Rise in temperature: symptoms and treatment. How to measure temperature without a thermometer?

Rise in temperature: symptoms and treatment. How to measure temperature without a thermometer?
Rise in temperature: symptoms and treatment. How to measure temperature without a thermometer?

The increase in human body temperature is a natural reaction to the penetration of infections into the body, a kind of signal of invasion. Nevertheless, it is not always possible to determine it, which raises the question: "How to measure the temperature without a thermometer?" Thanks to these instructions, anyone can not only maintain their he alth, but also prevent the occurrence of diseases and their consequences.

What is considered normal temperature?

he althy man
he althy man

From childhood, we know that the normal body temperature is 36.6°. Is that so? Is this temperature always normal and how to measure body temperature without a thermometer? Habitual answers may not always be extremely accurate, and therefore it is worth dotting the i.

If you measure the temperature in the armpits, then 36.6 is a normal temperature, but it can not always convey the occurrence of a disease state normally. There are two more accurate ways to measure body temperature:

  1. Oral. Thermometerplaced in the human oral cavity, which gives a more relevant result. Normal temperature is 36, 7-37, 3.
  2. Rectal. For this method, the thermometer must be in the rectum for 5 minutes. A temperature of 37, 4-37, 9 is considered normal. The most optimal way to determine the state of a person.

Fever symptoms

sick man
sick man

When the temperature rises, a person immediately begins to notice changes in his own condition. The main signs of a rise in temperature are:

  • General weakness, lethargy in movements and actions.
  • Fever, chills.
  • Aching joints.
  • Feeling sick, vomiting.
  • Convulsive condition.
  • Intense thirst.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Blurred consciousness.
  • Involuntary tearfulness.
  • Change in skin color to red, the appearance of spots.

These are common features common to most people. They are not always expressed all at once and at the same time, and therefore, when infectious diseases appear, body temperature should be measured regularly.

How can you measure temperature without a thermometer?

Finger temperature measurement
Finger temperature measurement

Every person should have a thermometer in the house. It is not always possible to measure the temperature on the road or at work. Because of this, the question arises of how to measure the temperature without a thermometer. The following tips can help:

  • Touch your forehead. For this method, you need to touchto the forehead of the patient with the lips or the back of the palm. This is the fastest way to determine elevated temperature, but does not guarantee extremely accurate results.
  • Pay attention to your breath. Intermittent, inconsistent breathing may indicate a deterioration in a person's condition and a strong increase in temperature. If it is below 38°, then breathing may be normal.
  • Determine the pulse. This is a great way to measure a person's temperature. The pulse rate in an adult and he althy person is 80 beats per minute. With the appearance of heat and reaching 38 °, the pulse increases to 100 beats. The method is not suitable for people who have heart disease or atypical pressure.
  • Detect fever. If there are oddities in a person's behavior, such as delusions or depression, then this may also indicate a fever.

These are the easiest ways to determine the state. Each person should know how to measure the temperature without a thermometer, since the condition and he alth may depend on this.

What to do when the temperature rises?

Mainly it is worth noting that when the temperature rises slightly, it does not need to be knocked down. Of course, after you have measured the temperature without a thermometer, you need to take action. It's kind of a quick way to determine your own state.

If the temperature is below 38°, then there is no need to bring it down. With an increase to 39, it is necessary to take an antipyretic. If things are really bad and the temperature on the thermometer reaches 40 degrees, you need to call an ambulance.
