Hormones play an important role in the body. They are involved in the work of all human systems and organs. This is especially true of the reproductive function of a woman, because her ability to conceive depends on the hormonal background. During pregnancy planning or if there are problems with its occurrence, the doctor prescribes a special analysis. The study reveals the level of certain hormones, among which is AMH (anti-Müllerian hormone). What he is responsible for and what are his norms for a woman, we will consider in the article.
Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is a substance (protein molecule) produced in women by ovarian cells. Participates in the regulation of the formation of mature reproductive structures.
This hormone is named after the scientist Muller, who found that the development of female and male organs at an early stage of the embryonic period proceeds according to similar principles. Embryos have a special tube calledthe müllerian duct, which in the embryo of the stronger sex resolves at about 10 weeks. In girls, part of the vagina and uterus are formed from this duct. From the 32nd week of fetal development, anti-Mullerian hormone begins to be produced, the concentration of which remains low until the girl's puberty. Boys have significantly lower blood levels.

Antimullerian hormone is involved in the formation of full-fledged eggs. This happens as follows: during the reproductive period, mature structures are initially located in inactive follicles; during the menstrual cycle, some of them begin to grow, which is accompanied by the maturation of the egg. With the normal frequency of monthly secretions, the stimulating substance (FSH), which is produced by the pituitary gland, affects one of these follicles, turning it into a dominant one, in which ovulation occurs later. Anti-Müllerian hormone then blocks the action of FSH to prevent inactive follicles from entering the growth phase, which can lead to ovarian exhaustion. Timely research of this active substance helps to prevent unwanted problems in the female reproductive system.
Why measure AMH

Anti-Müllerian hormone levels may indicate a woman's reproductive dysfunction. A blood test can detect the following conditions:
- Capability for natural childbearing.
- Chances of conception.
- Expediency of using the IVF procedure.
- The period of onset of menopause (can be detected 4 years before menopause).
- Reasons for late entry into puberty.
- Presence of cancer or polycystic ovaries.
- Reasons for high FSH.
As with any diagnostic method, some preparation is required before testing.
Preparing for analysis
Venous blood is used to study anti-Müllerian hormone. It must be remembered that in order to obtain the most accurate result, a number of rules must be observed. These include the following recommendations:
- Blood donated on an empty stomach. The last meal should be no later than 8 hours before the analysis.
- For 2 days, fatty, spicy, s alty, smoked dishes are excluded from the diet.
- Two days before the analysis, it is necessary to limit physical activity.
- Smoking and alcohol can reduce results, so you should refrain from doing so.
- A prerequisite is to avoid stressful situations, as they can significantly distort the result.
- Do not donate blood during or immediately after an illness.

The norms of anti-Müllerian hormone in women are somewhat different. It depends on how many eggs were laid in the body initially. For this reason, there are situations when a woman at 40 gets pregnant without any problems, and some patients at 25 have problems conceiving.
BCurrently, the average norms of anti-Müllerian hormone in women are isolated. This is due to the difference in the initial number of eggs in different patients. Below is a table of anti-Müllerian hormone, which indicates the normal values. In it you can see what limits fluctuations in the level of the hormone can occur.
AMH is considered to be within the normal range with the following indicators:
Age | AMH level, ng/ml |
Before puberty girls (under 10) | 1, 8-3, 4 |
Beginning of puberty (10-20 years old) | 2, 1-6, 8 |
20-30 years (the prime of reproductive age) | 13, 2-7, 3 |
35-38 years old | 6, 8-2, 6 |
At 39-45 and premenopause | 2, 6-1, 1 |
After 55 | 1, 1-0 |
The above table indicates the difference in the norm of anti-Müllerian hormone by age.
Dynamics of changes in the level of AMH
Throughout the reproductive age, the level of the hormone in the body is not the same. The following pattern is observed:
- AMH is quite low before puberty.
- By the age of 12-14, it begins to grow.
- The anti-Mullerian hormone in a woman's body reaches its maximum at the age of 20 to 30 years.
- After 30 and until menopause, AMH levels gradually decrease.
- At menopause, the production of the hormone comes to naught.
A distinctive feature of this substance is that its level is not affected by external factors, changes that occur during pregnancy, or medication. Its content in a woman's body depends only on the reserves of full-fledged eggs in the ovaries.
Increased hormone concentration
If anti-Mullerian hormone is elevated, a number of pathological conditions can contribute to this. Consider the most common of them:
- Polycystic ovaries
- Delayed puberty. An increase in AMH in this case may indicate an underdevelopment of the girl's reproductive system.
- Ovarian tumors.
- Cancer of female organs.
- Increased hormone occurs after infectious diseases.
- Hormonal drugs prescribed to normalize ovulation can cause ovarian hyperstimulation. This can not only affect the increase in the level of AMH in the blood of a woman, but also provoke disorders of the nervous and respiratory systems, as well as damage to the heart and kidneys.
Elevated anti-Müllerian hormone levels require additional diagnostics.
Reduced values

