Healthy lifestyle, traditional medicine

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How many calories are burned in sleep: calculation per hour and per night

How many calories are burned in sleep: calculation per hour and per night

2025-01-23 17:01

For any movement or internal processes, our body spends a certain amount of energy. Brain activity along with the work of the digestive system and metabolism do not stop even when people sleep. Any muscle contraction consumes energy, in connection with this, calories can be spent during sleep. In addition, at night they observe the activation of many processes, and if you manage to spur them correctly, you can increase the amount of energy spent

How and why Retasol is used: customer reviews

How and why Retasol is used: customer reviews

2025-01-23 17:01

Does Retasol help with acne? Reviews of those who have ever used this tool will be presented in this article

Stent in the kidney: appointment of the procedure, installation and removal

Stent in the kidney: appointment of the procedure, installation and removal

2025-01-23 17:01

A stent is a mechanism that is placed inside the vena cava and ducts to widen narrowing areas. Let's take a closer look at how a kidney stent works, what it looks like and why it is inserted. The operation is easy and fast. In most cases, the mechanism is established for a period of 2-3 months until the normal physiological outflow of urine is restored

Installation of braces: features and detailed description

Installation of braces: features and detailed description

2025-01-23 17:01

Incorrect bite can cause a lot of complexes. Therefore, many parents install braces for children when the first signs of curvature appear. At the same time, they have a lot of questions about the procedure itself. How is the installation of braces? How long do you need to wear them? The answers to these and other questions can be found in this article

What does a surgeon treat and what is his competence?

What does a surgeon treat and what is his competence?

2025-01-23 17:01

What does a surgeon treat? The doctor of this speci alty is engaged in the restoration of body functions through invasive intervention. There are surgeons in all areas of medicine, from neurosurgery to traumatology and dentistry

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How to treat lichen in children on the head - a list of drugs. What does lichen look like on the head

How to treat lichen in children on the head - a list of drugs. What does lichen look like on the head

There are many ways to treat lichen in children on the head. First of all, you need to remove the source of infection from the baby. and after that, proceed directly to the therapy, which includes shampoos, ointments, creams, gels, tablets, etc

Rupture of the frenulum in men: causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and doctor's advice

Rupture of the frenulum in men: causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and doctor's advice

The short frenulum is a hereditary anatomical feature of some men, which can lead to unpleasant consequences, very severe pain and psychological trauma. So, a man who has had a frenulum tear during intercourse will be afraid of repeating this process even after successful treatment

Episcleritis of the eye: signs, causes, treatment

Episcleritis of the eye: signs, causes, treatment

What is eye episcleritis? The main causes and signs of the disease. Treatment of episcleritis of the eye. What drugs are prescribed for this disease?

What is a chondroma? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What is a chondroma? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What is a chondroma? This is a benign tumor that consists of mature cartilage structures and is located in the cortical layer of the bone. The tumor accounts for only 0.66% of all skeletal neoplasms and occurs in patients of different age groups. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of chondroma, in the ICD - 10 which is listed under the code D16, you will find out after reading the article

Eye pressure: causes, symptoms and treatment

Eye pressure: causes, symptoms and treatment

Eye pressure can be high or low. This condition leads to visual impairment, which is why it is necessary to carry out diagnostics and subsequent complex treatment in a timely manner

Tonometer - what is it? How to choose a tonometer: advice and feedback from doctors

Tonometer - what is it? How to choose a tonometer: advice and feedback from doctors

What is a tonometer? How to choose a suitable device for measuring blood pressure from the variety of models presented on the shelves? What is the estimated cost of such devices? Learn about this and more in our article

Sickle cell anemia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Sickle cell anemia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Sickle cell anemia is a type of hemolytic blood disease. The nature of the disease is genetic, associated with a violation of the structure of genes encoding erythrocyte globins, due to which their shape changes. Defective blood cells cannot perform their function properly, anemic condition affects vital functions

Sling dressing: fixing the dressing on different parts of the head

Sling dressing: fixing the dressing on different parts of the head

In case of head injuries, it is convenient and justified to apply a sling bandage. It tightly covers the convex areas, provides good fixation of the dressing

Digitalis preparations: indications and action in cardiac diseases

Digitalis preparations: indications and action in cardiac diseases

The cardiotropic properties of this flower have long been known. In the first half of the 18th century, it began to be grown in Russia in apothecary gardens, and since 1775, when the works of the British physician Whithering were published, digitalis preparations have firmly taken their place in the practice of treating heart ailments

Why does the eye hurt inside and how to deal with it?

