Modern lifestyle does not always affect human he alth in a favorable way. Improper nutrition, stress, ecology, insufficient physical activity provoke the development of various diseases and pathologies. This is especially true of the digestive organs, deviations in the work of which negatively affect the functioning of the whole organism as a whole. In this article, we will consider the structure of the digestive gland, the pathology of its head and treatment options.

The pancreas is one of the largest human organs. It is involved in many important processes in the body. The most important of these are:
- Production of pancreatic juice, which is involved in digestion.
- Neutralization of the acidic environment in the stomach.
- Production of hormones involved in metabolic, fat, protein and carbohydrate processes.
- But the mainthe function of the pancreas is to produce insulin.
Violations in the work of this body lead to the development of dangerous conditions.
The pancreas is oblong and located behind the stomach. Conventionally, the body is usually divided into three parts:
- Head.
- Body.
- Tail.
The pancreas normally measures between 16 and 23 centimeters in length. Size decreases from head to tail.
The head of the pancreas closely adheres to the duodenum. On the right it borders on the liver, and on top of it the stomach adjoins. In adults, the head is located at the level of the first two vertebrae. In newborns, it is slightly higher and has a small size. This part of the organ is separated from his body by a thin neck.
Normal values
The size of the head of the pancreas in adults is normally up to 30 mm. Sometimes values up to 35 mm are acceptable. A deviation from this value may indicate the development of a pathological process.
The norm of the head of the pancreas in newborns is about 10 mm, at the age of one month, normal values reach 14 mm. Further, the head grows gradually, depending on the weight and age of the child. So, at the age of ten, a size of 16 mm is considered a normal option.
Causes of deviations from the norm

In a he althy person, the head of the pancreas, like the entire organ, is not palpable. But the pathological increase experiencedThe doctor will be able to diagnose already at the initial appointment. The reasons for the increase in the head of the pancreas in the vast majority of cases are various diseases that are extremely important to diagnose in the early stages. Consider the most common of them:
- Inflammation, acute or chronic.
- A cyst that can be either normal or false.
- Changes in the head of the pancreas may be due to the presence of a benign tumor.
- Development anomalies.
- Abscess.
- Blockage or spasm of excretory ducts (eg, blockage by stone or parasites).
- Malignant education.
- Injury to the abdominal cavity.
- Autoimmune processes occurring in the body.
In addition to the above, diseases of the head of the pancreas can be caused by the following factors:
- Complications of chronic diseases.
- Drinking alcohol.
- Wrong diet.
- Nicotine addiction.
- People over 60.
- Parasite.
- Obesity.

Unfortunately, the pathological processes occurring in the pancreas are not always accompanied by pronounced manifestations in the early stages. In some cases, the following symptoms may be observed:
- Pain of varying intensity, which can radiate to the lower back and left arm.
- Increase in body temperature, which is difficult to controlknocking down.
- Stool disorders. Constipation alternates with loose stools.
- Burning in the ribs.
- Frequent bouts of nausea and vomiting mixed with bile.
- Sometimes there may be yellowing of the skin, dark urine.
You should contact a medical facility as soon as possible if you experience unpleasant pathological symptoms in the pancreas. How does it hurt in a woman and in a man? Are there differences? Many people ask this question at the doctor's office. There are no differences in the manifestations of pathological conditions occurring in the head of the pancreas by gender.
Diagnostic measures

If you suspect changes in the head of the pancreas, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. To determine the diagnosis, a number of diagnostic measures are used, which include laboratory and instrumental studies. Let's take a closer look.
- First of all, when suspicious symptoms appear, the doctor examines the patient and collects an anamnesis, during which the presence of chronic diseases, the hereditary factor, the period of pain or other unpleasant symptoms and their intensity are clarified.
- Examination of the head of the pancreas is carried out by palpation. To do this, the patient lies on his back and relaxes. Then, when exhaling, the doctor dips the fingers as far as possible to the back of the peritoneum in the region of the divergence of the thoracic ribs. Using this method, it is possible to determine enlarged organs.
- Complete blood count, whichmay indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.
- Complete urinalysis.
- Biochemical blood test.
Instrumental methods for diagnosing pathologies of the head of the pancreas are the most informative. These include:
- Ultrasound. Using this method, it is possible to determine the size of the organ and its head, as well as to identify pathologies. Ultrasound can detect cysts, tumors, as well as suppuration and hemorrhage in the abdominal cavity.
- MRI or computed tomography.
- X-ray.
- EFGDS. During the procedure, a special tube is inserted into the esophagus, with which it is possible to examine the organ, up to the state of its mucous membrane.
- ERCP - retrograde cholangiopancreatography. This procedure is performed using an endoscope inserted into the duodenum. With it, a contrast agent is injected through a special probe, and then an X-ray examination is performed to identify the cause of the change in the head of the pancreas.
How to treat an ailment

