Many people have experienced such a problem as sticking on the lips. They appear for various reasons. Such a wound looks unaesthetic, so many want to get rid of it as soon as possible. To do this, you need to understand the mechanism of occurrence of such a pathology. In this case, it will be much easier to prevent the development of seizures. The features of the occurrence and treatment of such a wound on the mucous membrane of the lips will be described in detail below.
What is this?
To choose the right treatment for jamming in the corners of the lips, you need to understand the features of the occurrence of such a pathology. This process is characterized by a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane on the lips or skin. Jams can appear both on the outside and on the inside of the mouth. In most cases, they are in the corners of the lips.

Wounds that appear in such places may not heal for a long time. This causes discomfort. Also, the site of damage to the epithelium looksugly, attracting the attention of others. First, cracks appear in the corners of the mouth. Then they become deeper, turning into wounds.
Zaeda is the common name for pathology. In medical terminology, it is called angular cheilitis, angular stomatitis or angulitis. Also, a similar ailment can be called angular stomatitis or slit-like impetigo. The listed pathologies can be both an independent, primary disease, and a symptom of other ailments.
Causes of occurrence
Causes for jammed lips can be different. However, such an ailment always provokes the development of infection. It enters the mucous membrane of the lips and begins to actively spread. In this case, the skin is broken. People with weakened immune systems are especially susceptible to this phenomenon. Also, if there is an infection on the epithelium of microcracks, it will be much easier to gain a foothold on the surface.

Most often, the appearance of seizures is provoked by streptococci. It could also be Candida. It is worth noting that streptococci, staphylococci are always present on the surface of the lips of each person. However, under the influence of certain factors, they begin to actively multiply. Reduced immunity contributes to this.
Such disorders occur in the body due to improper, unbalanced nutrition, beriberi. Also, with the constant presence of saliva in the corners of the mouth, the risk of infection increases. Mechanical injuries, diabetes mellitus also contribute to the frequent occurrence of jamming. This wound is notis dangerous to humans. However, it causes great discomfort.
Development mechanism
Having considered the causes of jamming in the corners of the lips, it is necessary to consider the mechanism of their development. To do this, several unfavorable factors must be determined at once. The skin must be infected. Also, the surface of the epithelium should have defects, microcracks. In this case, a person's immunity should be reduced. When all of these factors are present, a jam appears.

Infection gets the opportunity to get under the top layer of the skin. Here she begins to actively multiply. This provokes the development of the inflammatory process, which leads to the appearance of a small sore. Small blisters or nodules (papules) may also be seen. They may contain liquid.
After some time, the wound is covered with a crust. She is very tough. The skin tightens. When a person opens his mouth (when eating, laughing, talking), the crust cracks. Content flows out. It contains an infection that dries up and strengthens again on the surface of the wound. This may also result in some blood. With each such tear, the wound will increase.
More reasons
Zeeds in the corners of the lips in a child or an adult most often appear due to infection and reduced immunity. Also, mechanical damage to the skin can cause a similar phenomenon. Most often, jams appear in the cold season. However, there are a number of reasons that can also provoke the appearance of a wound.

First of all, it should be noted non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. If a person does not brush his teeth, or he has advanced dental diseases, or he touches his mouth with dirty hands, then the appearance of jamming is a predictable pattern. Also, when using a poor-quality toothbrush, floss, paste, mucous membranes can be damaged. In this case, the risk of jamming increases.
If a person shares utensils (cups, spoons, forks, etc.), this can also cause jamming. Especially often this problem occurs among employees of a large team. Some people leave, for example, their cups near the water cooler, while others grab the first dish that comes across as their own. As a result, both employees may have a jam.
Seams in the corners of the lips in adults and children are a fairly common disease. The symptoms of this pathology are usually not in doubt, since it is immediately clear that a wound appears on the skin. First, redness, a slight swelling appears in the corner of the mouth. Then there is itching. He can be pretty strong. There may also be pain and discomfort. This is characteristic of the inflammatory process.

Opening your mouth hurts. The wound may crack more. Then the affected surface is covered with a crust. It can be of different colors. It depends on her appearance which pathogen provoked the appearance of the seizure.
Then cracks appear. They may grow over time. Without proper treatment, they will grow in depth and breadth. The damaged area looks very ugly. The wound becomes deep. Do not delay treatment. Zayeda requires a person to react quickly to her appearance at an early stage of development.
Infectious agents
Causes and treatment for jamming in the corners of the lips are closely related. Without knowing which pathogen led to the appearance of the wound, it will not be easy to achieve the desired result. There is a primary and secondary form of zayed. In the first case, the pathology is not the result of any disease. This is an independent process. It can be provoked by streptococci, candida, herpes.
If streptococci are the cause of the wound, a crust with a yellowish-red tint will appear on the surface of the wound. Candida infections are caused by a fungus. A grayish coating appears at the site of inflammation. With such a disease, there is no crust. Often this type of pathology becomes chronic.

