Effectively and quickly solve many problems associated with teeth in children and adults, will help remineralizing gel "Tus Mousse". It is allowed to be used for the treatment of milk and permanent teeth, lactating and pregnant women, as well as all adults without exception.

Mousse is water-based. There is no sugar in it, there is CPP-ACP - casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate or the patented Recaldent complex. In simple words, the main ingredients, the main building blocks of the tooth are phosphates and calcium. Their molecules, after they penetrate the oral cavity, begin to settle on soft and hard tissues, thus remineralization occurs.
For the stimulation of salivation, the flavors included in the Tous Mousse tooth gel are responsible. Saliva enhances the effectiveness of the action of the molecules of the main component, eliminates food debris and bacteria from the mouth.
Studies have shown that the longer the drug molecules and saliva are in the oral cavity, the more effective and faster the result of the treatment will be. The drug binds plaque with the molecules of the main component, all this settles on the tissues of the tooth, thereby the calcium-phosphate complex is absorbed as completely as possible. Gel "Tus Mousse" has a complex effect on dental tissues.
Tooth Mousse paste has such a complex effect on dental tissue:
- blocks acid-producing microorganisms;
- neutralizes excess acidity in the mouth;
- protects teeth from the damaging effects of external and internal factors.
In order for the effect of remineralization to be as noticeable as possible, it is important to combine the application of the paste with the introduction of foods necessary for the teeth into the diet:
- fish;
- dairy and meat products;
- legumes;
- vegetables;
- nuts, etc.
This remedy relieves enamel from hypersensitivity to cold and hot food by 97%. It also helps to cope with the first harbingers of caries - white spots.

Indications and contraindications
Reviews about gel for teeth "Tus Mousse" are left positive by both patients and doctors, so it is widely used all over the world. Dentists advise using it for:
- violation of the structure of tooth enamel;
- eliminate dry mouth, prevent problems with saliva;
- hypersensitivity after bleaching or hygienic cleaning;
- painful tooth reaction to hot and cold.
The tool helps to cope with caries when it just starts to appear in the form of a white spot. As a result of his application, enamel returns to its original structure and color. The use of this drug helps to prevent and treat caries at any stage, as well as numerous carious lesions.
Doctors welcome the use of Tus Moussa during the period of wearing braces, as well as in the event of an unpleasant smell or taste from the oral cavity, in the treatment of hypoplasia and fluorosis.
Do not use this gel if you are allergic to benzoate preservatives and milk proteins.

Instructions for use
Gel "Tus Mousse" should be used after meals at least 3 times a day, without fail in the morning and before bedtime. There are two options for using the product.
You can use the option of using an individual mouthguard. To do this, first you need to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth. You can use dental floss. Then rinse the kappa with water and squeeze a little mousse inside it so that it fills it inside. After that, the mouthguard is put on one or both dentitions, after 2-3 minutes it can be removed. A remedy may remain on the gums, which is distributed over the teeth. The mouth should be in a slightly open state, saliva should not be swallowed or spit. When the procedure is over,everyone spit, but you can’t rinse your mouth. After that 30 minutes is not allowed:
- eat;
- drink;
- chew gum.
Kappa should not forget to wash and dry.
There is another way to remineralize - without a mouthguard. With direct application, the teeth must also be cleaned and then blotted with a napkin to remove moisture. With a cotton swab or a dry finger in a glove, with a small ball of paste applied to it, it is distributed over the upper and lower row of teeth. In hard-to-reach places, they work with a brush. It is necessary to cover the gums and the entire tooth surface. In this use case, the agent is also kept with the mouth slightly open for approximately 2-3 minutes. The longer it and saliva stay in the mouth, the higher the result of the treatment. The remains are spit out, you do not need to rinse your mouth. It is also forbidden to eat and drink.

Reviews of the Tus Mousse gel are mostly positive also because it has a number of advantages compared to other professional tools. One of them is that the mousse helps to stabilize the pH level in the mouth.
The drug perfectly remineralizes tooth enamel, which is porous in its structure. When applied, it does not cause the slightest discomfort or pain. There is no he alth hazard if swallowed by accident.
Doctors allow the use of Tus Mousse gel along with fluorine-containing products, since the first does not contain fluorides. However, it must be borne in mind that this remineralizing drug is notcan replace the daily mandatory brushing with regular toothpaste and brush.
One tube contains 40 grams of gel. Pharmacy kits may contain several variants of mousse with different flavors, for example, one copy may contain a set of each flavor or one of them, 2 tubes of each flavor. And since the choice is not limited, you can always choose the flavor and aroma you like the most.

Tooth Mousse gel for children and adults is available in 5 flavors:
- V – vanilla;
- I – mint;
- M - melons;
- T - fruits;
- S - strawberries.
English letters denote flavor variations. They are listed after the batch number.
Mousse not only helps to eliminate existing problems, but works proactively, thereby preventing erosive and carious lesions of tooth tissue. Positive reviews about the product relate only to its therapeutic effect, but also to the presence of a wide range of flavors. There is no problem choosing the Tous Mousse gel for children with the taste and aroma that the child will like best.

Tooth Mousse Remineralizing Innovative Gel is the best way to restore enamel on your own at home. Widely used by doctors for prevention and treatmentdental problems. You can buy it in pharmacies or specialized stores. Store the product in a dry dark place at a temperature of 25 degrees. The shelf life of the unopened gel is 2 years.