How to increase white blood cells

How to increase white blood cells
How to increase white blood cells

Many people know that the level of leukocytes in human blood is an important indicator of the defenses of our body. After all, the functions of leukocytes are to fight viruses and harmful bacteria, as well as to restore and increase immunity. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with a high level of white blood cells, then there is nothing to worry about. Conversely, low levels of these substances in our blood may indicate the presence of a serious viral infection or even cancer in the body. Also, the level of leukocytes can decrease as a result of a decrease in blood pressure, a long stay of a person in a state of stress, or prolonged starvation. Today we offer to find out how you can increase white blood cells.

foods that increase white blood cells
foods that increase white blood cells


As a rule, a diet to increase the level of leukocytes is recommended by the attending physician, because it is known for certain that it is almost impossible to achieve the desired result without proper nutrition. As a rule, patients are recommended a protein diet withreducing carbohydrate intake and increasing the dose of ascorbic and folic acids, as well as choline and lysine.

So, foods that increase white blood cells: buckwheat (this cereal contains a large amount of vegetable protein), oats and barley, fresh vegetables, berries, fruits and various greens. It is also necessary to eat chicken eggs, nuts and caviar. But dishes based on meat, animal fat or liver are recommended to be excluded from the daily diet.

How to increase white blood cells with medications

drugs that increase white blood cells
drugs that increase white blood cells

As a rule, drug treatment is prescribed for patients who have undergone a course of chemotherapy, which, as you know, has a very negative effect on the level of leukocytes. The first place among the prescribed drugs is occupied by a group known as colony-stimulating factors. These medicines help to increase the life span of leukocytes in the patient's blood, accelerate their growth and maturation, and also release leukocytes contained in the bone marrow. Drugs that increase leukocytes in the blood include the following names: Neupogen, Methyluracil, Leukogen, Pentoxyl, Lenograstim, Filgrastim, Leikomax and others. It is imperative to keep in mind that these medicines should be prescribed exclusively by a qualified doctor, as their improper and unreasonable use may adversely affect human he alth.

How to increase white blood cells in the blood with folk remedies

Howit is known that there are some folk remedies for the prevention or treatment of almost every ailment.

increase white blood cells
increase white blood cells

How effective they are, and whether it is worth using them, of course, is up to you to decide. We will only give a few folk recipes designed to increase white blood cells.

  1. Infuse two teaspoons of sweet clover with two glasses of cold water for 4-5 hours. The resulting infusion should be consumed one fourth of a glass two to three times a day.
  2. Pour three tablespoons of wormwood with three cups of boiling water, let it brew and then strain. You need to take the resulting tincture one glass daily before meals.
