Flaxseed oil, honey, lemon, garlic: reviews, recipe, dosage

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Flaxseed oil, honey, lemon, garlic: reviews, recipe, dosage
Flaxseed oil, honey, lemon, garlic: reviews, recipe, dosage

Video: Flaxseed oil, honey, lemon, garlic: reviews, recipe, dosage

Video: Flaxseed oil, honey, lemon, garlic: reviews, recipe, dosage
Video: How To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux Permanently | Treat Acid Reflux Naturally | Relieve from Acidity 2024, July

Longevity cocktail, youth elixir - garlic, honey, lemon, linseed oil, mixed together in certain proportions (someone adds more ginger). Is this remedy unique and effective, or are its properties exaggerated?

Benefits of ingredients

Each of us wants to be beautiful and he althy throughout life. Everyone knows that if you do not take care of yourself, your body: smoking, drinking alcohol, eating improperly and not exercising - all this will lead to a bouquet of terrible diseases, significantly shorten life and negatively affect appearance. But if half a life has been lived, and the realization of one’s frivolity has come only now, is it possible to correct the situation and change for the better? Of course you can! And you need!

elixir of youth garlic lemon honey linseed oil
elixir of youth garlic lemon honey linseed oil

Except for the overhaul of getting rid ofof all bad habits, a unique folk remedy, a kind of “explosive mixture”, an elixir of youth - garlic, lemon, honey, linseed oil, will help in healing and rejuvenating. This is not a panacea - it will not cure existing diseases, it does not guarantee to extend life by 100 years, but it will significantly alleviate the state of he alth due to the healing properties of each ingredient.

The composition contains 3 natural antiviral components at once, which are superior to the properties of similar medicines. Also mix:

  • does an excellent job of cleansing and strengthening human blood vessels, because their blockage is dangerous for the occurrence of a heart attack or stroke;
  • nourishes the body with vitamins, enhances protective functions, strengthens the immune system;
  • quickly prepared and inexpensive (200–300 rubles for all ingredients).

However, many people have to look for an alternative to flaxseed oil, honey, lemon or garlic, reviews of which are not only laudatory: someone does not like its smell and taste, others have kidney and gastrointestinal diseases or are allergic to some or a component (most often for honey).

Honey is a useful gift of nature

"If bears were bees…". Honey is loved not only by bears, this natural delicacy is adored by all people: from young to old. And they value the product of bee labor for its unique aroma, taste and healing properties: it contains many useful elements (vitamins, minerals, phytoncides, amino acids, etc.). The composition depends on the area where honey is mined, since it can be of different types: linden, mustard, acacia, mint,fruity, flowery, buckwheat, etc.

linseed oil honey lemon garlic recipe
linseed oil honey lemon garlic recipe

The product is perfectly absorbed by the human body and helps:

  • improve metabolism;
  • increase immunity;
  • combat inflammation;
  • heal damaged cells and tissues;
  • heal urinary and digestive systems;
  • quickly restore energy and strength due to the high content of carbohydrates;
  • clear blood vessels by increasing blood flow and removing cholesterol, toxins and toxins.

Honey is used to make healing tinctures, solutions, masks, syrups, ointments, etc., which not only help fight internal bacterial and viral infections, but also rejuvenate the body from the outside. Here are different reviews for the recipe with linseed oil, honey, lemon and garlic, many try to make the drug without this delicacy, as some are allergic to it.

Garlic is a natural antibiotic

But garlic, unlike honey, is not so adored and loved by everyone. Even knowing about the enormous benefits of this magnificent cultivated plant, they stubbornly refuse to eat it, referring to the smell after use and the burning taste. And in vain! Medicines don't always taste good.

Garlic has firmly taken a leading place in folk medicine, as for many millennia it has been effectively fighting bacteria and viruses that are most dangerous for the human body. It is a storehouse of vitamins, trace elements, essential oils, minerals, antioxidants and contains the most phytoncides.

mixturelemons garlic honey linseed oil
mixturelemons garlic honey linseed oil

Garlic helps:

  • quickly eliminate fungus, bacteria and viruses from the body;
  • strengthen the heart system;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • remove phlegm and toxins from the lungs;
  • normalize the digestive tract;
  • increase immunity;
  • slow down the aging process of tissues and cells.

Garlic is recognized all over the world as the most unique seasoning thanks to which people live longer! Even fumes from chopped or grated garlic can get rid of a runny nose in a few hours!

In addition to antibacterial and immunomodulatory properties, garlic improves blood circulation, cleanses blood vessels, improves metabolism, reduces blood pressure.

Use it in its raw form and in the preparation of therapeutic compresses, ointments and tinctures, as well as for the production of food supplements.

Lemon is a powerful antiseptic

Lemons are slightly inferior in composition and healing properties to garlic, but are known for their high content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Also, the fruit is a good antiseptic. In southern countries, first of all, a lemon cut in half is applied to the site of a scorpion sting, and the victim must suck the other half to avoid poisoning.

Lemon juice strengthens hair, treats beriberi and nervous exhaustion, the fruit is actively used in cooking.

elixir garlic honey lemon linseed oil
elixir garlic honey lemon linseed oil

Sour fruit is valued not only for its pleasant aroma when drinking tea, but also for the fact that it helps:

  • normalize metabolism anddigestion;
  • fight viruses and fungal infections;
  • improve memory;
  • strengthen the nervous system;
  • remove excess fats, toxins and toxins from the body;
  • restore strength and energize the body.