Reduced AMH levels can be the result of both certain diseases and other causes that are not pathological. Let's take a look at the most common states:
- Precocious sexual development of a girl. By the time of the optimal time for conception, the supply of eggs is significantlyreduced.
- Ovarian exhaustion.
- Obesity.
- Congenital ovarian pathologies.
- Injuries to female organs.
- Premenopausal period. This is a natural reason for the drop in level. This is evidenced by a table with the norms of anti-Müllerian hormone in women by age. The body prepares for menopause by gradually lowering the content of AMH.
- Menopause. The production of the active substance is almost completely suspended, the body ceases to be able to bear children.
Non-pathological reasons for lowering the level of athymüllerian hormone include smoking, drinking alcohol, and stress. It is recommended to exclude these factors and retake the analysis in the same laboratory as the first time.

Since AMG is not able to directly affect the reproductive function of a woman, in case of deviations from the norm, it is necessary to identify the cause of this condition and exclude it.
It is important to know that at elevated values, you should not take drugs to stimulate the ovaries, as this can provoke an aggravation of the pathology. Reduced rates in some cases can be normalized with hormone therapy.
Royal jelly, honey, seafood, and vitamin D3 can be used as support in traditional medicine.
The exclusion of the provoking factor often helps to stop the process of increasing or decreasing the level of the hormone in a woman's body.
AMH and pregnancy

When determining the probability of natural conception in case of deviations in the level of anti-Müllerian hormone, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo additional diagnostic measures. Based on their results, the specialist considers the possibilities under which pregnancy can occur.
When AMH is low, the options are:
- If the specified hormone is not critically low, the doctor considers the possibility of restoring its level with hormone therapy.
- If the follicle-stimulating substance is in the range of 10 to 15 IU at low AMH values, then the chances of successful conception and childbearing are quite high.
- If, with a low level of anti-Müllerian hormone, the FSH value is at the highest levels, the chances of getting pregnant are very low.
In cases with elevated AMH levels, to normalize it, you need to identify the root cause and undergo the necessary treatment.
Antimullerian hormone and IVF

When preparing for artificial insemination, an analysis of the level of AMH in the blood is mandatory. Based on its results, a decision is made on the method of performing the procedure.
- If hormone levels are too low, the use of donor eggs may be recommended.
- If, with a lack of AMH, the FSH indicator is within the normal range, then the chances of successful IVF increase significantly. The procedure will take place in two stages, one of which is the stimulation of the ovaries with hormonal drugs.
Onthroughout the preparation for artificial insemination, the woman is under the strict supervision of a doctor. All appointments are made only after the examination of the patient.
Since hormones play a very significant role in a woman's body, it is necessary to systematically control their level in the body. If there are deviations from the norm, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe additional diagnostics and effective treatment for each specific case.
Anti-Müllerian hormone helps to indicate the presence of a problem in a woman's reproductive system, so it is recommended to periodically check its level in the body. This is especially true for patients entering puberty or menopause.