"Corvalol" for sleep: use of the drug as a sleeping pill, instructions for use

"Corvalol" for sleep: use of the drug as a sleeping pill, instructions for use
"Corvalol" for sleep: use of the drug as a sleeping pill, instructions for use

Sleep disturbance is a common problem that is well known to people of all ages. Increasingly, insomnia worries young people who experience stress at work and at home, have he alth problems due to hormonal imbalances or malnutrition. In such a situation, it is not at all necessary to resort to taking potent sleeping pills. Doctors recommend using Corvalol for sleep, which is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Image "Corvalol" to normalize the heartbeat
Image "Corvalol" to normalize the heartbeat

How the drug works

In traditional medicine, there are many drugs that are used for sleep. "Corvalol" is in the greatest demand, as it contains components that positively affect the functioning of the body. The drug has a strong odor, which is due to the presence of peppermint oil, which has a reflex effect on the central nervous system when inhaled. The drug has a pronounced sedativeeffect. "Corvalol" has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. That is why this medicine is indicated for those who suffer from coronary disease or have had a myocardial infarction.

Image "Corvalol" for sleep
Image "Corvalol" for sleep

Composition of the drug

"Corvalol" for sleep is actively used by patients of different ages. Despite the fact that many consider this medicine to be natural, this is far from the case. The composition of "Corvalol" includes the following components:

  1. Peppermint oil.
  2. Multifunctional phenobarbital.
  3. Alpha-bromoisovaleric acid ester.
  4. Plain water.
  5. Sodium hydroxide.
  6. Ethanol.

Some components quickly affect the receptors of the mouth and throat, reduce the activity of the nervous system, stop the impact of stressful situations on the brain. "Corvalol" acts as an antispasmodic, and also has a characteristic sedative principle of action. Phenobarbital is banned in some European countries. It is a powerful sedative substance that reduces the transport of excitable impulses to the brain. Phenobarbital can cause drowsiness and lethargy. In large quantities, it acts as a sleeping pill.

Despite the fact that "Corvalol" lowers blood pressure, this medication does not eliminate the hypertensive crisis. The drug is available in the form of drops, as well as tablets. You need to take the medication before meals. The effect occurs 25 minutes after taking Corvalol.

The use of "Corvalol"
The use of "Corvalol"

Useful properties

Corvalol insleep drops is a combined remedy. A positive pharmacological effect is achieved due to the presence of interrelated substances. Under the influence of active components, the process of falling asleep is restored, the functioning of the nervous system is normalized.

Multifunctional phenobarbital has a sedative and hypnotic effect. Peppermint has a powerful vasodilating, antispasmodic effect. The ethyl ester of alpha-bromoisovaleric acid is similar in pharmacological action to the classic "Valerian", due to which it has a sedative effect on the nervous system.

Indications for use

Manufacturers of "Corvalol" note that this medication is advisable to use in certain cases. The main indications include the following conditions:

  1. Functional disorders of the cardiovascular system. Many patients take Corvalol for sleep, as well as to effectively combat diagnosed arrhythmia, angina pectoris, tachycardia.
  2. Neuroses. "Corvalol" is indicated for increased irritability, unreasonable outbursts of anger, feelings of anxiety, depressed mood.
  3. Sleep disorders. The drug is indicated for those who suffer from drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night, frequent awakening, problems with falling asleep.
  4. Fighting insomnia
    Fighting insomnia


To decide whether you can drink "Corvalol" before bedtime, you need to take into account the basic recommendations of doctors. The drug is prohibited for use in pediatric practice. "Corvalol" should not be given to children under three years of age. At an older age, the question of the advisability of using the medication should be decided by the attending physician. Experts have not conducted studies on the effect of Corvalol on the body of pregnant women. Doctors cannot unequivocally answer how the drug affects the development of the fetus.

"Corvalol" is strictly forbidden to use in case of traumatic brain injury, diagnosed alcoholism, epilepsy. It is better to refrain from using the medication for those who suffer from chronic renal failure, cirrhosis of the liver. The duration of treatment should be selected exclusively by the attending physician.

Therapeutic effect

For good sleep, Corvalol tablets can be purchased at any pharmacy. Regular use of this drug allows you to restore the psycho-emotional state of a person. The main function is performed by phenobarbital, which is part of Corvalol. Many believe that this component is addictive. Experts have proven that phenobarbital is toxic, so it must be used as carefully as possible, not exceeding the allowable dosage.

Drops "Corvalol" from insomnia
Drops "Corvalol" from insomnia

How to drink Corvalol for sleep?

