In the normal functioning of the human reproductive system, various hormones play an important role, one of which is the follicle-stimulating hormone - FSH. Violations of its production lead to serious malfunctions in the functioning of the human reproductive system. What functions does this hormone perform and whether it is possible to increase or decrease FSH with folk remedies, we will consider in the article.

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is produced by the pituitary gland and is one of the main hormones that directly affect human reproductive function. A distinctive feature of FSH is its entry into the blood, this occurs abruptly, approximately every 1-4 hours. In this case, a double dose of the hormone is released. Inhibin B is involved in maintaining the normal synthesis of FSH, blocking its excess production.
Hormone functions in women

FSH is essential for the reproductive system. This hormone doesimportant functions in a woman's body. Consider the main ones:
- Regulates the menstrual cycle. It is increased in the first phase of the cycle and has a direct impact on the formation and normal maturation of follicles. Once the egg has moved into the tube, FSH stimulates the production of enough progesterone to attach the egg to the uterine wall.
- Stimulates the maturation of follicles.
- Participates in ovulation.
- Takes part in the increase of estrogen in a woman's blood.
From the above, it follows that if the production of this hormone is disrupted, problems with conception and gestation may occur. Therefore, if the analysis reveals abnormalities, you need to see a doctor who will explain how to lower FSH or raise its level.
FSH functions in men
Many people think that follicle-stimulating hormone has a big impact only on female reproductive function. But this is an erroneous assumption. FSH is an important indicator of male fertility. Consider the main functions performed by these hormones in the male body:
- The main function of this hormone in men is to participate in the production of quality sperm for fertilization.
- Influences the development of the testes and seminiferous tubules.
- FSH in men performs a transport function, delivering testosterone to the testes.
It is important to remember that all hormones in the human body interact with each other. Any deviation of any of them leads to violations of others. Therefore, whendiagnosing abnormalities in the tests, you should consult a doctor who will indicate how to lower FSH in men.
Normal follicle-stimulating hormone levels differ between men and women. Let's look at this with two tables as an example. The norm for men is indicated in the first of them.
Age | Values, honey/l |
Up to 1 year | 0-3, 5 |
1-5 years | 0-1, 45 |
5-10 years | 0-3, 05 |
10-15 years | 0, 35-6, 3 |
15-21 | 0, 5-10 |
Over 21 | 0, 95-12 |
In women, the norm indicators are completely different and depend on many factors. The table of normal values is shown below.
Period | Norma |
Puberty | 1, 5-4 |
Follicular phase of the cycle | 3, 5-12, 5 |
Ovulation | 4, 7-21, 5 |
Luteal phase | 1, 7-7, 7 |
Climax | 25, 8-134, 8 |
Reason for increase

There are many factors that can lead to an increase in the level of follicle-stimulating hormone in a person's blood. They are divided into physiological, which do not pose a danger, and pathological, which may be the result of dangerous diseases that require immediate medical measures.
In women, an increase in FSH is considereda variant of the norm during menopause, in other cases this condition is not a variant of the norm. Let's take a closer look:
- Genital insufficiency.
- Congenital anomalies of the ovaries.
- Pituitary tumor.
- Presence of a cyst.
- Polycystic ovaries
- Disorders of the hormonal system.
- Puberty disorders.
- Frequent stress.
- Obesity.
- Endometriosis.
- Elevated blood testosterone levels.
- Irradiation of the body.
- Drinking alcohol.
- Thyroid or kidney disease.
- Mistake of certain medications.
In men, the following conditions can also be the causes of increased FSH:
- Lack of male hormones.
- Testicular injury.
- Testicular tumors.
- Klinefelter syndrome.
Reasons for lowering the hormone
Decrease in follicle-stimulating hormone can provoke the following reasons:
- Diseases of the pituitary gland.
- Polycystic.
- Obesity.
- Hyperprolactinemia.
- Diets.
- Stress.
- Taking hormonal drugs.

