In medicine, the condition when the legs or arms are shaking is called a tremor - an unconscious rhythmic movement of the limbs that occurs frequently and with varying intensity. Anyone can experience this phenomenon, regardless of age and gender. What is a tremor? It can be observed with a strong experience, fear, or after performing power loads. In neurology, such a condition is not considered abnormal, since it passes after the elimination of the cause that caused it, that is, it has a short-term character. But sometimes this phenomenon can manifest itself in serious pathologies.
Characteristics and description of the problem
Intentional tremor – a condition in which there is a disorder of the motor skills of the limbs, which manifests itself in their trembling from three to five Hertz. In this case, trembling occurs only during movement, it does not exist at rest, often this condition is accompanied by hypotension and increased fatigue.

Causes of lower limb tremors
The physiological intentional tremor of the legs is distinguished, in which the trembling occurs constantly,but it is weakly expressed, so it can be detected only under certain conditions. It does not indicate the presence of pathologies and diseases in the human body. Or trembling can develop with a strong nervous strain, when norepinephrine begins to be actively synthesized in the body.
In newborns, tremor occurs as a reaction to any stimulus, as they have weak leg muscles. If it does not go away for three months, this may indicate brain hypoxia. Often this condition occurs in premature babies. In adolescence, tremor is associated with hormonal changes.
There is also a congenital tremor (Minor's syndrome), which is genetically determined. Pathology manifests itself at a young age, most often with excitement, physical stress. At the same time, sedatives and alcohol reduce their amplitude and frequency of manifestations.
Also, leg trembling can occur with chronic alcoholism. This is due to the fact that acetaldehyde provokes the oxidation of brain cells, as a result of which they atrophy. Most of all, the neurons of the hypothalamus, thalamus and midbrain, cerebellum, which are involved in the regulation of muscle tone and human movements, are negatively affected.
It is not uncommon for legs to shake due to the use of certain medications. This is especially true when taking antipsychotics and corticosteroids. With such a phenomenon, the human intellect does not suffer.
The causes of pathological tremor include:
- Parkinson's syndrome, Konovalov-Wilson;
- pathologyendocrine system;
- liver and kidney failure;
- intoxication with chemicals, s alts of heavy metals;
- drug overdose;
- hereditary predisposition;
- TBI, brain tumors.
One of the main reasons why legs shake after a stroke, TBI, brain tumor and multiple sclerosis is the development of encephalopathy. This is due to a disorder of cerebral circulation, hypotension, atherosclerosis. Often, circulatory disorders cause the appearance after forty-five years of chronic dyscirculatory encephalopathy or cerebral ischemia. Such diseases negatively affect the vessels of the brain and metabolic processes in the cells of its tissues, contribute to the disruption of many functions of the organ, including the cerebellum. This leads to the fact that a person's legs are shaking, his head is spinning, his balance is disturbed.

Hormonal system
Diseases of the endocrine system, in particular diabetes mellitus and hyperthyroidism, lead to tremors in the limbs. In hyperthyroidism, movement disorder is associated with a violation of metabolic processes, during which the production of adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine decreases, which provide signaling to the central nervous system.
Insufficient insulin synthesis leads to metabolic disorders, diabetic neuropathy develops, which often involves motor nerve fibers.
Also, trembling of both limbs may indicate the presence of Parkinson's syndrome, whichdevelops as a result of the death of nerve cells that synthesize dopamine. And the deficiency of this hormone leads to a disorder of the pathways that provide motor activity.
Atactic tremor
Frequently, trembling of the lower extremities occurs with cerebellar ataxia, which develops against the background of multiple sclerosis. It is the cerebellum that is responsible for the ability of a person to perform precise movements and provides muscle tone. With ataxia and degenerative processes in the cerebellum, there is a violation of feedback from the cerebral cortex, which leads to a disorder of movement acts.

Restless legs syndrome (RLS)
Such a pathology is observed at the time when a person goes to bed. He develops lower extremity tremors, colic, and restlessness, so sleep is often disturbed.
RLS is a neurological disease that manifests itself in paresis of the legs and their hyperactivity at rest or sleep. Symptoms begin to develop fifteen minutes after the person has gone to bed. It manifests itself in the form of burning, tingling, trembling, wiggling of the legs. This pathology is diagnosed in 10% of people worldwide. For some, the syndrome occurs once every seven days, for others it occurs twice a week. Doctors associate the disease with the malfunctioning of certain parts of the brain. Also, this condition develops with a lack of iron in the body and kidney failure.
Symptoms and signs of pathology
Having considered what a tremor is, it is necessarystudy the symptoms that may accompany it. In diabetes mellitus, when the concentration of sugar in the blood falls, not only the lower, but also the upper limbs tremble, weakness and sweating appear. When eating sweets, the trembling goes away.
With alcoholism, the cerebellum is damaged, so a tremor occurs, which increases when you try to strain the muscles of the legs. At rest, this phenomenon is not observed. The same symptomatology is inherent in intoxication with mercury vapor.
In Parkinson's disease, legs and arms tremble at rest, but when a person performs any action, the trembling is not so noticeable or stops altogether. Also, the disease is accompanied by hypokinesia, stiffness, numbness. When walking, a person puts his feet parallel to each other, he moves in small steps, while shuffling his legs, the torso is tilted forward.

