Not everyone knows what hormone the corpus luteum secretes. It's about progesterone. If it were not produced in the body of women, then the continuation of the family would become impossible. The decrease and increase in the amount of progesterone significantly affects the he alth of the weaker sex, the ability to bear a child and give birth. That is why it is important not to allow change. To control the level of the corpus luteum hormone, special tests are performed, after which the doctor selects the appropriate therapy.
Progesterone: description and functions
Many do not know the name of the corpus luteum hormone. It's progesterone. It is a steroid-type sex hormone produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries. It is also produced by the placenta (during pregnancy), as well as by the adrenal cortex.
Progesterone is a corpus luteum hormone that promotes conception, childbearing, and further breastfeeding. In addition, it affects some receptors, stimulates the production of liver enzymes.

But the main function of this hormone, which stimulates the formation of the corpus luteum, is to maintain pregnancy. It's under himexposure to the endometrial layer of the uterus, processes are carried out that prepare the organ for conception, childbirth. Because of this, progesterone is also called the hormone of pregnancy.
It performs the following functions related to the development of the embryo:
- the uterine mucosa is changing so that the fertilized egg can be securely fixed;
- the immune response of the body is suppressed, so that the fetus is not rejected (due to this, miscarriage is prevented);
- the contractility of the uterine muscles decreases, which is also required to prevent miscarriage;
- affects the stretching of the walls of the uterus during fetal growth;
- promotes the formation of an additional fat layer in women on the stomach to protect the uterus and the fetus in it from mechanical stress;
- affects the preparation of the pelvic bones for childbirth;
- stabilizes blood glucose levels and blood viscosity in pregnant women;
- prepares the channels of the mammary glands and their tissues for milk production.
When the level of progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman drops, labor begins. In addition, the ovarian corpus luteum hormone affects the menstrual cycle. He stops him while carrying a child.
Other functions
But progesterone still has other biological functions that are not related to the reproductive capabilities of the female body. The hormone affects the following:
- sex drive;
- normal brain function (the hormone is a neurosteroid);
- production of skin secretion andmaintaining its elasticity.
By the way, the maternal instinct is also formed under the influence of the corpus luteum hormone.
What affects the level of progesterone in the human body
At different periods of a woman's life, the level of the corpus luteum hormone is unstable. It depends on her age and stage of the menstrual cycle. During pregnancy, the rate increases hundreds of times.
At the follicular stage of the cycle (that is, before the onset of ovulation), the hormone is synthesized exclusively by the adrenal cortex. Because of this, blood levels are lowest at this time.
When ovulation begins, a corpus luteum forms in the ovary. It is this that begins to produce progesterone further. As a result, the level of its concentration in the blood rises sharply. It stays that way until the menstruation. Progesterone synthesis is influenced by luteinizing hormone, which stimulates ovulation.

When pregnancy occurs, hormone production continues to increase. The maximum rate will be reached in the third trimester. By the way, from about 17 weeks, progesterone will also be synthesized in the placenta. Its production is influenced by the functioning of the female reproductive system. In particular, this applies to the corpus luteum, a special gland that appears every time again in all menstrual cycles. Excessive physical and mental stress, the use of drugs, infections negatively affect and lead to a disruption in the production of progesterone. But quite often the causes of failures are more serious reasons -disruption of the endocrine system.
As a result, excess or deficiency of the corpus luteum hormone can lead to changes in the menstrual cycle, difficulty conceiving, problems during pregnancy and childbirth. That is why if there is a suspicion of a change in the content of the hormone in the blood, an appropriate analysis is required, and then the causes of the violations are determined and eliminated.
Norm of progesterone level
The corpus luteum hormone does not have a constant indicator, since many factors influence the level. For this parameter, the upper and lower limits are accepted depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Deviations within numbers are considered normal.
If a woman is not pregnant, then the concentration of the hormone should be as follows:
- In the follicular period (from the first to the 14th day of the menstrual cycle) - from 0.3 to 0.22 nmol/l.
- During ovulation (approximately 14-16 days of the cycle) - from 0.5 to 9.5 nmol/l.
- In the luteal period (from day 16 until the end of the cycle) - from 7 to 56.6 nmol / l.
- During menopause - 0.64 nmol/l
Sometimes test results are recorded in other units of change, in ng/ml. In this case, to translate the data, you need to use the following formulas:
- ng/ml ∙ 3, 18=progesterone level nmol/l;
- nmol/l ∙ 0, 314=ng/ml.
It is also necessary to take into account that laboratories use various reagents and methods to analyze the level of progesterone. Because of this, the indicator for a woman on the same day may differ. Needcompare data from the same lab.
Normal during pregnancy
During pregnancy, the concentration of the hormone will be as follows:
- In the first trimester - 9-468 nmol/l.
- In the second trimester - 71.5-303 nmol/L.
- Third trimester - 88.7-771.5 nmol/L.
If the test data differs from the norm, then you should not immediately worry.

