modern world, more and more patients turn to the services of herbalists and healers. Looking around, especially in the spring and summer, you can see a huge number of medicinal plants, from which it is easy to prepare various medicinal potions and decoctions. Today we will talk about the medicinal properties and use of sage for gargling

Laxatives and other remedies for constipation

Laxatives and other remedies for constipation

Constipation can be called a real disease that brings discomfort to a large number of people. However, laxative pills can cope with this unpleasant phenomenon

Fenugreek: useful properties and contraindications, how to apply

Fenugreek: useful properties and contraindications, how to apply

In folk medicine, many useful plants are known. They are used in the treatment and prevention of various ailments. The beneficial properties of fenugreek allow it to be used as an effective healing agent. Read more about the plant and its use in the article

Healing properties of the money tree, methods of application

Healing properties of the money tree, methods of application

Many people have a money tree at home. Its correct name is a fat woman. And it is not only an excellent filter for cleaning the air and energy at home, but also a plant that has healing properties. The money tree helps in the treatment of wounds, abscesses, bruises and sprains, helps to get rid of sore throats, herpes, arthrosis and arthritis. But how? What is this action based on? And how to use the fat woman correctly? This and much more will now be discussed

How to choose a folk cough remedy for children

How to choose a folk cough remedy for children

Alternative medicine offers a large number of ways to help get rid of cough in children. However, any folk remedy must be previously agreed with the pediatrician

Burdock treatment: what, how and why?

Burdock treatment: what, how and why?

What is the treatment of burdock known to traditional medicine? In the article you will learn how to properly carry it out, what are the indications for its use

Grass gout: useful properties and contraindications, photos, recipes

Grass gout: useful properties and contraindications, photos, recipes

This herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the celery family is found almost everywhere. It can be seen near houses, in gardens and parks, in wastelands and in humid forests. Many consider it a weed. They are right, but not everyone knows the beneficial properties and contraindications when using sleepweed

Folk remedies for swelling of the legs and their effectiveness

Folk remedies for swelling of the legs and their effectiveness

Puffiness may indicate the presence of various diseases in the human body. However, folk remedies for swelling of the legs can be quite effective and will not cause unnecessary harm to the body

Fat girl. Medicinal properties and scope

Fat girl. Medicinal properties and scope

The fat woman shows medicinal properties, improving the energy of the room in which it grows. In the event that one of the people living in the room is sick, the plant, drawing in negative energy, sheds its leaves. After a person recovers, the money tree immediately changes

Saffron: useful properties, use in traditional medicine, contraindications

Saffron: useful properties, use in traditional medicine, contraindications

Saffron is one of the expensive spices. The value of the product is associated with the complexity of the manufacturing process. The beneficial properties of saffron are described in the article

Folk remedies for burns: recipes for ointments and tinctures. How to treat a burn at home?

Folk remedies for burns: recipes for ointments and tinctures. How to treat a burn at home?

Burns are the consequences of intense exposure to the skin of thermal, chemical or electrical factors. With a slight degree of severity of such injuries, the use of effective folk remedies can alleviate suffering and eliminate trouble. The most effective methods of alternative medicine, which make it possible to cope with the consequences of burns, I would like to consider in our publication

Is lilac tincture good for joints?

Is lilac tincture good for joints?

Lilac is rich in useful substances. Therefore, in folk medicine, teas, infusions, decoctions, ointments and compresses are made from it

Grass shepherd's purse: application features, contraindications and reviews

Grass shepherd's purse: application features, contraindications and reviews

Shepherd's purse grass is an annual plant belonging to the cabbage family. It also has other names: field buckwheat, heart grass, girchak, grinder. The plant has an erect stem with small leaves and white-yellow flowers. Asia is considered the birthplace of the shepherd's bag, but this plant is found throughout Russia

Pumpkin seed oil: benefits and harms, how to take, reviews

Pumpkin seed oil: benefits and harms, how to take, reviews

Pumpkin seed oil, the benefits and harms of which are the topic of today's discussion, is universal. It is used to prepare various dishes, used in cosmetology and even drunk as a medicine. The liquid substance is obtained not from the amber pulp of a vegetable, as one might think, but from roasted seeds, which only increases the value of the finished product

AFP analysis: norm, decoding

AFP analysis: norm, decoding

The birth of a planned baby is eagerly awaited by many parents. At the same time, being in a position, the expectant mother is forced to take a considerable number of various tests. Among them is the analysis of AFP. And if the study on progesterone is known to almost everyone, then alpha-fetoprotein, or AFP, is not familiar to anyone

Anti-gangrenous polyvalent horse serum purified concentrated liquid: description of the drug, indications, instructions for use

Anti-gangrenous polyvalent horse serum purified concentrated liquid: description of the drug, indications, instructions for use

With a prophylactic purpose, gangrenous antitoxin is administered intramuscularly as soon as possible immediately after the injury. For therapeutic purposes, serum is used intravenously, extremely slowly, by drip, usually mixed with a solution of sodium chloride for injection heated to thirty-six degrees. Serum is injected first at a rate of 1 milliliter every five minutes. And then pour 1 milliliter per minute