In the article, we will consider how the procedure for removing a keratoma with a laser goes. Feedback and consequences will also be described.
Removal of skin neoplasms with a laser is a popular method today. So you can remove moles, papillomas, warts, keratomas and other types of pathologies that have arisen due to atypical development or growth of tissue cells. For example, all types of keratomas are removed with a laser, while cryodestruction or cauterization with current can only remove keratomas of a small size and benign nature. Laser exposure is so effective that it removes all affected cells, so the likelihood of recurrence is reduced to a minimum.

Reviews, the consequences of laser keratoma removal and photos will be presented at the end of the article.
What is a keratoma?
Fine inIn the epidermis of a person, the surface layer of cells constantly dies and exfoliates and a new one is formed. The upper dead cells of the epidermis fall off under mechanical action on the skin. After that, younger cells are exposed, they are located in a layer below. At the same time, new emerging cells correspond in number to dying ones.
When the balance of these natural processes is disturbed, tumor formations of various nature are formed. So, a large number of epidermal cells - keratocytes - leads to the appearance of keratoma, but no changes are observed in the cells themselves, that is, the neoplasm is not of a malignant nature.
The exact reasons for the formation of keratomas have not yet been clarified. It has only been proven that ultraviolet rays are quite aggressive and even oncogenic for the skin, and they can probably accelerate the process of neoplasms. It should be noted such a variety as a solar keratoma. However, it is obvious that this factor is not the only and not decisive. The process of skin regeneration is influenced by various pathologies, the quality of nutrition, lifestyle, as well as various toxic and carcinogenic substances that one has to interact with throughout life.
Outwardly, a keratoma resembles a wart or a mole, it can be yellow, brown, gray or brown in color, and its surface has a characteristic roughness and bulge. A horny keratoma has the shape of an animal horn, it is gray or brown in color and protrudes significantly above the skin. Seborrheic keratoma occurs in older peoplethat is why this disease is also called senile keratoma. It happens to both men and women. Seborrheic keratoma looks very unaesthetic. Laser removal, according to reviews, is quite effective.
Neoplasms can be single or located in groups, localization sites: face, back, chest, arms, a little less often - the stomach and lower limbs.
About laser treatment of skin diseases
In the twentieth century, Albert Einstein developed a theory of the interaction of matter and radiation. It became possible to create generators of electromagnetic waves and quantum radiation amplifiers.
The first ruby laser was designed by the American scientist Theodor Meiman in 1960. The laser wavelength was 0.69 µm. At the same time, the properties of the laser were already being used to destroy human hair follicles. This was the starting point in the history of laser surgery, cosmetology, medicine.
Laser removal of keratomas can be considered a medical and cosmetic procedure. Special devices with a nozzle that generate a directed laser beam are now available not only in hospitals and private medical institutions, but also in the offices of cosmetologists and dermatologists.
The medical device uses the properties of light rays and a special system of mirrors to generate a laser beam. If it is directed to the affected area, it can be ensured that the cells of the neoplasm are destroyed from the top to the deepest layer. At the same time, blood vessels damaged in the process are coagulated, which is why the risk of openingbleeding becomes minimal.

When a tumor is treated in this way, a scar will be barely visible in its place. This is confirmed by reviews of the consequences of removing a keratoma with a laser. The wound healing time is a maximum of 30 days. Infection during the procedure is almost impossible.
In the surgery industry, lasers are used, which have a very high radiation power, due to which the biological tissue is significantly heated, which contributes to its evaporation or cutting. Such an intervention is minimally invasive, although it refers to surgery.
Thanks to modern laser systems, it is provided during the removal of seborrheic keratoma by laser:
- dry work area;
- effective non-contact and contact vaporization and destruction of biological tissue;
- surrounding tissue is slightly damaged;
- lymphatic and blood vessels are stopped;
- hemostasis will be effective;
- high sterility of the process;
- the procedure can be combined with laparoscopic and endoscopic methods.
A distinctive feature of keratomas among most human skin tumors is that not every tumor needs to be removed. Usually, doctors recommend that if a patient has neoplasms on the body, periodically go to see a dermatologist for prevention purposes. This measure is necessary so that benign tumors do not become malignant, or, if the process has already started, in a timely mannerdiscover it.
The main indication for laser removal is the presence of a keratoma, which has become dangerous, that is, it can degenerate into a cancerous tumor. Such a neoplasm is characterized by:
- peeling;
- itch;
- pain in the keratome;
- darkening its surface;
- falling off of a keratoma and the formation of a bleeding wound at this site.
In such cases, an urgent consultation with a dermatologist or oncologist will be needed.
The most preferred method of treating malignant keratomas is laser removal, as well as surgical and radio wave removal. But cryodestruction or electrocoagulation do not provide the proper effectiveness of the destruction of cancer cells.
In addition, laser destruction can also be performed in cases where the keratoma does not threaten the patient's he alth, but is an obvious cosmetic defect, that is, removal can be performed at the request of the patient.
The procedure is contraindicated for:
- pregnancy;
- general serious condition of the patient;
- acute infectious or inflammatory processes in the body;
- certain psychiatric illnesses.
If a person suffers from an inflammatory or infectious lesion in an acute form, you must first wait out the exacerbation, after which it will be possible to remove the keratoma.
Pregnant women traditionally should stop any intervention in their body while they are expecting a baby. Of course, if the situation is critical anddelay is unacceptable, the procedure for removing the tumor with a laser can be performed as an exception, however, if possible, you should wait until delivery.

