Medicine 2024, October

Heart sounds: first (systolic), second (diastolic) - norm and pathology

Heart sounds: first (systolic), second (diastolic) - norm and pathology

Heart sounds can tell a lot about a person's he alth to a doctor who knows what to hear. Long and painstaking preparation for the examination does not pass without a trace, and sometimes heart defects can be detected without resorting to additional diagnostic methods

Heart sounding: features of the procedure, diagnosis and treatment, possible complications

Heart sounding: features of the procedure, diagnosis and treatment, possible complications

Features of heart sounding in children and adults. Technique of the diagnostic procedure, contraindications and indications. How is preparation for the procedure carried out and what do experts advise?

Capillaries on the nose: causes, removal methods

Capillaries on the nose: causes, removal methods

Dilated blood vessels on the face look extremely unaesthetic, but are not a dangerous he alth disorder. The color of the veins can be red, bright orange, purple or blue, which contrasts markedly with normal skin tone. Couperosis is especially frightening for women because it suggests chronic alcoholism. But this is far from the only reason for the appearance of a network of capillaries on the nose

Joint puncture: technique and consequences, complex punctures

Joint puncture: technique and consequences, complex punctures

In this article we will look at what joint puncture is, and also learn about the technique of its implementation and all the complexities of the procedure. The puncture helps the specialist to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment, so this procedure is very important

Histological examination: what is it

Histological examination: what is it

The article describes the essence of histological examination. It is indicated how it is carried out, and it is also written about how histological preparations are made and analyzed

Alveolar process of the jaw

Alveolar process of the jaw

What is the alveolar process of the jaw? Where is it located, its functions, structure, development. Is plastic surgery of this area possible in case of pathologies and serious injuries?

Pulmonary and bronchial arteries

Pulmonary and bronchial arteries

The lungs are supplied by two separate vascular systems, consisting of the pulmonary and bronchial arteries. The bronchial arteries should not be confused with the pulmonary arteries. They are part of the pulmonary circulation and provide functional lung vascularization by bringing oxygen-white blood from the right ventricle so that it can be oxygenated

Bougienage of the urethra in men and women. Indications, contraindications, description of the procedure

Bougienage of the urethra in men and women. Indications, contraindications, description of the procedure

What is bougienage? Varieties of urethral bougie. Features of the therapeutic procedure in women, men and children. To whom is the procedure contraindicated?

Lung functions. Human lungs: structure, functions

Lung functions. Human lungs: structure, functions

While a person is alive, he breathes. What is breath? These are processes that continuously supply all organs and tissues with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the body, which is formed as a result of the work of the metabolic system

Blood supply of the uterus and appendages

Blood supply of the uterus and appendages

About what is the blood supply of the uterus, the atlas of Sinelnikov tells quite clearly. The information is taught in the course of human anatomy. This system is always studied both in schools with an in-depth program and in medical schools

Abdominal MRI: preparation that shows

Abdominal MRI: preparation that shows

Magnetic resonance imaging is a modern, safe non-invasive method for examining organs and tissues. It allows you to get maximum information about the studied area of the body. Medicine today offers an MRI study of any organs, joints, bone tissue. The procedure is carried out with the help of a magnetic field and radio frequency pulses. MRI data is used both for diagnosis and for monitoring the results of ongoing treatment

Epileptic seizures: what to do if you suspect an illness

Epileptic seizures: what to do if you suspect an illness

Determine whether a person has epilepsy and what type, only a psychiatrist or neurologist can. Do not try to diagnose yourself or loved ones on your own. This is too serious. There are many more harmless disorders that the inexperienced person might confuse with epilepsy

Fear of doctors: the name of the phobia, causes and methods of treatment

Fear of doctors: the name of the phobia, causes and methods of treatment

Fear is a normal state of our psyche when danger arises. It forces the body to take measures to protect itself. But when fears turn into a painful state that paralyzes the will and feelings, then it is no longer worth talking about its biological significance. Such painful states of panic fear (phobia) have many different causes and objects. Fear of doctors is one of the social phobias that can lead to disastrous consequences for a person

