To those who know this problem only by hearsay, it is sometimes difficult to understand why excessive sweating is so disturbing. After all, now there are many deodorants that block the release of sweat for tens of hours. However, even specialized tools do not always help. You can't apply them all over the body, nor should you permanently block the activity of the glands in the traditional places of application. It is better to find the causes of heavy sweating and eliminate them, thereby bringing the amount of discharge back to normal.

What to look out for
It matters where you sweat the most. Some complain of sweaty feet or palms, others struggle with wet patches under their armpits. Or maybe your whole body sweats? Does sweat have a particularly bad odor and do you feel chills or fever? The answers to these questions will help you identify the causes of excessive sweating.
Excessive sweating of the feet often indicates that you have not paid enough attention to their hygiene. The problem arises due to the activity of fungi and bacteria. Costsalso change shoes and socks, preferring natural materials to artificial ones.
Wet palms are most commonly seen in anxious people and in patients with heart problems.
When the armpits suffer, we can confidently talk about problems in the endocrine system. Whether they are serious or not is judged by the nature of the sweat.

Don't you notice that it's only at certain times that you sweat the most? The reasons for it may lie in your lifestyle. It has been noticed that caffeine (mainly in black coffee), spicy foods, and alcohol can stimulate the sweat glands. If you smoke, you may also be afraid of increased sweating.
What to watch out for
The main cause of heavy sweating - a malfunction of the endocrine system - has many causes of its own. If, along with sweating, you experience weakness and apathy, you have skin problems, most likely it is time to cleanse the body of toxins. As you know, sweat itself is responsible for the removal of toxins, so you should not block the work of the glands with the help of deodorants in such a situation. It's better to shower more often and dust your body with talc.

If increased sweating bothers you at night, at the same time you are thrown into a fever or shivering, you should immediately consult a doctor. This is how the symptoms of a number of rather serious diseases manifest themselves: diabetes, tuberculosis, disorders in the work of the heart and liver, and the thyroid gland. But don't panicmaybe you just had the flu or food poisoning recently and your body hasn't gotten back to normal yet.
What else can you do
Sometimes finding out the causes of heavy sweating is not immediately possible. You should start a diary and write down what you did, ate and even wore on certain days, what emotions you experienced, and whether there was a deterioration in well-being.
If you want to get rid of sweating yourself, you can turn to traditional medicine. A proven remedy for such a problem is a decoction of sage.