How to make a postoperative scar inconspicuous? Removal and treatment

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How to make a postoperative scar inconspicuous? Removal and treatment
How to make a postoperative scar inconspicuous? Removal and treatment

Video: How to make a postoperative scar inconspicuous? Removal and treatment

Video: How to make a postoperative scar inconspicuous? Removal and treatment
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Often, when patients with serious illnesses are offered a choice between conservative and surgical treatment, they choose the first option. The paradox is that such a decision can be made even if the operation is required to be simple and almost complete guarantees of its successful implementation are given. Why are people so afraid of surgery? One of the most common causes reported in anonymous surveys is a postoperative scar. Indeed, a successful operation will be forgotten over time, as well as the initial he alth problems, and an ugly scar will remain on the body for life. Can it be removed?

How do scars appear?

Postoperative scar
Postoperative scar

Surely all people who underwent surgery or sewn up deep stab wounds noticed that after suturing, more noticeable scars remain than from ordinary (even deep) cuts. And yet, the most noticeable scars remain after incisions for operations on internal organs. So why do these scars appear and fromwhat do they consist of?

When deep wounds heal, connective tissue grows and accumulates in the damaged area. It is from it that the postoperative scar visible to the naked eye consists. An interesting fact: experts recommend assessing the type and appearance of the scar no earlier than a year after the surgical intervention. At this time, the scar is considered mature and it is possible to decide whether it is necessary to improve its appearance and what is the best way to do it.

Varieties of scars

Granuloma of postoperative scar
Granuloma of postoperative scar

Before talking about the removal of scars left after the operation, you should understand what they can be. If, as a memory of the surgical intervention, the patient has whitish or flesh-colored stripes that do not have a relief, it can be said with confidence that these are normotrophic scars. Usually, the question of their removal is not even raised, since such scars are almost invisible, and over the years they can hardly be seen at all.

Atrophic scars are much more worrying, visually they resemble stretch marks, striae. Such scars look flabby, and usually they seem to be pressed into the skin. Hypertrophic scars are pink in color and protrude on the surface of the epidermis. The skin around them tends to look damaged. But there is good news: such scars can suddenly change their appearance within two years after the formation.

A keloid postoperative scar is not a sight for the faint of heart. It is usually formed if tissue regeneration takes place withsome problems and complications. The features of such a scar are an unusual shape and a bright pink or purple-bluish color. The scar is very dense to the touch, and its surface is smooth. The scar may be level with the skin or protrude slightly.

When treatment is urgently needed: what is a ligature fistula of a postoperative scar?

The final stage of any surgical operation is suturing. Often, a ligature is used for this - a special thread that ligates blood vessels. With normal healing of the suture, no problems and complications are observed. If an infection was introduced during the suturing, a granuloma of the postoperative scar and a ligature fistula may form. This pathology is considered a complication of the surgical intervention.

Ligature fistula is called inflammation at the site of wound stitching with a ligature. A granuloma is a compaction in a given zone, consisting of a thread and an accumulation of cells of various types. In fact, we are talking about suppuration of the suture caused by non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards at the end of the operation and the non-sterility of the thread itself. If there is a suspicion that a fistula of the postoperative scar has formed, the patient must be urgently taken to the hospital.

The symptoms of this pathology are quite vivid. This is the appearance of seals on the seam and in its immediate vicinity, redness and swelling of the tissues. Often, there may also be a discharge of pus from a sutured wound, inflammation and an increase in the patient's body temperature up to 39 degrees. If any of the above symptoms are observed,You can't put off going to the doctor. Remember that a ligature fistula can always lead to the development of an abscess and death.

The main thing is proper healing

Treatment of postoperative scars
Treatment of postoperative scars

A good surgeon will tell you about the rules for caring for a fresh scar immediately upon discharge from the hospital. Today, there are a lot of medications that can stimulate the process of proper tissue regeneration and scar resorption. Most often they are produced in the form of ointments, for example, Contractubex, Mederma, Pyrogenal and Dermatix. Almost all of these funds can be used immediately after the formation of the scar. It is important to apply the ointment regularly and follow the instructions for use. Often such superficial drug treatment gives incredible results. The scars become almost invisible and literally dissolve before our eyes.

What do beauty salons offer us?

Fistula postoperative scar
Fistula postoperative scar

Patients who want to get rid of postoperative scars regularly come to aesthetic medicine clinics and beauty parlors. One of the most sparing methods is mechanical grinding and micro grinding. You can undergo such a procedure no earlier than six months after the appearance of the scar. It is important to understand that this method will only work if the scar is small and not too deep. For example, grinding is great for removing marks from careless squeezing of acne.

If you are worried about the postoperative scar is not too large, it is worththink about cryosurgery. We are talking about the treatment of connective tissue cells with liquid nitrogen. The same method allows you to get rid of warts and papillomas. After cryodestruction, the treated tissues die off naturally and after a while they are replaced by he althy skin cells.

Laser removal

Ligature fistula postoperative scar
Ligature fistula postoperative scar

Laser has long been successfully used in cosmetology and medicine. The advantages of such devices are many. The laser beam acts pointwise and non-contact on the selected tissue area. However, today laser procedures in scar removal give only a cosmetic effect. Even the most modern devices cannot destroy the scar tissue. But you can make the scar much lighter and more accurate. However, be prepared for the fact that you will have to go through a whole course of procedures, and this treatment option is not recommended for all types of scars.

Plastic surgery

How to remove postoperative scar
How to remove postoperative scar

The most radical and most effective way to improve the appearance and treatment option for many diseases today are surgical interventions. If the scar is too large and noticeable, and more than 2 years have passed since its formation, it makes sense to think about plastic surgery. Depending on the type of scar and its size/location, the doctor will suggest the most effective option.

How to remove a postoperative scar if it is large and located on the visible part of the body? In this case, the doctor may suggest the option of excising the connective tissue and applyingcosmetic subcutaneous suture to the incision site. If the scar is large and very deep, and also sagging, it can be removed by cutting out completely. After the operation, the surface of the skin will not look as perfect as in the previous version, but positive changes will definitely become noticeable.

Postoperative scars: before and after photos. Should scars be treated?

Postoperative scars photo
Postoperative scars photo

It is worth noting that the treatment of scars left after operations is not a cheap pleasure. Even the simplest healing ointments are sometimes quite expensive, to say nothing of plastic surgery and salon methods. In addition, the treatment of postoperative scars will never help to forget about them completely. Usually, even with complex therapy, traces of scars remain. If you decide to join the fight for the beauty of your skin, remember: today it is impossible to completely remove the scar from the operation without a trace. So is it worth trying to cure it and make it less noticeable? This is a personal question, it all depends on what kind of inconvenience the owner of the scar experiences and how often he thinks about this feature of his. If a scar prevents you from enjoying life and being happy, it is definitely worth trying to get rid of it.