Due to its healing properties, lemons are widely used in folk medicine to treat atherosclerosis, fever, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.

Flaxseed oil - skin rejuvenation and tightening without surgery

There are many good stories about the amazing properties of linseed oil, but for some reason it is not as popular as olive oil, although it contains Omega 3, vitamin E (as well as A, B, C), minerals and amino acids. That is, it contains everything that is needed to preserve beauty and he alth, especially for women. For cosmetic purposes, you should buy only cold-pressed flax oil, because the hot processing method is suitable for paint and varnish production.

Flaxseed oil has a beneficial effect on digestion, and together with garlic and honey, it helps to heal the gastrointestinal tract and remove parasites from it. And it also contributes:

  • he alth of the heart and blood vessels;
  • improve the condition of body skin, nails and hair;
  • increasing the body's resistance to viral infections;
  • replenishment of vital energy;
  • lower glucose levels, which is important for diabetics;
  • nervous system stabilization;
  • cleansing the body of toxic substances;
  • he althy sleep with insomnia;
  • burn fat when overweight;
  • rejuvenation for several years thanks tonatural skin tightening.

This is just a basic list of positive effects after regular use of flaxseed oil.

linseed oil recipe honey lemon garlic reviews
linseed oil recipe honey lemon garlic reviews

How to prepare the elixir of longevity and youth

Let them say that the elixir of youth does not exist and only plastic surgeons work miracles - this is far from being true. Any person can easily give up bad habits that destroy his body and shorten his life. Everyone can help themselves to live well and remain beautiful with the help of affordable means that nature itself has given humanity.

You can prepare a recipe for youth from lemon, garlic, honey, linseed oil at home, knowing only the proportions and method of preparation. The cake is harder to bake than this recipe:

  1. Take 3 lemons, 2 medium heads of garlic, 150 grams of honey and 50 ml of linseed oil. Rinse the lemons and cut each one into 4 parts, and peel each clove of garlic from the husk.
  2. Chop the lemons with peel and garlic in a blender or scroll the ingredients through a meat grinder 2-3 times.
  3. Add honey to the resulting mixture and pour in the same linseed oil.
  4. Pour the resulting liquid mass into a dark bottle (preferably glass) and infuse for 10 days.

An opened bottle can be stored for 3 months in the refrigerator. Starting taking the drug, you should increase the consumption of clean water, you can drink it with every spoon, because the taste of the composition is specific. In addition, water contributes to a more effective cleansing of the body.

composition lemon garlic honey linseed oil
composition lemon garlic honey linseed oil

Literally after the first days of application, well-being and appearance improve significantly.

How to take a healing tincture

Each drug or cosmetic product has a certain dosage, which in no case should be exceeded so as not to get the opposite effect. A mixture of flaxseed oil, honey, lemon and garlic has good reviews, but the remedy also needs to be taken in doses and only for adults, children under 12 years old are not allowed to use it.

Apply should be 4 times a day, 1 tsp. 20 minutes before meals.

If you only need to increase immunity and affect colds, a weekly intake of natural medicine will be enough.

For a rejuvenating effect and cleansing of the body, it is permissible to use for 1 month, but after that you need to take a break of three months.

Due to the fact that the drug invigorates, it is better not to use it before bedtime.


Contraindications should always be taken seriously, not ignored. It is better to consult a therapist before use, since each person has his own body and sometimes even a doctor cannot predict the reaction to any substances. The presence of allergic reactions and chronic diseases should already be an impetus for consultation with a specialist.

It is forbidden to take this composition:

  • pregnant women and mothers during breastfeeding;
  • children under 12;
  • allergy sufferers with a reaction to the components of the product;
  • whenacute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for diseases of the thyroid gland and pancreas;
  • with kidney stones;
  • for serious cardiovascular problems.

Everyone else can use the drug, not forgetting about dosages and frequency.

Also during the application it is recommended to drink at least two liters of water per day and avoid alcohol, sweets, spicy and s alty foods, coffee and cocoa.

In general, linseed oil, honey, lemon and garlic is a recipe that has a beneficial effect on the body.

Reviews of testers and doctors about the elixir of youth

Many, having read or listened to admiring reviews about the remedy with linseed oil, run rather to make medicine and are disappointed, because the taste and smell of the drug are not the most pleasant, and some even cause vomiting. Therefore, before making a three-liter jar of a miracle elixir at once, it is better to reduce the number of components and make a test - in case you don’t like it and the products go to waste.

youth recipe lemon garlic honey linseed oil
youth recipe lemon garlic honey linseed oil

But the fact remains: after the course, the skin becomes beautiful and toned without the slightest hint of spots and sagging, the hair is silky, the nails are strong, the eyes shine, the mood is always positive and friendly. Isn't that a miracle? Miracle.

PhDs, professional doctors do not deny the beneficial effect of the drug on the body, but urge to observe the dosage, duration of use and look for an alternative to those for whom this medicine is contraindicated.

And if the smell of garlic bothers youafter using the magic composition, the testers of the folk remedy assure that it is felt only for the first 10 minutes, and then disappears without a trace.

The composition of lemon, garlic, honey and linseed oil really heals and rejuvenates, ideal for use in winter.

But, of course, just using such a drug is not enough. Additional measures will not be superfluous:

  • improve the diet by enriching it with he althy foods;
  • keep a he althy lifestyle;
  • do physical exercise.

This is the only way to improve your he alth and achieve amazing results by taking flaxseed oil, honey, lemon and garlic. Reviews about this tool are mostly positive and grateful.