Viral jam is also distinguished by the presence of a crust. Most often in such cases, the causative agent of infection becomes herpes. However, other viruses also lead to the appearance of wounds in the corners of the mouth.
The secondary form of zayed appears as a result of another ailment. It could be hypovitaminosis, syphilis, tuberculosis or cheilitis.
How to treat jams in the corners of the lips? The answer to this question can only be given by a doctor after an appropriate examination. You will need to pass a general and biochemical blood test. Also in the labtake a scraping of the surface of the jam. This will determine the type of infection. Otherwise, the treatment will not be effective.
As an additional examination, there may be a blood test for rapid diagnosis of syphilis and RW (Wassermann reaction). The doctor may also order a histology.
After examining the patient, determining the symptoms, and based on the results of the tests, the medical specialist will prescribe treatment. These will be either antiviral or antifungal drugs. Antibiotics may also be prescribed if streptococcus is the culprit.
Features of treatment
How to treat jamming on the lips? The answer to this question is purely individual. It depends on the degree of damage to the skin, as well as the causative agent of the infection. In some cases, if the disease is mild, you may not see a doctor. Immunity and vitamin complexes will help to quickly overcome the disease. However, if the wounds do not heal for a long time, you need to see a doctor.

If the bites do not heal within a few days, the remedy may not have been chosen correctly. For example, in the case when herpes causes pathology, you need to act very quickly. The sooner the appropriate antiviral drugs are involved, the sooner it will be possible to defeat the disease. Otherwise, the treatment will be delayed, and the disease will become chronic. Periodic relapses will constantly spoil the mood.
The doctor carries out treatment in several stages. Anti-infectives are given firstdrugs according to the type of disease. Further, drugs are used that contribute to the rapid healing of the skin. There is also therapy aimed at eliminating other causes of jamming.
Streptococcal seizures
How to treat jams in the corners of the lips? There are several popular tools. In most cases, drugs in the form of ointments are used for this. They are suitable for outdoor use. Ointments have proven effective.
If the seizure is caused by a streptococcal infection, antibacterial agents should be used. There is a large selection of such compounds. All of them are aimed at suppressing bacteria, which include streptococci.
The most frequently purchased remedies for streptococcal seizures are ointments such as Miramistin, Ingalipt, Tetracycline Ointment, Metrogyl Dent, etc. They quickly suppress the focus of infection. After that, healing will occur faster.
Viral and fungal seizures
Zips in the corners of the lips caused by a fungus require the use of special preparations. They contain a substance to which Candida is sensitive. They are also available in the form of ointments. Popular drugs are Natamycin, Levorin Ointment, Miramistin, Geksoral, Clotrimazole. If healing takes a long time, you need to use Fluconazole.
Viral seizures require the use of completely different drugs. The most popular in this category are the drugs "Gerpevir" and "Acyclovir". They are based on the sameactive ingredient.
In some cases, if a person does not know exactly what pathogen caused the disease, it is recommended to start treatment with combined drugs. These drugs include "Fukortsin", "Stomatidin". After that, the wound is treated with an antiseptic. For these purposes, "Chlorhexidine" is often used. If the inflammation is very strong, it is recommended to treat the zaed with drugs such as Trimistine, Hyoxysone.
Speed up the healing process
Zips on the lips will heal faster if you choose the right drug against infection. However, this will also require the use of special tools to tighten the wound itself. When the sore has been treated with an antibacterial, antifungal, or antiviral agent, an ointment should be applied to it to soften the dry crust, preventing it from rupturing.
There are also drugs that accelerate the regeneration of the epithelium. To do this, they most often purchase D-panthenol or Bepanthen at the pharmacy.
Accompanying activities
Lips on the lips often appear in people with reduced immunity. In this case, it is necessary to carry out, in addition to the actions described above, a number of special procedures. They can also be used as a disease prevention. If immunity is weakened for some reason at the moment, the doctor may prescribe immunomodulators. These drugs include vitamin complexes, such as Aevit, Duovit, Vitrum, etc.
Taking these drugs will also avoid the appearance of jam due to beriberi. Eat more fresh vegetables andfruits, especially those that contain a lot of vitamin C. This is a natural remedy for strengthening immunity. You can also brew teas from the leaves and fruits of raspberries, rose hips, viburnum or lemon. These are tasty, tonic drinks that will help support immunity.
Fight against beriberi
You should choose foods that are rich in vitamin A, B, PP, E. Especially bad for the condition of the skin near the mouth is the lack of vitamin B2. This is riboflavin. It is found in nuts, cabbage, greens, liver, meat and milk. You also need to eat different cereals. Buckwheat porridge is especially useful.
Having considered the causes of the disease and methods of dealing with sticking on the lips, you can quickly get rid of the disease, preventing its reappearance in the future.