Firstly, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism. Secondly, it affects the intake of drugs. Third, the laboratory may have used other reagents, so the values were not within the standard range.
Elevated progesterone levels: causes and methods of reduction
If the study showed an excess of the level of progesterone concentration in the blood, then this could be triggered by various factors. If a woman who is not pregnant does not take medications that affect the content of the hormone, then most often the causes are gynecological or endocrine pathologies. These include the following:
- Dysfunction of the adrenal cortex. The disease is called adrenogenital syndrome. This is a congenital pathology.
- Hyperplasia of the adrenal glands, the presence of neoplasms.
- Presence of neoplasms in the ovary (cystoma, cyst).
- Uterine cancer. The disease is also known as choriocarcinomas.
- Impaired milk production and cessation of menstruation. This is called hyperprolactinemia.
In some cases, increasingconcentration of the corpus luteum hormone is provoked by renal failure. Cirrhosis of the liver, uterine bleeding can also affect.
When Pregnant
During pregnancy, the excess is caused by the following factors:
- Bubble skid. This is a pathological condition that is associated with the inferiority of the fertilization of the egg. In this case, the chorionic villi grow and become like bubbles.
- Slowing down the formation of the placenta.
- Fetoplacental insufficiency. This is a wide variety of disorders in the development of the placenta and fetus.
- Multiple pregnancy.
Drugs and recommendations
When an excess of progesterone concentration is found in the course of studies, the doctor selects the appropriate therapy. Of the medicines prescribed are Mifepristone, Clomiphene, Tamoxifen.

In addition, you definitely need to change your lifestyle: establish a work and rest schedule, stop smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, monitor nutrition. As for the latter, it is necessary to reduce the amount of protein food.

It's also important to avoid foods high in saturated fat.
Folk ways
Traditional medicine also helps:
- Red rowan. Pour 2 pinches of dried berries with a cup of boiling water and leave for an hour. Divide into 3 servings to be taken throughout the day.
- Upland uterus. Pour 2 pinches of powdered stems into a glass of water. Consume 0.5 total in the morning and evening.
- Carnation and red brush. Take 6 pinches of the inflorescences of the first component and 2 pinches of the second ingredient. Pour 1.3 liters of boiling water. Boil and wait until it cools down. Take three times a day on an empty stomach for a third cup.
The use of such prescriptions is allowed only after the permission of the attending physician, however, as an adjunctive therapy, since only qualified treatment can give a stable result and guarantee the normalization of hormone levels.
Low progesterone levels: causes and methods to increase
In non-pregnant women, a decrease in progesterone concentration can be caused by the following factors:
- disturbances in the work of the adrenal cortex;
- disturbances in the corpus luteum (insufficient second phase);
- inflammatory processes of a chronic nature in the organs of the reproductive system;
- use of drugs that reduce the level of hormone concentration in the blood;
- gynecological diseases (endometriosis, fibroids);
- depleting diets, malnutrition, which leads to a deficiency of nutrients in the body.
A drop in hormone levels in women indicates that menopause is beginning.

During pregnancy, the indicator may drop due to such reasons:
- corpus luteum dissolves too fast;
- underdevelopment of the placenta;
- overwearing;
- high stress.
To normalize the indicator, medications such as Utrozhestan, Duphaston, Injesta and others are prescribed.

It is recommended to eat more foods that contain cholesterol. In any case, consultation with a specialist is mandatory.