Intestinal colonoscopy is the most effective method for diagnosing intestinal diseases. This method gives accurate information about the state of the intestinal mucosa. If suspicious areas are found, the doctor takes the tissue for examination. As a result, it is possible to detect the formation of malignant tumors at the earliest stage. In addition, the endoscope used for this manipulation can remove polyps located on the walls of the intestine. They are benign neoplasms, but over time they can degenerate into colon cancer. It should be noted that in paid medical centers the price of an intestinal colonoscopy is about 7 thousand rubles.
Colonoscopy prep
Survey data will be informative in the absence of feces in the intestines. Proper preparation for the procedure ensures the success of its implementation. Without the following two conditions, it willmeaningless:
- detox-free diet;
- thorough bowel cleansing.

It should be noted that both requirements are not fulfilled on the day of the procedure, but in advance.
Diet before colonoscopy, menu
Following the diet is enough for two days, but it is better if it lasts a week. In this case, the intestines will be completely cleansed. In the early days, you can eat the usual low-calorie foods, excluding fatty foods. In the afternoon, it is advisable to consume only fermented milk products and water for dinner. The following foods should be avoided during this period:
- fresh vegetables;
- legumes;
- fatty and smoked meat;
- porridge;
- nuts;
- fruit;
- milk and carbonated drinks;
- black bread.
The diet should include:
- lean fish;
- boiled and lean meat;
- low-fat broths;
- fermented milk drinks, tea, water.
On the day before your colonoscopy, you can have low-fat broth and tea for lunch. Dinner consists of tea only. For breakfast - water or tea. In some cases, after such a moderate diet, a headache and a feeling of nausea are possible. Don't be scared, this is normal. The feeling of hunger will haunt you, you will have to fight it. After completing the procedure, introduce regular foods into the diet gradually.
Preparation for the enema procedure
Clean the intestinespossible in different ways. Although until recently there was only one - an enema. Many people still use this method to this day. How to prepare for a bowel colonoscopy using an enema? For this you need:
- On the eve of the examination at 19:00, give an enema using 1.5 liters of water.
- At 20 o'clock, repeat the steps. Rinse until clear water comes out.
- On the day of the examination at 7 o'clock, clean the intestines with an enema. The volume of water, as in the evening, is one and a half liters.
- At 8 o'clock, repeat the procedure.

Before the evening cleansing enema, it is recommended to take 50 g of castor oil or 100 ml of a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate as a laxative at 4 pm. However, this preparation for bowel colonoscopy has significant drawbacks:
- an assistant is needed to hold the water container and control its flow;
- it is possible to damage the rectal mucosa with the tip of the enema if the patient suffers from hemorrhoids or has cracks in the anus.
The only advantage of such a cleansing is that it is cheap, the procedure does not cost anything.
Preparation with the drug "Duphalac"
This mild and effective laxative makes it easy to have a bowel movement. How to prepare for an intestinal colonoscopy using Duphalac? To do this, you must pre-purchase a bottle of the drug with a volume of 200 ml. Start taking the medicine before the day of the procedure, after twohours after dinner. To do this, the medicine is dissolved in two liters of plain water. The resulting solution is drunk in two or three hours in small sips. Bowel cleansing begins 60 minutes after taking the medication, and ends three hours after the last serving. For the patient, this procedure is very comfortable.
Preparation for colonoscopy with the drug "Fortrans"
In some diseases associated with the presence of blood in urine or chronic diarrhea, constipation, an intestinal colonoscopy is performed to make an accurate diagnosis. "Fortrans" is used to prepare for the study. This laxative drug works only in the intestines and is excreted unchanged from the body. The package contains four fruit flavored powders. For cleansing you need:
- Calculate the required amount of the drug, given that one powder is taken for 15–20 kg of weight and dissolved in a liter of water, which means that for a person weighing 80 kg, 4 liters of water and a package of powder will be required.
- Purchase the required amount of the drug at the pharmacy.
- Dissolve the powder in water.
- Take the solution on the eve of the examination, it is recommended to start from 15:00. To do this, drink one glass of liquid every hour, or divide the solution equally into two parts. The first - drink the day before, and the second - in the morning. The last serving must be consumed four hours before the examination.

