Recently, I notice that I don’t go to the toilet for a little

Recently, I notice that I don’t go to the toilet for a little
Recently, I notice that I don’t go to the toilet for a little

Those people who rarely go to the toilet are sometimes said that "they have an iron bladder", and to some extent they are envied. Going to the bathroom infrequently is a valuable quality for a diplomat and any employee who has to attend events from which it is difficult to leave even for a short time.

Therefore, with a complaint: “I don’t go to the toilet a little,” they turn to the doctor only when it already becomes painful to urinate or when you start to notice swelling in yourself. That is, when the disease already has an advanced form.

I go to the toilet a little
I go to the toilet a little

The disease in its initial stage, when the amount of urine gradually decreases, is rarely noticed.

What is the name of the condition in which the output of urine is less than normal?

The norm for an adult is 6-7 single visits to the toilet "in-small" per day with urine output up to 1.5 liters.

At the first stage, reducing the amount of urine excreted does not cause inconvenience. They think about visiting a urologist, when it hurts a little to go to the toilet, urine leaves only if you take a certain position, the stream is “sluggish” or the liquid is already dripping.

If there is no pain during urination, then the disease begins to be suspected by the deterioration of general well-being, which can be expressed in periodic nausea not associated with the process of eating, weakness and dizziness.

Infrequent urination may be due to problems such as:

go to the toilet a little
go to the toilet a little
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • disturbance of the excretory system;
  • failure in the endocrine system;
  • neurological pathology.

If a urological problem is not detected, then with a complaint: “I don’t go to the toilet a little”, the doctor will refer you to the necessary specialists: a neurologist, endocrinologist or, in some cases, a cardiologist.

The common name for a condition in which urination is infrequent is medically called oliguria.

Diseases causing oliguria

Oliguria itself does not qualify as a disease. Her appearance is always accompanied by some reason. They can be natural or caused by a certain pathology.

For example, the natural occurrence of oliguria is typical in hot weather, when the body loses fluid in the form of sweat. Urine is not produced if limitedfluid intake.

It is difficult to realize that there are problems in the body and the amount of urine has decreased, in the absence of pain on your own. More often, they come to the doctor with a complaint: “I notice that I don’t go to the toilet a little,” they come in the presence of pain.

Diseases in which the kidneys stop producing fluid include:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • hemolytic syndrome;
  • disruption of the kidney vessels;
  • kidney failure.
  • why I don't go to the toilet so much [1]
    why I don't go to the toilet so much [1]

Oncological diseases can cause oliguria.

Urine ceases to be excreted even when the ureter is clogged with sand or a stone clogs it, during an inflammation of the bladder.

Sometimes a decrease in urine output occurs after an injury.

Symptoms of oliguria

Before you go to the doctor with the question: "Why don't I go to the toilet little by little?" - you need to think for yourself, what is the reason for this, does it cause inconvenience?

If secondary symptoms:

  • painful phenomena during urination or pain at the time of its termination;
  • after emptying the bladder, there is no feeling that it is empty;
  • lower abdomen or lower back aching constantly or periodically;
  • Particles of mucus and blood are found in the urine - a consultation with a urologist is required.
  • go to the toilet a little
    go to the toilet a little

When you don’t feel any discomfort, you don’t observe edema, urine outputpasses painlessly, the urge to urinate precedes the process of urination itself - then, most likely, rare urination is an individual feature of the body.

How to check if you need to see a doctor for oliguria

If the problem, which can be expressed as “I don’t go to the toilet a little”, does not cause inconvenience, that is, it worries me more on an emotional level, you can approximately calculate whether the amount of fluid you drink matches the amount of excretion.

"Drunk" is free liquid, soup, juices, and approximately added to it is the moisture contained in the consumed fruits and vegetables. At the same time, they make allowances for the fluid secreted from the sweat glands.

If 60-80% of the liquid is excreted in the urine, depending on the air temperature and perspiration, then you do not need to see a doctor.

Individual causes of oliguria in men and women

Most diseases associated with disorders of the urinary system in men and women proceed the same way. But due to the difference in the structure of the urinary organs, the appearance of oliguria can be caused by various reasons.

For men, a decrease in the amount of fluid secreted is often associated with inflammatory diseases of the prostate, its enlargement, and the occurrence of tumors in it.

Urination with such pathologies is painful, and men rarely delay going to the urologist.

In women, decreased urine output may be due to:

  • bladder atony, which occurs due toinflammation or against the background of stressful situations;
  • with age-related changes;
  • against the background of hormonal imbalance.

Treatment of oliguria

An answer to the question: "Why do I go little by little?" - A urologist will not be able to give a patient without an examination. Special studies are being carried out to determine the cause.

First of all, it is required to pass urine and blood tests, by which it will be possible to find out if there are any deviations in the excretory system, whether intoxication of the body begins. Then, ultrasound and computed tomography studies can be scheduled.

If the cause was an infectious or inflammatory disease, then after treatment, urine output will be restored.

When the disease is serious and caused by kidney pathology, you need to tune in to the fact that the restoration of their excretory function will take a sufficient amount of time.

If oliguria is associated with the occurrence of oncological diseases or with renal failure, it is unlikely that it will be possible to establish the work of the kidneys in full. Therapy will be aimed at ensuring that the excretion process does not stop completely.