You can take medication only after the appointment of the attending physician. Most often, "Corvalol" is prescribed for symptoms of neurosis or stress. If during therapy the patient's condition began to worsen, aching pain behind the chest appeared, discomfort in the stomach and intestines, and fear increased, then it is better to stop taking the medication andSeek medical advice.

To figure out how many drops of "Corvalol" for sleep, you need to follow the dosage suggested by pharmacists. For an adult, 30 drops are enough. If the patient has experienced severe stress, then the dosage can be increased to 50 drops. The agent can be dissolved in boiled water or dripped onto refined sugar. The therapeutic course is 14 days. Long-term use of "Corvalol" is fraught with addiction. The drug is strictly forbidden to be taken by people who are prone to severe depression, suicide. If a person does not tolerate drops on alcohol, then you need to use the tablet form of the medicine. A maximum of 3 pills can be taken per day.

Image "Corvalol" in the form of capsules
Image "Corvalol" in the form of capsules

Adverse reactions

"Corvalol" at bedtime can only be used by those patients who are convinced that they have no contraindications. Since the composition of the drug contains ethanol and phenobarbital, the drug should not be taken by people who abuse alcoholic beverages. Exceeding the permissible dosage is fraught with the manifestation of various adverse reactions:

  1. Bradycardia.
  2. Allergic reaction.
  3. Severe nausea, discomfort in the intestines and stomach, problems with defecation.
  4. Hypotension.
  5. Acute headache, lethargy, clouding of consciousness.

Corvalol can be combined with many antiarrhythmic, antihypertensive drugs, as well as medicines for the treatment of diabetes.


Many reviews about"Corvalole" for sleep indicate that this medication rarely causes negative reactions. In isolated cases, an overdose of the drug was recorded by specialists. In this situation, the patient experiences the following symptoms:

  1. A sharp drop in blood pressure to a critical level.
  2. Depression of the central nervous system.
  3. Apathy, blurred mind.
  4. Rhinitis.
  5. Nystagmus.
  6. Incoordination.
  7. Hemorrhagic diathesis.
  8. Ataxia.

If at least one sign of an overdose appears, then you need to stop using the medication and seek help from doctors. In such a situation, specialists prescribe symptomatic therapy. If there are signs of depression of the central nervous system, then the patient is credited with caffeine and Niketamide.

Image "Corvalol" for sleep
Image "Corvalol" for sleep

Combination with other drugs

After the combination of "Corvalol" with drugs from the category of hypnotics, sedatives, and anti-allergic, there is a significant increase in the inhibitory effect on the nervous system. Phenobarbital can significantly reduce the effectiveness of universal coumarin, as well as specific glucocorticoids, medicines from the group of oral contraceptives. Under the influence of the active components of Corvalol, the effect of local anesthetic drugs and painkillers for oral use can significantly increase. Patients should be aware that the drug enhances the toxicity of "Methotrexate" with their simultaneoususe.

Overdose of "Corvalol"
Overdose of "Corvalol"

Use of the drug during pregnancy

In the first three months of bearing a child, it is forbidden to use Corvalol for sleep. Phenobarbital can cross the placenta to the fetus, which is fraught with intrauterine growth retardation baby. Only a qualified gynecologist can prescribe Corvalol to a pregnant woman in the second and third trimester. Since dangerous phenobarbital is excreted along with breast milk, it is strictly forbidden to use a medication during lactation.

Alternative options

Since Corvalol is used to combat insomnia, experts recommend a comprehensive approach to solving this problem. First of all, you need to take all possible measures that will help normalize sleep:

  1. Try to avoid physical and emotional stress during the day.
  2. Reduce stress.
  3. Remove all irritants (bright lights, noise, uncomfortable pillow or bed).
  4. Caffeinated drinks should be avoided after 6pm.

If sleep problems still appear or it is not possible to eliminate negative factors, then you need to resort to herbal medicine. Decoctions and teas, as well as extracts and extracts from medicinal plants, have positive properties. These remedies are painless and have no side effects for the body.

More interesting information is presented in the video.


Expert Opinion

The drug "Corvalol" helps to effectively deal with various symptoms that are provoked by stress, neuroses. The drug copes with anxiety, nervous tension, accelerated heartbeat, insomnia, pain in the heart area. But the drug does not affect the pathology. That is why, before using the medicine, you need to make sure that poor he alth is associated with an unstable emotional state. Even if he alth problems are exclusively psychological in nature, one should not be limited solely to Corvalol. It must also be remembered that this drug is suitable for short-term therapy. Prolonged use is fraught with addiction.