What is a carcinogen? Find out what causes carcinogens

What is a carcinogen? Find out what causes carcinogens

Carcinogenic substance can cause cancer in any human organ. What foods and household products contain carcinogens, how they enter our body, read in this article

Renal artery stenosis: possible causes, symptoms and treatment features

Renal artery stenosis: possible causes, symptoms and treatment features

The disease leading to hypertension is renal artery stenosis. This pathology is diagnosed only with a pronounced violation of blood flow. Therefore, surgical treatment of stenosis is often required

We increase immunity with folk remedies

We increase immunity with folk remedies

When spring comes, many begin to get sick often. Weak immunity and beriberi lead to various respiratory diseases, and this happens every year. That is why we increase immunity in the spring, when the lack of vitamins is especially acute. To activate the body's defenses, you will need to change your diet

Strengthening immunity: remedies and preparations

Strengthening immunity: remedies and preparations

Often a person's immunity does not cope with the functions assigned to it. There are many reasons for this. Weakened immunity can be due to a number of adverse factors. In some cases, proper treatment is required. What means and methods contribute to strengthening immunity, will be discussed in detail below

Disinfection and sterilization: their purpose and scope

Disinfection and sterilization: their purpose and scope

To maintain he alth, you need to know and be able to apply not only medications, but also learn how to act on the disease comprehensively. Disinfection and sterilization contribute to the disappearance of any pathogenic bacteria, and also stand guard, preventing their appearance

What is a nosological form?

What is a nosological form?

All people get sick, but at the same time no one thinks about how his illness is qualified - a general disease or a nosological form. What is it, read in this article

Hospital infection: classification, problem and solutions

Hospital infection: classification, problem and solutions

Hospital infections are one of the most difficult problems that arise in many countries of the world. The social and economic damage caused by hospital pathogens is enormous. Paradoxically, despite the huge advances in therapeutic and diagnostic technologies and, in particular, inpatient treatment, this problem remains one of the most acute. Let's study this issue in more detail

Dry oven is the enemy of bacteria

Dry oven is the enemy of bacteria

Medical devices require the strictest sterility. That is why each institution of this profile has a dry-heat cabinet, which is designed to destroy harmful microorganisms

Medical waste: general concept, rules, methods and classification

Medical waste: general concept, rules, methods and classification

Everything in our universe sooner or later turns into a very very end result - a waste that does not bring anything good for creating something, only takes up space, and in some cases is completely dangerous. In this article, we will tell you about medical waste, as well as how to get rid of it. This article is recommended for everyone to read

Computed tomography of the brain - features, preparation and recommendations

Computed tomography of the brain - features, preparation and recommendations

Modern diagnostics makes it possible to detect various diseases at early stages. At the same time, the techniques have become less traumatic for the patient. The occurrence of complications in this case is minimal. At the same time, the result of the examination is the most informative. One such method is brain imaging. The features of this type of diagnostics will be discussed in the article

Where is the spleen located? We learn before the development of diseases

Where is the spleen located? We learn before the development of diseases

It is better to find out where the spleen is located before the onset of illness in order to notice dangerous symptoms in time and seek help from a doctor

Lymphoid tissue and its role in our fight against disease

Lymphoid tissue and its role in our fight against disease

Pathogenic microorganisms, viruses, fungi, parasites enter us through damaged skin, digestive system, mucous membranes of the nose and throat and seek to make a person their home, causing various diseases. And only thanks to immunity we are protected from such a large-scale invasion. The lymphoid tissue is of great importance

Splenectomy is Definition, history, description and consequences

Splenectomy is Definition, history, description and consequences

The operation of splenectomy is used when conservative therapy of certain autoimmune hematological diseases, as well as injuries, heart attacks, tumors, ruptures and abscesses does not give positive results. Surgical intervention is carried out from the upper median laparotomy, an oblique incision running parallel to the rib on the left, or using the thoraco-abdominal method in the region of the eighth intercostal space on the left with the transition to the anterior wall of the peritoneum

Why does my head hurt in my temples?

Why does my head hurt in my temples?

