Often in a person's life there is such a disease as a boil in an intimate place. The scientific name for this disease is furuncle. This is a skin disease that most often appears due to staphylococcus aureus. It affects the sebaceous gland. A purulent inflammation of the hair follicle appears. The boil is localized in the groin, armpits, lumbar region, back of the neck, and so on. Sometimes a boil can be confused with acne. It looks like a red bump with a white cap. After some time, it opens, and pus appears.

Don't you know what a boil looks like? The photos presented in this article will help you understand this issue. In some cases, multiple lesions with boils may be observed. Most often, with proper treatment, the disease disappears in a week, but in a serious condition, an ailment such as carbuncle is observed. Along with it, there may be a general deterioration in human he alth.
Why does a boil appear on an intimate place? Most often, it's all about poor hygiene, improper body care. Some diseases, such as diabetes and SARS, can cause a tendency to furunculosis. Sometimes skin problems, including the appearance of purulent inflammation, may indicate the presence of diseases.gastrointestinal tract.
What is a boil in an intimate place? The first thing that forms is a red nodule. Over time, it swells more and more, becomes painful to the touch. In this

the moment pus forms - it consists of necrotic tissue and water. A furuncle core is formed - this is the most painful process. Later, the boil will break through, and a purulent-bloody wound will form. At this stage, most people make a common mistake - they start squeezing out the boil. In no case should this be done, as there is a high risk of spreading the infection. If you do not carry out competent treatment, then a boil in an intimate place can turn into phlegmon. This is a serious disease that can be fatal.
When a boil appears, you need to contact a surgeon as soon as possible. He will examine the boil, determine its size. If it is large, then the doctor will open it himself. If he is small, he will apply an alcohol bandage, which will accelerate maturation. In addition, the surgeon will make drainage, which will give a constant outflow of pus. With mild forms of furunculosis, hospitalization is not required. But if the face is affected, it is better to be treated under the constant supervision of a doctor, only in this way it will be possible to avoid complications.

As a rule, after treating the boil, the surgeon prescribes bandages with an ointment that will draw out the pus, and antibiotics. Medicines are aimed at destroying the infection. Alternative methods can also help in the treatment of purulent processes. So, you can make a cake from wheat orbarley flour. Warm it should be applied to the inflamed area. For the same purpose, you can use a boiled egg and a brewed tea bag. If the boil is on the penis or pubis, then it is best to apply a cut aloe leaf. Do not forget about honey - it is a natural antiseptic. It must be smeared on the affected area.