Why does the eye hurt inside and how to deal with it?

The reason that the eye hurts inside can be overwork, an inflammatory disease, a malfunction of the nervous system, the presence of a foreign body, and some others. This article will discuss the most common conditions in which this symptom occurs

Subungual hematoma: causes, treatment options, possible complications, photo

Subungual hematoma: causes, treatment options, possible complications, photo

There are several methods of treatment that will help get rid of a subungual hematoma. A bruise can appear for several reasons. Most often, this does not harm the general state of human he alth, but only causes severe discomfort

How to increase the immunity of a child (2 years old): medicines and folk remedies

How to increase the immunity of a child (2 years old): medicines and folk remedies

How to increase the immunity of a child at 2 years old. What drugs can be given to a child to increase immunity. What folk remedies to increase immunity exist. How to prepare vitamin tea. Will vaccines help boost a child's immunity?

Sedentary spermatozoa: causes and treatment

Sedentary spermatozoa: causes and treatment

High sperm activity is a decisive factor that determines a man's ability to perform reproductive function. With a decrease in the mobility of germ cells, infertility may develop

Gas incontinence: uncomfortable problems, causes, diagnosis, treatment, advice and recommendations from doctors

Gas incontinence: uncomfortable problems, causes, diagnosis, treatment, advice and recommendations from doctors

Gas incontinence often accompanies people after 40-50 years of age, what is the reason for this condition, how to deal with it? The problem is not pleasant, but it is possible to fix it, you just need to know how. Often, fecal incontinence joins the problems of gas incontinence. It is associated with the inability to control the state of the posterior sphincter

Costen syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Costen syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

It's no secret that most children and adults are afraid of dentists. And, as a rule, many patients go to these specialists only in emergency cases: when there is a huge flux or an unpleasant smell in the mouth due to accumulated tartar. Periodic discomfort in the oral cavity is mainly attributed to too cold or sweet food, which can cause temporary inconvenience

Diaphragm - contraceptive: instructions, advantages and disadvantages, reviews

Diaphragm - contraceptive: instructions, advantages and disadvantages, reviews

Any method of protection is good at least because every woman can prevent an unplanned pregnancy. When a man does not want to use a condom, the partner can use a contraceptive diaphragm, which prevents sperm from entering the uterus

Hemorrhagic vasculitis in adults: treatment, symptoms, causes, photos

Hemorrhagic vasculitis in adults: treatment, symptoms, causes, photos

Quite often, young patients are affected by hemorrhagic vasculitis. Treatment in adults will depend on the severity of the pathology, comorbidities, and the speed with which a doctor is contacted

An epileptic is a person suffering from epilepsy. Causes and treatment of epilepsy

An epileptic is a person suffering from epilepsy. Causes and treatment of epilepsy

Epilepsy is a disease that begins in childhood and accompanies life. Generalized tonic-clonic seizures in children are diagnosed between the ages of 5-6 and 18. Some have exclusively nocturnal convulsions; in others, the convulsive syndrome captures only the muscles of the face. These forms of the disease are not dangerous

Acquired epilepsy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, necessary treatment and prevention of the disease

Acquired epilepsy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, necessary treatment and prevention of the disease

Epilepsy is a disease that affects the brain and causes seizures. The severity of seizures can vary greatly from person to person. Some experience a trance-like state for a few seconds or minutes. Others lose consciousness, while the body shudders uncontrollably at this time. Epilepsy usually begins in childhood, although it can occur at any age

Epileptiform Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments and Prognosis

Epileptiform Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments and Prognosis

Epileptiform syndrome is a symptom complex, which is expressed in episodic attacks of convulsions and uncontrolled movements. The seizure is accompanied by a deterioration in well-being and a disorder of consciousness. Such manifestations often occur in children. This condition in a child is very scary for parents. However, episyndrome has nothing to do with epilepsy. This condition responds well to correction and therapy