Headache in the temples is the most common complaint with which most patients turn to their neuropathologists. According to statistics, such a deviation occurs in more than 70% of all adult inhabitants of our planet. Someone experiences these strongest unpleasant sensations rarely, while someone lives with them continuously

Some tips on how to strengthen the nervous system

Some tips on how to strengthen the nervous system

Tips on how to strengthen the nervous system can be useful for almost everyone who leads an active lifestyle

What is the human immune system? And why is it needed?

What is the human immune system? And why is it needed?

The human immune system is necessary to protect it from all sorts of foreign microorganisms and substances, as well as to destroy its own cells, the genetic program of which has been violated. This system includes a large number of different organs, tissues and cells

Diagnosis: diagnostic methods, criteria, possible errors, specifics of mental and clinical diagnoses, wording

Diagnosis: diagnostic methods, criteria, possible errors, specifics of mental and clinical diagnoses, wording

There are more than a hundred million different diseases, and every day more and more new pathologies appear. Each disease has a described classical clinical picture, which is studied by medical students, but almost every pathology also has various forms along with degrees of severity, course options, atypical manifestations, and so on

Computed tomography of the kidneys. Preparation, reviews

Computed tomography of the kidneys. Preparation, reviews

Computed tomography of the kidneys is the most informative and accurate diagnostic method that allows you to correctly diagnose and prescribe effective treatment

CKD stages and treatment

CKD stages and treatment

CKD (chronic kidney disease) is a disease that usually follows nephropathy. What are the stages of CKD and how is this pathology treated?

ARF: treatment, causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, procedures and drugs, recovery from illness and preventive measures

ARF: treatment, causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, procedures and drugs, recovery from illness and preventive measures

Acute renal failure (ARF) is a pathological condition in which there is a violation of the functioning of the kidneys. The disease is very dangerous because there are a lot of reasons for its development, and the symptoms appear unexpectedly, which requires urgent medical care

Urine formation: stages of the process, the role of the kidneys

Urine formation: stages of the process, the role of the kidneys

The human body is provided with an average of 2500 milliliters of water. About 150 milliliters appears in the process of metabolism. For an even distribution of water in the body, its incoming and outgoing amount must correspond to each other

Inflammation of the kidneys in a child: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Inflammation of the kidneys in a child: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Inflammation of the kidneys in a child is a very common occurrence. It can be caused by congenital anomalies of the urinary system, and also occur due to weakened immunity or as a complication of other diseases. In childhood, the immune system is still imperfect, which can provoke the development of inflammatory processes in the body

How long does alcohol stay in the blood? Norms, decay time and table

How long does alcohol stay in the blood? Norms, decay time and table

Modern man's lifestyle is extremely fast paced. After participating in a solemn event, sometimes you have to get up early in the morning, put your thoughts in order, take various drugs, which are in abundance in pharmacies today, so that the working day becomes as productive as possible. How long does alcohol stay in the blood? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. It all depends on the characteristics of the organism, the amount of alcohol consumed, the quality of alcohol

Exudate - what is it? Forms of exudate

Exudate - what is it? Forms of exudate

Exudate is a special fluid that can accumulate in various inflamed tissues of the human body. It is formed due to a violation of the walls of blood vessels and the ingress of blood there. The appearance of such a liquid is typical at the initial (acute) stages of various pathologies

How to treat dry callus on the toe? Plaster from dry corns

How to treat dry callus on the toe? Plaster from dry corns

To remove skin seals and corns, you can use a special patch for dry corns. It perfectly softens and also gently removes warts, callus, etc. Among the components of such a remedy, there are those that have a wound healing, sterilizing, analgesic, antiseptic and antifungal effect, eliminate damage and calluses, as well as itching

How to treat eczema on the hands and what is it like?

How to treat eczema on the hands and what is it like?

Eczema is a chronic dermatosis with inflammation of the upper layers of the skin. One of the key factors in skin rashes is allergies

Trays with potassium permanganate: properties, applications, reviews

Trays with potassium permanganate: properties, applications, reviews

Karganate is called potassium permanganate crystals. This substance is used as a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, antitoxic and antimicrobial agent. Until recently, potassium permanganate was used quite widely. With its help, they treated skin diseases, got rid of fungi, prevented poisoning and stopped diarrhea. Potassium permanganate baths have proven themselves especially well for the treatment of hemorrhoids