All parents are very worried about their children. If they have any doubts, they go to the doctor. The most difficult thing is to diagnose mental illness. Since, unlike physical defects, they are not always immediately evident. Autism - what is this disease? It is primarily a congenital disease. At the moment, scientists believe that it is based on genetic disorders. But so far there is no speculation as to why this is happening. Childhood autism syndrome manifests itself in the inability to communicate with other people, express emotions and understand them. Often all this manifests itself along with a decrease in intelligence.

What are the symptoms of early childhood autism syndrome? As a rule, everything starts at the age of three. Boys are more often affected than girls. Often there is a lag in physical development. Even in the first year of life, initial symptoms can be observed: the child's behavior will be radically different from the behavior of peers. He does not look his parents in the face, shows aggression towards other children, does not get upset because of the absence of his mother, and can play with one toy for hours. He is notsmiles or does so very rarely. There are delays in general development: does not speak simple words at one and a half years, does not pronounce simple phrases by two years. Children over three years of age have the same symptoms. Complete reluctance to talk is added. As a rule, the speech of the baby consists of several words. There are certain rituals, a certain sequence of actions. If it is not observed, the child begins to experience anxiety.

Autism - what kind of disease is it, of course, but how to treat it and is it possible? No, it is impossible to completely get rid of the disease. But it can be corrected, and the child in adulthood will be relatively independent. First you need to contact a child psychiatrist at the first symptoms. It is possible that it may not be autism, it is likely that other behavioral problems are present. But in any case, the sooner a doctor's consultation is received, the better. He will determine the drug treatment, prescribe rehabilitation courses. Every parent should know everything about autism, what kind of disease it is, how it develops and why it is dangerous. Since psychological therapy in case of diagnosing the disease will be required by the whole family. It would be useful to send the child to a special school, where specially trained teachers will work with him.

It is not enough to know about autism, what kind of disease it is. The key point is that parents should be able to properly communicate with such a child. Choose one behavior and always follow it. Any change canscare the baby. Be patient, don't expect instant improvements. Remember that it is pointless to punish a child with autism, he will not understand why he is being scolded. Do a little exercise with him. Many children with this ailment like it. It is important to give the autistic person time to be alone during the day. At this time, leave him alone, but do not forget to make the area safe. When teaching a skill to an autistic child, show how it can be used in different situations. For example, a toilet at home and at school. The most important thing in any education is praise. This is the main incentive.