Red root tincture: instructions for use, reviews

Red root tincture: instructions for use, reviews
Red root tincture: instructions for use, reviews

Red root tincture is a real find for he alth. A modern remedy, which includes natural herbs, has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. A tincture based on the root of the plant is an effective remedy in the treatment of male problems such as prostatitis and prostate adenoma. The healing properties of the plants that make up its composition provide serious support to the genitourinary system, reduce pain, improve urination, help relieve swelling and inflammation.

red root tincture instruction
red root tincture instruction

Healing properties

  • Nervous disorder? Working on a complex project? Are you preparing for exams? Red Root Help! It improves cerebral circulation and is an excellent antidepressant.
  • Heart naughty? With the red root, the heart muscle will become stronger, which will certainly affect the blood flow.
  • Worried about a cough? The plant reduces symptoms by removing phlegm and helping to cough up.
  • Painin the stomach? The root infusion has an astringent effect and relieves spasms.
  • Diarrhea? The red root can handle it.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system? The tincture will relieve pain and cure any diuretic problems.
  • Prostatitis? Tired of getting sick? The red root is a good helper for men: it improves hormonal levels, although it is not a hormonal remedy, and effectively fights prostatitis and impotence,
  • Gynecological diseases? Root infusion is effective for menstrual irregularities, fights infertility and helps with many female diseases.
  • Blood problems? The red root cleanses it and removes toxins. Recommended for anemia and diabetes.
  • Weak immunity? The components contained in the plant have restorative properties and provide the body with the necessary trace elements. The plant will protect against beriberi, increase stamina and help recover from illness.
  • Tired? The red root will help. It will relieve fatigue, and at high temperatures it will greatly alleviate the condition.
red root for men instruction tincture
red root for men instruction tincture

Healing Root

Red root tincture is an excellent remedy for various diseases. Its main component has a powerful healing effect, which is recognized throughout the world. A red root grows in forests, meadows, mountains, near rivers. Found in the tundra. Favorite places in Russia are Sayan and Altai. Grows in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. The root has been known for its medicinal properties since ancient times. Its stillcalled kopeck tea, white root, bear root.

The plant received the name "red root" for its own shade and color of the tinctures obtained from it. There are beautiful old legends about other names of the plant. They originate in Altai. They say that there is a fabulous place where people do not know illnesses and troubles, called Belovodye. Once, in search of this place, people wandered in the mountains, and evil spirits sent a serious illness on them. Then a huge bear came out to the travelers, who brought them a bright green bush with red roots. The wanderers prepared a decoction from it and were healed. Hence the bear root.

"White root" the plant was nicknamed due to the fact that it grows in the mountains near accumulations of snow. They are also called "squirrels". The plant received the name "Kopeck" for the round shape of the fruit-beans. In the Altai Mountains, a delicious tea is made from kopeck, which is drunk with milk. It is considered an excellent invigorating drink, has a strengthening effect. Perhaps that is why the plant is called the tea kopek. Healers say that the healing effect from the use of red root tincture is comparable to the legendary "Golden Root", because it is not for nothing that the kopeck is called the "plant of centenarians." The unique composition of the plant helps many people to get rid of diseases easily and quickly.


Red root is a source of coumarins, triterpene saponins, tannins, amino acids and flavonoids. The root of the kopeck contains up to 34% of oligomeric catechins (they color it red), which have P-activity. Hedizaridand mangiferin contained in the red root stimulate the nervous system and strengthen the immune system. The plant contains some alkaloids, macronutrients, a number of polysaccharides and ascorbic acid.

red root tincture for men
red root tincture for men

Wide range of activities

In folk medicine, red root tincture has long been used to treat impotence and infertility, diseases of the genitourinary system and some oncological ailments. Kopeck has a strengthening and stimulating effect on the heart muscle and is used in the complex therapy of cardiovascular diseases. It is used in the treatment of the nervous system, in China, the powder of this root is prescribed as a sedative for epilepsy. Kopeck infusions normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Red root restores sexual activity in men. Although it is generally accepted that red root tincture is more suitable for men, since it perfectly treats prostatitis, adenoma, impotence and urological diseases, the plant is also recommended for women. Kopeck has proven itself well in the treatment of fibroids, uterine bleeding, fibroids, and diseases of the mammary glands. In addition, the red root is considered an excellent prophylactic to prevent the development of breast cancer.

The plant is used as an analgesic and antitumor agent. Since ancient times, a decoction of the root has been taken as a tea, as a tonic and tonic. The red root is also taken as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and hemostatic agent. So the key featuresplants:

  • reduces inflammation, helps tissues recover;
  • improves blood circulation, removes swelling;
  • strengthens capillary walls due to catechins in the composition of the plant;
  • improves metabolic processes, stabilizes the hormonal system;
  • stimulates the heart muscle;
  • significantly improves blood counts,
  • reduces pain;
  • cleanses the respiratory system;
  • is a natural powerful antioxidant;
  • effectively fights cancer cells;
  • has a general strengthening effect, improves immunity, increases energy reserves.
red root tincture on vodka
red root tincture on vodka

Issue Forms

On sale the red root is offered in the following forms:

  • Tea - powder in filter bags.
  • The ground root of the plant. The powder is sold in packs.
  • Pills. Consists of the following ingredients: Hemp Powder, Vitamin E and Zinc Oxide.
  • Alcohol tincture is produced in bottles of various sizes.

The instructions for red root tincture, as well as for tablets, tea and powder, indicate that self-medication of any disease is dangerous.

