Does motherwort lower or increase blood pressure? How does motherwort work on pressure?

Does motherwort lower or increase blood pressure? How does motherwort work on pressure?
Does motherwort lower or increase blood pressure? How does motherwort work on pressure?

For all those who do not yet know how to normalize their heart rate and eliminate the symptoms of hypertension, cardiologists recommend taking natural motherwort. If the patient regularly uses drugs, infusions or decoctions from this medicinal plant, then his condition will improve significantly. The herb grows in large, sunny wastelands and boasts numerous medicinal properties. Does motherwort increase or decrease blood pressure? This question interests many patients. Folk and traditional medicine recognize the high effectiveness of this plant.

Motherwort tincture
Motherwort tincture

Healing herb composition

To understand whether motherwort lowers or increases blood pressure, you need to take into account a few basic nuances. Reserpine has a positive effect on the work of the circulatory system. It is a natural alkaloid that suppresses sympathetic impulses that are responsible for tension and stress. It is reserpine that actively fights convulsions, increased muscle tone, as well as spasms of various origins. Even in ancient times,with the help of high-quality alkaloids fought chronic neurosis, colic and epilepsy.

The positive effect of motherwort on pressure is provided by the following components:

  • Quercetin. Natural substance contributes to the prevention of the development of oncological neoplasms. Quercetin normalizes the biological processes of synthesis and decay in the body, has a positive effect on visual acuity, skin and heart muscle.
  • Papaverine. It is the main component of modern antispasmodics. The substance helps to reduce the intensity of the manifestation of neurogenic pain, normalize the tone of blood vessels.
  • Rutin. Perfectly restores the vascular wall (increases firmness and elasticity, significantly improves trophism, and also stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues).

Vitamins A, C, E enhance the positive effect. They take an active part in the coordinated work of the circulatory, immune and nervous systems. Severe vitamin deficiencies can lead to autonomic dysregulation. The astringent properties of motherwort have an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps to significantly relieve the pain of burns and other wounds, as well as quickly heal a cough.

Motherwort's appearance
Motherwort's appearance

Useful properties of the plant

Motherwort raises or lowers blood pressure? This question is often asked by patients to therapists. Cardiologists claim that this healing herb normalizes blood pressure, and also improves the general condition of a person. Not only medicinal medicines are made from motherwort, but decoctions are also prepared,tinctures. All flowers and shoots, as well as the root system, are used. The main beneficial properties of the plant are in its composition:

  • Universal organic acids.
  • Vitamins A, groups B, C, E.
  • Alkaloids.
  • Stakhidrin.
  • Flavonoids.

All of these components help a person to restore the work of the heart, as well as improve the condition of the circulatory system. The plant is actively used to maintain the muscles of the heart in good shape. If the patient wants to figure out whether motherwort raises or lowers blood pressure, then you need to pay attention to the fact that the herb contains reserpine, which is indicated for hypertensive patients.

Effect on the human body

The main useful properties of the plant include:

  1. Elimination of an alarm condition.
  2. Improve sleep.
  3. Reducing the negative impact of nicotine intoxication.
  4. Effective fight against cramps.
  5. Motherwort helps with pressure. The plant allows you to overcome hypertension at the initial stage of its development.
  6. Normalization of the heart.
  7. Elimination of fatigue and excitation of the nervous system.
  8. Effective goiter treatment.
  9. Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  10. Elimination of depression.

Does motherwort tincture increase or decrease blood pressure? Means from this plant help any hypertension, the main thing is to choose the right dosage. It is better not to take the tincture for those patients who have low blood pressure or low pulse.

An interesting fact about motherwort
An interesting fact about motherwort


To understand whether motherwort raises or lowers blood pressure, you need to take into account the main recommendations of therapists. From treatment with sedative herbs, it is better to refrain from those people who are predisposed to hypotension, as well as pregnant women. Motherwort is contraindicated in a number of cases:

  1. Patient's tendency to asthenia.
  2. Bradycardia (reduced number of heart muscle contractions).
  3. Combination of antipsychotics, tranquilizers, antiepileptic drugs, sedatives.
  4. Acute and chronic heart failure.
  5. Increased sleepiness during the day.
  6. Allergy to a medicinal plant.

People whose work is associated with increased concentration of attention should use motherwort as carefully as possible.

Effect of motherwort on blood pressure
Effect of motherwort on blood pressure

How to use

To understand how motherwort affects blood pressure, it is necessary to take into account that this plant helps to cope with the first and second stages of hypertension. The ground parts of the grass are most effective. More severe forms of hypertension require a skilled approach that includes quality, potent medications. With increased pressure, motherwort helps to normalize it only with minor deviations from the norm. If the indicator exceeds 155 mm Hg. Art., then you can’t do without potent means.

