Every second Russian suffers from a runny nose several times a year.

The occurrence of this insidious disease is facilitated by reduced immunity and hypothermia. A feeling of weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, sweating - these are all symptoms of an incipient disease. The first signs of a starting runny nose may be: frequent sneezing, unpleasant burning sensation in the nose. It can be provoked by diseases of the oropharynx or ears. No wonder the ENT checks the ears, throat and nose.
Things to do at the first sign of a cold
Everyone wants a miracle to happen, read about how to cure a runny nose in one day. You need to understand that for a speedy cure, you need to make a lot of efforts.

One of the most effective ways is to soak your feet with mustard powder on the first day of a cold. This will help you sweat well. As you know, all harmful and dangerous substances for the body come out with sweat. It should be much easier in the morning. This method can be used only if there is no elevated body temperature. It is important at the first sign of flu to lubricate the sinuses with oxolin ointment. She iskills all bacteria and viruses in the nose. Lubrication should be continued throughout the day. It is effective to warm up the sinuses with a blue lamp. Also, don't forget to drink plenty of water. Raspberry juice or tea with lemon and ginger helps especially well. In the room at night you need to put a plate with finely chopped onions. It is better to breathe this smell for one night than to continue to get sick.
Hygiene at home during a cold
To decide how to cure a runny nose in one day, you need to decide for yourself which remedy is the most effective for you.

When you are sick, the room you are in should be well ventilated. You need to select an individual set of dishes for yourself. Aromatherapy with essential oils of tea tree and lavender will be useful. They soothe, relax, improve well-being, make breathing easier.
Pregnancy and runny nose
It is not uncommon for a woman to have a runny nose during childbearing. This phenomenon must be eliminated as soon as possible. Not surprisingly, often pregnant women are looking for information on how to cure a runny nose in one day. It can appear due to infection or due to rhinitis. But during gestation, drugs cannot be used, since how to treat a runny nose for pregnant women? First of all, you need to understand that folk remedies will help here. Many advise washing the sinuses with water with soda and s alt. The Dolphin system also saves pregnant women. This is a special mixture of herbs for washing. It is safe for the baby.
Runny nosebaby
Young mothers do not always know how to treat a runny nose in a baby, because medicines are contraindicated for a baby. Bathing the baby in warm water with the addition of herbs will help here. Chamomile and sage will open up the sinuses and cause secretions to flow out of the nose. If this method does not work, then, on the advice of experienced mothers, you can drip a drop of breast milk into each nostril. There is another way to cure a runny nose in one day: prepare a saline solution from water and sea s alt and drip it into the child's nose. After the recovery of the baby, it is necessary to strengthen his immunity.