What is the preparation?
Before the date of the laser intervention is determined by the doctor, the patient must pass:
- blood and urine for analysis;
- conduct a coagulogram;
- PCR for hepatitis and HIV.
In some cases, electrocardiography may be required, as well as blood biochemistry.
If a woman is in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is imperative to inform the doctor about this.
Laser removal of keratoma is best not done in the heat, when there is very high solar activity, except in emergency cases. If the patient will remove the neoplasm with a laser, he should not stay in the sun for 14 days before the operation. Also, do not visit the solarium.
Laser removal is possible only by prescription of a dermatologist, sometimes an oncologist. Most often, the material obtained during the procedure is sent for histological analysis.

Procedure progress
Today, several types of laser units are used in laser surgery. How do they work? They evaporate fluid from the body of tumor cells, causing their death.
Carbon or CO2-laser produces infrared radiation with a length of 10,600 mn. The appliance may leavescars due to the fact that he has the highest trauma.
The erbium laser has a shorter wavelength - 2940 mn, due to which its efficiency exceeds the first described device by 12 times. When removing a keratome, there is less trauma to nearby tissues.
The impact of a pulsed dye laser is somewhat different - it selectively acts on oxyhemoglobin, which leads to the destruction of capillaries in the tissue. The procedure in this case is almost completely painless, and there are no rough scars after it.
Pain relief is not usually required, but a local anesthetic may be suggested by the doctor to minimize pain for the patient.
The surface for exposure must be treated with an antiseptic, and alcohol-free. Hair must be removed under a special protective cover if laser keratoma removal on the face passes.
With the help of the nozzle of the apparatus, the surgeon directs the beam to the tumor, thereby destroying it. In this case, only the qualification of the doctor affects whether all the affected cells will be removed.
The procedure lasts approximately 10-15 minutes, if the patient has several neoplasms, then a little longer.
To successfully get rid of a tumor, one time is sufficient - relapses are extremely rare, the probability is 8-10%. However, if it occurs again, then the deletion will have to be repeated.
It is better to read reviews about the consequences of removing a keratoma with a laser in advance.

What kind of care does it requirewound surface
After the keratoma has been destroyed by the laser, a dark brown crust appears in its place. It covers the surface of the wound, and under it the tissues actively heal. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of combing the crust, it should not be torn off either, since pathogens can penetrate into the wound. When it is not needed, it disappears by itself. During the first two days, it is not recommended to wet the wound.
What is the care after laser keratoma removal? It assumes the following: 1-2 times a day, the healing site is washed with water using baby soap, after which the surface is treated with antiseptics and ointments with a healing effect. Next, a sterile gauze bandage is applied to the wound. If possible, it is better not to use adhesive tape, as it restricts air access, thereby slowing down healing.
Care after removal of a keratoma with a laser should be mandatory. It will take about 4-6 weeks for the skin to fully recover. All this time, baths, saunas, swimming in pools or ponds are prohibited. Sunbathing is also undesirable, and not only in the postoperative period, but also in the next six months to avoid relapse.

Occurrence of complications and consequences of laser intervention
According to reviews, the consequences of removing a keratoma with a laser (scars are shown in the photo) do not always occur.
If there are marks on the skin, they are small and barely noticeable. But if initially the keratoma was rather big, thenthe footprints will be much larger. In addition, patients sometimes feel numbness of the tissues at the site of tumor removal.
Such manifestations are the natural consequences of laser removal of a keratoma. According to reviews, all this is tolerable and does not cause much discomfort.
Some symptoms can be dangerous due to poor quality destruction of the neoplasm. There may be redness around the crust that has formed after removal, and severe itching or a rash is also possible. The doctor should tell about the consequences of removing a keratome with a laser.
If the crust fell off on its own, and under it a sore in the form of a red spot with a heterogeneous surface that does not heal for a long period of time, you need to go to a dermatologist as soon as possible.
Also if there are stains after keratome laser removal.
In addition, it is possible to develop allergic reactions or dermatitis due to the constant application of a bandage, this also happens from the use of various ointments. If these unpleasant symptoms appear, the treatment of the site with any drugs should be stopped. A doctor's consultation is required.

Benefits of laser surgery for keratoma removal
According to doctors' reviews of laser keratoma removal, destruction has a number of undeniable advantages over other methods of therapy. It is carried out by a non-contact method, so there is no risk of infection of the wound during the removal of the neoplasm. Due to the controlled effect on biotissues of the laser beam inIn most cases, small and inconspicuous scars remain. The recovery process is very fast, discomfort is minimal. After all, the process is almost painless for the patient.
Complications after surgery are rare, as well as relapses, only in 8-10% of all cases. Reviews about laser removal of keratomas on the face and body confirm this. Doctors often prescribe such removal of skin neoplasms. Due to the high efficiency and low trauma to humans, the procedure is allowed not only for adults, but also for children. To get a referral, you need to see a doctor. This may be an oncologist, then you will need to pass some tests. Removal of keratoma by laser method is carried out in an outpatient clinic, as well as in private offices of dermatologists and cosmetologists.
Reviews on laser keratoma removal
There are quite a lot of comments about this procedure on the Web. People report that most of the time everything goes smoothly. The manipulation is painless, it takes 5-10 minutes at the most. Does not require any special training. But there are also negative reviews, they are, however, less. Some patients complain about the appearance of scars after laser exposure, spots. It happens that the wound does not heal for a long time or redness forms under the crust. But this usually happens if the keratoma is large or the care process is disrupted.
We reviewed the reviews and consequences of laser keratoma removal.