Types of he alth: physical, mental, psychological, moral, social. Fundamentals of He alth

Types of he alth: physical, mental, psychological, moral, social. Fundamentals of He alth
Types of he alth: physical, mental, psychological, moral, social. Fundamentals of He alth

Under the concept of "he alth" many people mean only a list of specific physiological characteristics of a person. This understanding is false, but in fact it should be considered on several levels. This is the only way to answer the question of how he althy a person is. So, let's analyze the types of he alth and dwell on each of them.

Speaking of he alth, you need to know that this is a state of physical, mental and social well-being of a person and society as a whole (not just the absence of physiological problems and shortcomings).

Criteria for human he alth

Now, to draw a conclusion about the state of people, they turn to five main criteria:

  1. Presence or absence of ailments, diseases.
  2. Normal work in the system "the world around us - the individual".
  3. Well-being in social life, mental work, spiritual activity, physical abilities of a person.
  4. The ability to adapt to constantly changing environmental conditions.
  5. The ability to qualitatively perform the functions assigned to the individual in social life.

Basic types of he alth

Each person is considered as an interconnected system and, in the study, types of he alth are distinguished: moral, physical, social, mental, psychological. It follows from this that it is impossible to judge him by one of the listed areas without considering the versatility of the personality.

At the moment, scientists have not been able to identify a specific method for studying the condition according to all the listed criteria, so it remains only to judge it, considering the levels of he alth separately. So let's get started.

physical he alth of a person
physical he alth of a person

Types of he alth. Psychological and mental balance

Among the main conditions for sustainable psychosocial progress of the individual (except for the he alth of the nervous system) is a friendly and pleasant environment.

According to the results of research and experiments conducted by WHO staff, deviations in children's mental he alth are most often recorded in families where disagreements and conflicts reign. Children who cannot find a common language with their peers also suffer: they are in an unfriendly relationship with them or simply do not have friends. Psychologists attribute this situation to the influence of discomfort and anxiety on mental he alth.

Fundamentals of He alth
Fundamentals of He alth

Doctor of Science Nikiforov G. S. identifies the following levels of mental he alth: biological, social and psychological.

The first one is related to congenital featuresorganism, the work of internal organs, the dynamic or deviant performance of their main functions, the reaction to the processes occurring in the world around.

The second level indicates the degree of an individual's involvement in social life, his ability to interact with others in the process of activity, to find an approach to them.

The third level testifies precisely to the state of a person's inner world, namely: one's own self-esteem, faith in one's own strengths, acceptance or rejection of oneself and one's characteristics, attitude to the world, society, current events, ideas about life and the universe.

Mental and psychological he alth
Mental and psychological he alth

Stress and depression are considered a separate problem of psychological he alth in the 21st century. In Russia, they have been singled out as a separate disease since 1998 in connection with WHO data indicating an increase in stressful situations in society. Since the culture of he alth is developing, special ways have been developed to suppress depression, build stress resistance, and patience.

Social he alth

Social he alth directly depends on the ability of the individual to adapt to environmental conditions, the qualities and characteristics that allow it to be done. influencesand craving for self-education and self-development, the possibility of using self-education, the realization of life goals, overcoming and solving problems related to social relations. They may also be associated with physical disabilities.

Types of he alth
Types of he alth

A person who is socially he althy, sets his own realization as a goal, has stress resistance, he can calmly and adequately overcome life's problems and difficulties without causing harm to loved ones and other people around him. This level is inextricably linked with spirituality, the desire to comprehend the meaning of life, answer eternal questions, find moral guidelines and values.

Culture of he alth
Culture of he alth

Social he alth indicators

In the study of the above criteria, several indicators are used, the main ones being the adequacy and adaptability of a person's actions and actions in the social environment.

Adequacy is considered, first of all, the ability to respond normally to the influences of the world, adaptability - to effectively perform activities and develop in new conditions dictated by the environment and society.

The main criteria of social he alth are singled out: the degree of adaptation in society, the degree of activity in it and the effectiveness of the use of different social roles.

Physical he alth

Assessment of the physical condition is taken to identify various biological defects, diseases, resistance to the influence of negative factors, the ability to work in difficult conditions (including when the environment changes). Onein a word, the adaptive successes of the individual are taken as the foundations of he alth.

human physical ability
human physical ability

From the point of view of medicine, this concept reflects the state of internal organs, body systems, the cohesion of their work. The foundations of he alth are functional and morphological reserves, thanks to which adaptations occur. Not only the absence of obvious deviations, illnesses and complaints of the patient is under attention, but also the range of adaptive processes, the level of the body's capabilities regarding the performance of specific functions.

In pedagogical materials, the basis of the concept of "human physical he alth" is not transformed, i.e. it is also characterized by the regulatory ability of the body, the balance of physiological processes, and adaptive reactions.

Spiritual and moral he alth

Spiritual and moral he alth means a person's awareness of the essence of good and evil, the ability to improve himself, show mercy, lend a helping hand to those in need, provide disinterested assistance, uphold the laws of morality, create a favorable environment for leading a he althy lifestyle (the concept of culture of he alth” is added due to this criterion).

he alth levels
he alth levels

The main condition for achieving success at this level is the desire to live in harmony with oneself, relatives, friends and society as a whole, the ability to competently set goals and achieve them by predicting and modeling events, formulating specific steps.

It is to ensure the development of morality,moral qualities of each - a necessary basis and condition for the socialization of young people (applies to all types of modern societies). It is the main goal of the function of educating social institutions, affects the socialization of the individual.

Moral qualities are included in the list of acquired personality characteristics, they cannot be assigned to a person innately, and their formation depends on many criteria: situation, social environment, etc. A morally educated person must have specific character traits (which correspond to generally accepted moral standards, customs and way of life in society).

Moral he alth is a list of attitudes, values and motives for people's actions in a social environment. It does not exist without universal ideas of goodness, love, beauty and mercy.

Main criteria for moral education

  • The positive moral direction of the individual.
  • Degree of moral consciousness.
  • The depth of thoughts and moral judgments.
  • Characteristics of real actions, the ability to follow the important rules of society, the fulfillment of the main duties

Thus, the human condition really consists of different, but at the same time closely interconnected areas, which are understood as “types of he alth”. Therefore, a conclusion about him can only be made by considering each of them separately and analyzing the overall picture of the personality.