Contraindications and side effects

In addition to its beneficial effect, the red root, like many medicines, has a number of contraindications:

  • breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • alcoholism;
  • thrombophlebitis history;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • hypertension;
  • liver pathology;
  • allergy or hypersensitivity to ingredients;
  • severe kidney disorders;
  • under the age of 18.

As a side effect, the instructions for use of red root tincture indicate only an allergic reaction to the chemicals contained in the plant.

red root tincture reviews
red root tincture reviews

Kopechnik tincture with bird knotweed

The finished tincture is a red-brown liquid. Opalescence and sediment are allowed in it. To obtain the tincture, the following are used: 70 g of rhizomes and roots of kopek, 30 g of highlander and 1,000 ml of 40% ethanol. The instructions for the red root tincture remind that a drug with such a content is not intended for use in women. A herbal remedy is aimed at the treatment of chronic abacterial prostatitis as a complex therapy. It has anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces pain, improves urodynamics, as well as microcirculation in the prostate gland.

Shake the tincture before use. Take orally, after diluting the tincture with water (1 tsp per 1/3 cup). Drink before meals 3 times a day for 4 weeks. If side effects occur, stop taking the tincture and consult a doctor. In case of an overdose of the drug, manifestations of alcohol intoxication are possible - nausea, dizziness, vomiting. It is not recommended to exceed the maximum daily dose - 3 teaspoons. If, while taking the remedy, the condition worsens, the initial symptoms persist, you should consult a doctor. The doctorsit is also recommended to visit during the period of taking the medicine in order to correct the treatment. Instructions and tincture of the red root for men are placed in a pack of cardboard. Available from pharmacies without a prescription.

Red root tincture

Reviews of men who tried to be treated with kopeck confirm that the remedy significantly reduces the symptoms of prostatitis. Noticeable improvements occur after long-term use of the drug - in the third or fourth week. In addition, reviews of the root tincture reflect its tonic and strengthening properties. And, of course, it pleases that this is “not some kind of chemistry”, but a natural remedy. Excellent reviews are also about the tea from the rhizomes of the kopek, and about the products prepared on their own. Let's talk about them in more detail.

red root vodka tincture
red root vodka tincture

Folk recipes

Alternative medicine knows several uses for kopek:

  • tea drink;
  • tincture;
  • decoction;
  • balm;
  • microclysters.

Kopeck tincture

Tincture of red root on vodka is used for pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis, anemia. And also in case of violations of the reproductive function in both men and women, with acute respiratory viral infections, sinusitis and influenza.

  • Ingredients: 50 g kopek, 500 ml vodka.
  • How to cook: pour the crushed root with vodka and insist in a cool place for 14 days. Shake container periodically.
  • How to take: ready product, 1 teaspoon, diluted with water (50 ml) to avoid irritation of the mucous membranes. Drinkhalf an hour before meals, 3 times a day. Given the stimulating effect of kopeechnik, it is recommended to drink the tincture 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • Treatment course: from one to three months. Break - one month. Recommended 2 - 4 courses per year.

The reviews of those who have tried the tincture on themselves confirm its effectiveness. Kopechnik is an excellent drug for the treatment of prostatitis. After applying the tincture of the red root on vodka, pain sensations decreased. After two weeks, the general condition improved. It's nice to realize that you're improving your he alth with a natural remedy - most of those who responded think so.

Bear root tea

Tea from this root is recommended for colds, uterine bleeding, prostatitis, gynecological diseases, bladder diseases, impotence, kidney diseases, epilepsy.

  • Ingredients: 25 g root, 1 liter boiling water.
  • How to cook: Pour boiling water over the roots of the kopek and insist in a thermos for 1 hour.
  • How to take: In this variation, the tea is used as a brew. You can add milk or honey to taste. Drink the remedy 3 times a day for 1/3 cup.
  • Treatment course: tea is recommended for preventive purposes. But, given that this is still a drug, it is necessary to take breaks. You can, as in the previous recipe, drink courses.

Decoction of kopeechnik

Decoction is recommended for both men and women with sexual dysfunction, respiratory diseases, blood diseases. It also normalizes water-s alt metabolism in the body.

  • Ingredients: 10 g root, 200 ml boiled water.
  • How to cook: pour water over the root and keep in a water bath for half an hour. Insist and strain for an hour. Bring the volume of the broth to the original (200 ml).
  • How to take: before meals, 2 times 3 tablespoons.
  • Treatment course: as in the previous recipe.
red root tincture instructions for use
red root tincture instructions for use

Bearroot Balm

Recommended for adenoma, gastrointestinal diseases and neuroses, impotence and prostatitis.

  • Ingredients: 30 g propolis, 30 g root, 500 ml alcohol.
  • How to cook: mix all the ingredients, shake the container thoroughly. Insist 10 days in a cool place. Shake occasionally.
  • How to take: drink the balm before meals. 30 drops 3 times a day.
  • Treatment course: a month. Two month break. Course repeat.


Recommended for diseases of the genitourinary system, myoma, fibroma, prostatitis, impotence and adenoma.

  • Ingredients: 1 teaspoon root, 1 cup boiling water.
  • How to cook. Pour boiling water over the root. Infuse in a thermos for 12 hours. Divide the resulting solution into 2 equal parts.
  • How to take: do microclysters in the morning and evening. The temperature of the infusion is 36-37 degrees.
  • Treatment course: ten to twelve days.

There are a lot of positive reviews after treatment with kopeechnik. But still, it should be remembered: when the development of pathology is established, then a herbal remedy for eliminating the diseasewon't be enough. You need to consult with your doctor and use the red root as an additional drug. Thanks to the action of the plant, there is a lasting effect of drug treatment, acceleration of the recovery process of organs and systems.