Evacuation occurs after an hour and a halfafter taking the first portion, and the final - in the form of pure water - two hours after the last dose. In this case, we can assume that the preparation for colonoscopy of the intestine was successful. The advantages of the drug "Fortrans" are as follows:
- not absorbed into the intestinal mucosa and stomach;
- large volume of liquid helps maintain water-s alt balance;
- don't ask outsiders for help.
- not everyone likes the specific fruit flavor;
- possible nausea and vomiting;
- you need to drink a lot of liquid, not every patient can do it;
- applies to persons over 15 years of age.
Preparation with Fleet
This drug, like the previous ones, has been successfully used to cleanse the intestines. How to prepare for a colonoscopy of the intestine with the drug "Fleet"? It is consumed the day before the scheduled procedure immediately after breakfast - 45 ml is diluted in 0.5 cups of water and in the evening after meals in the same dose. When examining in the daytime, take another of the same portion up to 8 hours. When using the drug, the following conditions must be met:
- breakfast and dinner should consist of water, which should be drunk at least a glass;
- for lunch - 750 ml of liquid in the form of broth, tea, water;
- after each dose of the drug, drink one to three glasses of water. The volume of liquid is not limited.

Evacuation of the bowels after the start of the medication occurs, at the earliest,in half an hour, and at the latest - in six hours. Proper bowel cleansing for colonoscopy depends on following the instructions exactly.
The difference between Endofalk and other laxatives for colonoscopy preparation
All drugs containing macrogol work the same way. For the patient, taste is very important in order to drink the right amount of solution when cleaning the intestines. It depends on the special qualities of the drug, which are affected by the amount of s alts and flavors. Endofalk does not contain bitter sodium sulfate, but it has a pleasant addition with the taste of passion fruit and orange.

How to prepare for colonoscopy with this laxative? With a normal stool, it is enough to drink three, and with an irregular act of defecation, four liters of solution will be required. For ease of use, the drug is available in several dosage forms. To prepare one liter of liquid, you will need to dissolve two bags of Endofalk. The balanced and pleasant taste of this remedy will not cause unpleasant moments.
Virtual Colonoscopy MSCT (Multilayer Computed Tomography)
This procedure is a new method of examining the intestines. It is based on the unique features of X-rays. For this, special equipment is used, which is a source of X-rays and allows you to display an image of the internal organs, which is subsequently used by doctors to make a diagnosis. Through the use of the latestequipment, it is possible to study not only the structure of the scanned organ, but also the processes that take place in it. Such a procedure does not cause pain and discomfort to the patient, takes little time, and the radiation dose is minimal. It is not always possible to replace the traditional procedure of colonoscopy of the intestine with a virtual one. The patient, who examines the intestines for the first time, is carried out by the traditional method. The indications for a virtual bowel examination are the following patient complaints:
- stomach pain;
- detection of blood in the feces;
- diarrhea followed by constipation;
- increased gas formation;
- recurrent bowel disease.
Such manipulation is undesirable in childhood, it is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, and with the introduction of a contrast agent, it is not recommended for persons with:
- diabetes mellitus;
- allergic reaction to iodine;
- thyroid disorders;
- liver and kidney disease.
Foods that cause the formation of gases are excluded from the menu for two days before colonoscopy of the intestine. On the day of the study, do not consume any products other than water. Pure water or with the addition of a contrast agent is drunk in small portions. Before MSCT, the intestines are cleansed using an enema or the laxatives "Fortrans" or "Flit" already described above, according to the instructions for use. To conduct the study, the patient lies on a special couch with a lift and is placed in a capsuledevice. The residence time in it is several tens of minutes, and the exposure to X-rays is no more than a minute. The price of intestinal colonoscopy using computed tomography is about six thousand rubles, and with the introduction of a contrast agent - about nine thousand rubles. The cost depends on the qualifications of specialists and the quality of equipment.
Which is the best bowel examination procedure?
There are several methods for making the correct diagnosis for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but colonoscopy and MRI are accurate and provide reliable information. Patients are often worried about the question of what to choose: MRI of the intestine or colonoscopy? The essence of the first method is to obtain detailed images as a result of the passage of magnetic fields through the organs under study. They allow you to identify areas of bleeding, inflammation, polyps, tumors. MRI is most often done for the small intestine. Manipulation is completely painless and comfortable. Before scanning, 11 hours before the manipulation, do not eat, empty the bladder and do not drink water 4 hours before the procedure. The second method is carried out using a special apparatus - a colonoscope, which consists of a tube with a video camera. It requires careful preparation - following a certain diet for a week and thoroughly cleaning the intestines with an enema or using laxatives. After completion of the preparation for the procedure, colonoscopy of the intestine is carried out not only with an examination of the intestinal mucosa, but also the encountered polyps are removed, biomaterial is taken for microscopicresearch.
Advantages and disadvantages of research procedures
The benefits of MRI are as follows:
- comfortable procedure without pain and discomfort;
- detects neoplasms at early stages;
- accurate and detailed shots;
- examination of the small intestine;
- no anesthesia required.
Benefits of bowel colonoscopy:
- collection of material for research;
- assessment of the condition of the intestinal mucosa;
- detection of neoplasms;
- removal of polyps.