Treatment of the head of the pancreas is prescribed by the doctor based on the results of the tests. Self-treatment is not allowed, as it is possible to aggravate the situation, provoking even more dangerous diseases. In most cases, therapy is carried out in a hospital setting. Consider the most common treatment options, depending on the identified pathology.
- Capital pancreatitis (chronic and acute). This isa type of ordinary pancreatitis, in which there is an increase in the head of the organ due to the disease. With a decrease in the inflammatory process, the size of the organ returns to normal. In the chronic form of the disease, the size of the head decreases due to the replacement of normal tissues with fibrous areas. Treatment in this case will be aimed at stopping the inflammatory process. For this, anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that reduce the secretory function of the gland are prescribed. Antibiotics may also be prescribed. Of great importance in the treatment of pancreatitis is the elimination of the provoking factor.
- Cysts of the head of the pancreas. There are true (congenital) and acquired, which occur as a result of trauma or inflammation. Cysts on the head of the pancreas are dangerous because they can compress the duodenum. The treatment tactics are selected by the attending physician, taking into account the size of the cyst and the likelihood of complications (for example, rupture). With a small size of education, a special diet is prescribed, excluding fatty, floury, smoked. Bed rest is also recommended. Antibiotics are recommended to minimize the development of inflammation. And to facilitate the work of the gland, enzymes are prescribed (for example, Creon). If there is no improvement within a month, the doctor may decide on a surgical method for removing or excising the cyst. As a rule, the laparoscopic method of operation is currently used, which is the least traumatic. With a small volume of formation, methods of drainage or sclerosis of the cyst can be used. ATin the most severe cases, abdominal surgery is performed.
- Tumours. Currently, the diagnosis of tumor processes on the head of the pancreas is very common. In the early stages, such a formation can be detected only with the help of ultrasound diagnostics, but later other symptoms that arise due to the tumor (for example, hepatic colic) join. Benign tumors grow slowly. Treatment in this case will be surgical. Depending on the size of the tumor and the development of complications, an operation is performed to excise the tumor or embolize the arteries (in this case, the blood supply to the formation is blocked). In complicated cases, resection of the head of the pancreas may be indicated, sometimes along with part of the duodenum. With a malignant tumor, the head of the gland is removed along with the duodenum. In some cases, part of the stomach and regional lymph nodes are removed. After that, the reconstruction of the bile ducts is carried out. After about 2 weeks, radiation therapy or chemotherapy is prescribed.
An important condition in the treatment of diseases of the head of the pancreas is diet. Recommended table number 5, excluding fried, s alty, spicy, fatty. Meals should be fractional and small portions.
Preventive measures

By taking preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing diseases of the head of the pancreas and the entire organ as a whole. To do this, you must follow a number of rules:
- He althy lifestyle.
- Proper nutrition, excluding fried, fatty, smoked, fast food.
- No overeating and eating before bed.
- Quit smoking and alcohol.
- Moderate exercise.
- Timely treatment of diseases.
- Do not abuse drugs or self-medicate.
- See a doctor as soon as possible.

Pathological conditions occurring in the head of the pancreas, without timely treatment or its complete absence, can lead to serious complications. The most common ones are:
- The occurrence of pathologies of the digestive system.
- Reactive hepatitis.
- Cholestasis.
- Cholecystitis.
- Pleurisy.
- Pneumonia.
- Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Malignant tumors.
- Fat.
The head of the pancreas is a very important part of the organ. With its defeat, serious diseases can occur, which, without proper treatment, can lead to irreparable consequences. Do not neglect scheduled examinations and self-medicate. You should listen to your body and consult a doctor at the first suspicious symptoms in the pancreas. How it hurts in women and men - there is no difference.