An increase in follicle-stimulating hormone in the blood may indicate some signs, the appearance of which is recommended to consult a doctor. Possible signs include the following:
- Irregular cycle.
- Sometimes there may be bleeding unrelated towith menstruation.
- Infertility.
- Painful periods.
- Mood swings.
- Irritable.
- Lack of sleep.
- Feeling tired.
- Pain in the pelvic area.
- May cause headaches and motion sickness.
- Men may experience decreased libido and sometimes impotence.
If the above symptoms appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor and take the necessary tests.

When diagnosing deviations in the level of follicle-stimulating hormone, you must consult a doctor who will prescribe an additional examination. It will include a hormonal blood test, ultrasound diagnostics, and in some cases MRI. Based on the results of the overall picture, a diagnosis is made and effective treatment is prescribed.
The level of anti-Müllerian hormone against the background of an increase in follicle-stimulating hormone is of great importance in the inability to conceive a child. In some cases, this indicates the likelihood of infertility. Your doctor will tell you how to lower FSH and increase AMH. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, as it can only aggravate the situation by provoking the development of more dangerous pathologies.
Currently, there are several ways to reduce FSH. Let's take a closer look.
Medicated treatment
Treatment with drugs is essential. Therapy is prescribed by a gynecologist or endocrinologist.
Operating principledrugs that reduce FSH, is to completely disable the function of the ovaries for a certain period of time. This is necessary to temporarily stop the production of sex hormones. After the course prescribed by the doctor is completed, the drugs are canceled. Functions of the ovaries begin to recover. This therapy is carried out under the supervision of a physician.
If within 6 months after the start of treatment the level of follicle-stimulating hormone does not decrease, this may indicate a lack of response to the ongoing therapy. In this case, it may be appropriate to use a donor egg.
If a cyst, endometriosis and other similar diseases became the cause of the deviation, first of all it is necessary to eliminate them and after a while retake the blood test.
Traditional medicine

No doctor will definitely answer the question of how to lower FSH with folk remedies. This is due to the fact that there is no evidence of the effect of traditional medicine on the normalization of the hormone content in the blood. At the same time, a positive effect was found in the treatment when using some plants. As a result, traditional medicine is used as an adjunct and always after consultation with your doctor.
Let's consider options for how to reduce FSH in women with folk remedies.
First of all, herbal teas are used in the treatment. They can help to normalize the hormonal background of a person. It is recommended to use infusions and decoctions of the following herbs:
- Sage.
- Meadow clover.
- Cowberry leaf.
- Nettle.
- Upland uterus (use with caution, improper use may cause bleeding).
- Currant leaf and others.
Ginseng preparations are sometimes recommended as a dietary supplement. But it is worth remembering to follow the dosage.
Also, vitex grass can have a positive effect on the functioning of the pituitary gland. In pharmacology, it is available in the form of capsules, which are recommended to be taken before breakfast. It is important to remember that any medications should be used only after consulting a doctor, as some traditional medicines can excessively enhance or, conversely, reduce the effect of medications, which can lead to complications.
Compliance with a certain diet can be attributed to preventive measures. The following food categories are recommended:
- Rich in omega-3 acids - fatty fish, linseed oil.
- Rich in omega-6 acids - walnuts, pumpkin, spinach.
- Containing omega-9 - avocados, nuts.
- Dark green vegetables.
- Sea plants.
Additional recommendations

- A big role in normalizing the hormonal levels of men and women is played by maintaining a he althy lifestyle and giving up bad habits.
- You need to protect yourself from severe stress.
- Normalize weight.
- You can perform self-massage of the lower abdomen (if there are no contraindications).
Follicle-stimulating hormone performs important functions in the female and male body. Therefore, it is so important to control its level in the blood. With timely diagnosis and timely corrective treatment, the chances of normalizing FSH levels are quite high. Do not neglect your scheduled doctor visits.