Many hypertensive patientsdaily use means based on motherwort. Pressure can be normalized with pharmacy alcohol tincture:

  1. To avoid an evening jump in blood pressure, as well as to overcome insomnia, you need to dissolve 55 drops of the product in a glass of water and drink 30 minutes before bedtime.
  2. With severe stress, it is recommended to take 30 drops of tincture 3 times a day.
  3. If a teenager suffers from neurosis and does not sleep well, then 25 drops of motherwort are enough.

You can buy tincture at any pharmacy. The drug is sold without a prescription.

The use of pharmacy tincture of motherwort
The use of pharmacy tincture of motherwort

Effective tablet remedy

Does motherwort increase or decrease blood pressure? This question worries not only hypertensive patients, but also hypotensive patients. The medicine in tablets is very convenient to use, as it can be taken not only at home, but also at work, on the road. The composition of the drug contains an extract of the plant in its pure form.

The drug "Vifitech" is in great demand, as well as the time-tested remedy for the treatment of hypertension "Motherwort Forte Evalar". The composition additionally includes magnesium. Tablets quickly eliminate nervousness, normalize the work of the heart, and also reduce pressure. The duration of treatment varies from two weeks to one month. The pills must be taken 3 times a day, before meals. Tablets must be washed down with plain water.

motherwort extract for pressure
motherwort extract for pressure


Reduce blood pressure with this remedy. To prepare medicinaldecoction you need to take dried motherwort. The grass is crushed and 250 ml of hot water is added to 1 teaspoon. After that, the remedy is boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. The cooled liquid is filtered through cheesecloth and taken 30 minutes before meals. The decoction helps to calm the nervous system, improve sleep. Since the drug causes drowsiness, at the beginning of treatment, the dosage should be 1 tbsp. l. The decoction is taken 3 times a day.

Preparation of medicinal infusions
Preparation of medicinal infusions

Liquid extract

Motherwort acts on pressure only from the positive side. The liquid extract of the medicinal herb has been repeatedly tested on hypertensive patients. After taking this medicine, the heart rhythm normalizes, the pressure stabilizes, and the excitation of the nervous system is also significantly reduced. The extract helps to restore the normal state of the patient in a short period of time. The remedy is effective in hypertensive crises.

Motherwort in the form of tincture
Motherwort in the form of tincture

He althy teas and infusions

If a person regularly consumes healing motherwort in the form of tea, then the level of blood pressure will always be stable. Therapy takes a minimum of time. During the first 30 days, the body gets used to the remedy, begins to work without failures. Thanks to this, a person is no longer disturbed by pressure surges. At home, you can prepare an effective infusion. To do this, take 3 tbsp. l. chopped motherwort and 300 ml of boiling water. The agent is allowed to infuse for 15-20 minutes. After that, the finished medicine can be consumed like regular tea, but you can not add sugarand other sweets. The duration of therapy is selected individually, since it all depends on the condition of the person. A maximum of 4 cups of tea can be consumed per day.

More interesting information is presented in the video.


Combination with other medicinal herbs

In folk and traditional medicine, they practice making tea from motherwort and other medicinal plants. Such funds are called fees. They have numerous beneficial properties:

  1. Relieve a person from the effects of stress.
  2. Improve the functioning of the nervous system.
  3. Normalize sleep.
  4. Restore optimal blood pressure.

To achieve the desired therapeutic effect, you can add to motherwort:

  1. St. John's wort.
  2. Melissa.
  3. Hawthorn.
  4. Valerian.
  5. Rosehip.

Motherwort with hawthorn is the most effective in hypertension. This collection is useful for people with a frequent pulse and vegetovascular dystonia. To make tea, you need to take hawthorn and motherwort flowers in equal proportions, add a little white mistletoe and cudweed. For 2 st. l. such a collection requires 320 ml of boiling water. The remedy is infused for 20 minutes and taken 3 times a day.

Effective collections to deal with high pressure and stress
Effective collections to deal with high pressure and stress

Features of the treatment of hypertension

For high blood pressure motherwort should be taken under the supervision of a cardiologist or physician. The tool can not be used for a long time, as numerousactive substances are addictive.

Increasing the allowable dosage will not increase the therapeutic effect, but only provoke the occurrence of drowsiness and mental retardation. For therapy to be effective, you need to exclude the consumption of s alty foods from the diet, as this is fraught with the accumulation of excess fluid in the body, which contributes to an uncontrolled increase in blood pressure.

Lard, smoked meats, lamb, pork, fried foods lead to an increase in the amount of lipids in the blood. They are gradually deposited on the walls of blood vessels in the form of fatty plaques. Do not give up moderate physical activity. Even a light morning exercise or a walk before going to bed increases the overall tone of the body, strengthens the cardiovascular system. Be sure to avoid stressful situations, as experiences provoke a sharp jump in pressure.