There is a fairly large list of contraindications for MRI: mental disorders, non-removable medical devices and prostheses, severe pain, kidney disease and the high cost of the procedure. In turn, colonoscopy causes discomfort and pain in patients, requires careful preparation for the examination, as a result of which damage to the mucous membrane is possible. Not recommended for people with ulcerative colitis, heart disease.
What should the patient choose: MRI of the intestine or colonoscopy? To do this, you need to make the following comparison:
- The effect of research. For bowel scans, MRI provides more information. The colonoscope cannot pass into the small intestine and hard-to-reach areas, but it will provide information about the condition of the mucous membranes, remove polyps and take biomaterial for analysis.
- Duration of the procedure. Both are performed for about an hour, preparation for a colonoscopy takessignificantly longer than an MRI.
- Side effects. With magnetic resonance imaging, the individual feels comfortable. Colonoscopy is accompanied by bloating, discomfort, pain. However, it is possible to perform a colonoscopy of the intestine under anesthesia.
The choice of procedure depends on the purpose of the study. When an inflammatory process is detected, it is difficult to diagnose the disease on the basis of one MRI. In this case, it is necessary to take a sample of biomaterial for analysis for laboratory testing. And this can only be done by performing a colonoscopy. In addition, it allows you to do some medical manipulations.
When is a colonoscopy with anesthesia performed
After the patient has undergone a thorough cleansing at home, colonoscopy of the intestine is performed in a medical facility. For most patients, this procedure is performed without anesthesia, but in some cases it is necessary:
- Children under 12 years of age. Pain can traumatize a child's psyche.
- Adhesive bowel disease. It is formed as a complication after surgery. The intestinal loops become fused with connective tissue, which obstructs the passage of the colonoscope and causes severe pain.
- Extensive destructive processes. Accompanied by pain syndrome.
- Low pain threshold. People with this symptom may experience pain shock and faint.
In paid medical centers, the price of intestinal colonoscopy under anesthesia is from 8 thousand rubles. ForThere are two methods of anesthesia used - sedation and general anesthesia. In the first case, the patient is introduced into a state of superficial sleep with the help of medications, in the second, there is a complete shutdown of consciousness.
Intestinal examination under anesthesia
In this state, the patient does not hear or feel anything, which provides protection from pain. But it is not always possible to immerse the patient in such a state. Anesthesia is contraindicated in:
- severe heart failure;
- exacerbation of chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma;
- acute mental and neurological diseases.
Children should not have colonoscopy if:
- respiratory infections;
- high temperature;
- underweight;
- pustular lesions on the body;
- rickets.

General anesthesia always has a certain risk to life, so it is very rarely used in the study of the intestine. Apply sedation if necessary.
Instead of a conclusion
Intestinal colonoscopy is recommended for all women and men over 50 years of age. It is necessary to do this procedure in order to detect malignant neoplasms in the early stages and remove polyps that can degenerate into cancer. Until recently, bowel disease was difficult to diagnose. The doctor's only tools were his hands and knowledge acquired through practice. Thanks to the development of science in the XXI century, a flexibleendoscope - a device with which the doctor was able to look inside a person and examine the large intestine.