Diagnostic measures
Such a phenomenon as tremor can be observed in people of different ages and genders. If symptoms occur, consult a neurologist. He will first examine the history of the disease, conduct an examination, during which he will assess motor activity, muscle condition and tone, reflexes, possible deviations during reflex movements, and the possible absence of reflexes.
If a person has Parkinson's disease, then the above activities will be enough. In other cases, it is possible to conduct an additional examination to identify the causes of the pathology. Used in medicine:
- Electrocardiogram.
- Electroencephalogram.
- MRI and CT of the brain.
- Ultrasound angiography.
- Laboratory blood and urine tests.
- Study of thyroid hormones.
- Thyroid ultrasound.
Based on the results of the examination, the cause of the disease is found out and appropriate treatment is prescribed. In this case, what to do if the legs are shaking, the attending physician will tell in detail.
The treatment for tremor will depend on the cause of the tremor. With single manifestations of pathology, medications are not prescribed. In this case, it is recommended to exclude the consumption of coffee and strong black tea, alcoholic beverages and drugs, reduce physical activity, relax, avoid stressful situations and emotional stress.
If the legs are shaking when a person is standing, and this happens due to strong feelings or stress, then the doctor prescribes sedatives for him. For the treatment of newborns, drugs are prescribed that help improve the supply of oxygen to the blood and tissues of the body.
Parkinson's syndrome, intoxication, thyroid pathology, sclerosis require long-term therapy. The doctor may prescribe the following medications: Clonazepam, Xanax, or Primidone. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable, only a doctor can choose the right dosage of funds and determine the duration of therapy.

It is also important to normalize blood pressure with antihypertensive and antiarrhythmic drugs. Ginkgo Biloba will help normalize cerebral circulation, it is an antioxidant, increases vascular tone, improves blood flow, and the synthesis of neurotransmitters. Since this preparation is of plant origin, it must be taken for at least three months. Also in this case, Piracetam, Piroxil, Phenibut can help. Treatment with such means should be carried out within one and a half months.
If the thyroid gland malfunctions, the endocrinologist develops appropriate treatment. In severe cases, surgical removal of the gland is performed.
With Minor's congenital disease, treatment is usually not expected. Sometimes doctors may prescribe vitamin B6 by intramuscular injection for one month. The course of such therapy should be carried out twice a year.
Symptomatic treatment
Beta-blockers are used in medicine to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. They are also used in the treatment of hypertension, arrhythmia and heart attack. These drugs block the connection of adrenaline with other hormones, reduce the response to stress. The drug "Propranolol" is usually used. Anticonvulsant medications may also be prescribed. But such medicines should not be taken during childbearing and breastfeeding. In addition, there are some contraindications. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe the appropriate drug.
Medicines can be supplemented with alternative medicine. Your doctor may suggest taking soothing herbal teas, valerian, or motherwort. Ginseng tincture has proven itself well. It is recommended to use twenty drops three times a day, this will help reduce the manifestation of pathology. All traditional medicines that are supposed to be used must be approved by a specialist.

Therapy for Parkinson's Syndrome
With this disease, symptomatic treatment is carried out using many drugs. The main one is "Levodop", it is able to eliminate the tremor of the limbs. You need to take it half a tablet a day or every other day. This product has side effects.
Pramipexole is also effective, it stimulates dopamine receptors. It is prescribed one tablet once a day. The doctor may increase the dosage once every seven days. But this drug has many adverse reactions, including the appearance of suicidal thoughts. Therefore, treatment should be carried out under supervision.
Cyclodol has practically no side effects. It eliminates tremors in the legs and is used not only in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, but also in other pathologies. The drug is not prescribed for hypertension.

The prognosis of such a condition when the legs are shaking is good. With the help of drug therapy, it is possible to get rid of tremors in the legs. But it is often not possible to eliminate the cause of such a condition, so some people take pills for life.
With Parkinson's syndrome, multiple sclerosis, preventive measures are useless. But severaldoctors say that caffeine can reduce the manifestation of tremors.
With tremor due to alcohol, stress, physical activity, prevention is quite possible. It consists in rest, maintaining a he althy lifestyle, avoiding emotional stress, moderate physical activity.
Diseases of the endocrine system must be treated in a timely manner so that the tremor of the limbs does not develop. In this case, only a doctor should prescribe drugs, self-medication is unacceptable. It is important to eat right so that the body receives a sufficient amount of all the necessary elements and vitamins.