Spermogram is the most informative analysis that is used to determine the fertility of a man and the presence of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. In addition to the qualitative and quantitative study of the ejaculate, the presence and number of lipoid bodies in the spermogram is of great diagnostic importance. What is it and what effect do they have on the reproductive function of a man, we will consider in this article.

This analysis is of great importance for the detection of pathologies of the male genitourinary system. Poor performance is not a sentence for absolute infertility. Currently, there are many methods that allow a couple to conceive a child. Consider the main indicators that matter when deciphering the analysis:
- Volume. A meager amount of sperm may indicate the presence of a pathological process that reduces the chances of conception. But it is worth noting that a small amount of ejaculate is due to frequentintimate life before the test. That is why sexual abstinence is strongly recommended for four days prior to submitting material for research.
- Consistency. This parameter involves determining the viscosity of sperm. This is an important indicator, because the excessive density of the material can impede the process of conception.
- Thinning time. Normally, ejaculate liquefies between 15 minutes and 1 hour.
- Acidity. pH values above 7 are considered normal, 2.
- Sperm concentration. Successful conception requires more than 20 million per milliliter.
- Total sperm count. The more of them in seminal fluid, the better.
- Mobility. In this indicator, spermatozoa of category A and category B are distinguished. The latter move much more slowly. Normally, it is necessary to have at least 25% of category A spermatozoa. Also, to confirm the normal fertility of a man, the sum of category A and B spermatozoa must be equal to 50%. The other two categories are not considered in this case.
- Morphology according to Kruger. This indicator allows you to identify defective spermatozoa.
- Cell viability. Normally, seminal fluid should contain at least half of live spermatozoa.
- Macrophages. An increase in their number in semen may indicate the presence of an infection.
- Leukocytes. Normally, 1 milliliter of ejaculate may contain no more than a million leukocytes.
- Agglutination (gluing). Normally, there should be no glued spermatozoa, sincethey are considered defective and unable to conceive.
- Amyloid bodies that should not be detected in the taken material.
- Lipoid bodies, which are an essential component of sperm. We will tell you more about them.
Sperm Viability
To answer the question of how long sperm are alive, you need to have an understanding of how they are produced. Their production begins in the testicles, after which they are transferred to the appendages, where maturation occurs. Then full-fledged spermatozoa are located at the entrance to the seminal canal. Old inactive male cells are removed by spermatophages (special white blood cells). Sperm is renewed every three months.
On average, it takes about 2 months for a spermatozoon to grow, get stronger and be able to fertilize an egg. Then within a month he waits for ejaculation, after which he dies. If ejaculation has occurred, the viability of the sperm will depend on where it gets - into the external environment (remains alive for several minutes) or into the vagina (may be viable for several days). It is worth noting that when entering the female body, spermatozoa that carry Y chromosomes live on average for a day.
Also, external factors influence the viability of the spermatozoon. How long a sperm cell lives also depends on the ambient temperature, the use of lubricants, and the intake of medications.
Rules for preparing for a spermogram

Forto identify the most accurate examination result, it is necessary to adhere to a number of rules, since the components of the sperm are very sensitive to the effects of external factors. Consider the recommended rules before taking the analysis:
- Sexual abstinence for 3-4 days.
- The need to stop smoking, alcohol, fatty, spicy foods and caffeine 4 days before the test.
- For a few days you can not use drugs. If this is not possible, the technician should be notified.
- It is forbidden to visit saunas, baths, solariums and take a hot bath before analysis.
It is recommended to re-examine sperm in the same laboratory as the previous one, in compliance with all the above rules. This is due to the fact that different laboratories may differ in the method of analysis and the equipment used. The question of how much a spermogram costs is decided directly in the clinic, since the analysis depends on a number of factors. On average, the service will cost 2-2.5 thousand rubles.
Factors worsening performance
There are certain situations in which sperm quality deteriorates significantly:
- Elevated ambient temperature.
- Wearing tight underwear.
- Overheating of the male genital organs.
- Injuries.
Lipoid bodies, which can also be called lecithin grains, are non-cellular formations of a rounded or angular shape. They have the ability to refract light under microscopic examination. Lipoidbodies in moderation should be constantly present in the ejaculate. Their absence or a significant decrease indicates the development of a pathological process in the body of a man. This is due to the fact that lecithin grains enter the semen with prostate juice, which explains their mandatory presence in the ejaculate.

Lipoid bodies are composed of the following components:
- Phospholipids. They are found in all cells of the body and consist of acids and alcohols. Participate in the restoration of cells after any damage, maintain their structure and ensure the flexibility of cell membranes.
- Higher fatty acids, divided into unsaturated and saturated.
- Vitamin B4 (choline). It is involved in protecting cells from various damages. This substance is able to be synthesized in the body on its own, but people involved in physical labor and sports should additionally consume foods and vitamin complexes containing choline. It is important to note that vitamin B4 increases the activity of male germ cells, and in old age it can prevent prostate dysfunction.
Functions of lipoid bodies
Currently, experts identify the following functions that lecithin grains perform:
- They are a breeding ground for spermatozoa.
- Promote the activity of male germ cells.
- Influence the contractile function of the prostate gland.
- Reduce the risk of fibrosisprostate.
The exact amount of lecithin grains in a normal spermogram has not been determined. When deciphering the results, it is necessary to evaluate a set of indicators. Currently, it is considered normal value of 5-10 million per 1 ml of semen.
But it is worth noting that there are still disputes among specialists as to what effect the amount of these inclusions has on a normal spermogram. There were cases when, with a reduced amount of lecithin grains, but normal values of other indicators of the ejaculate, the fertile function of a man was normal.
Causes of lack of lecithin grains

Absence or insufficient amount of lipoid bodies can be caused by the following factors:
- Incorrect sampling of material for research.
- Inflammatory processes occurring in the prostate gland.
- Incorrect stimulation of the gland before sampling.
- Sperm congestion.
- Presence of stones in the prostate.
- Tubular obstruction.
- Abscess.

It happens that with prolonged abstinence there is a large number of lipoid bodies. An increase in choline in the body can lead to the release of toxic substances that can cause dangerous pathologies and destruction of spermatozoa.
It is important to note that the negative impact that lipoid bodies can have is offset by other components contained insperm. For example, spermine prevents the destructive effects of choline on germ cells.
Common diseases

Of the large number of diseases that may indicate a decrease in the number of lipoid bodies in the spermogram, the most common are the following:
- Prostatitis in acute or chronic form. Often this pathology is a consequence of colds or infections. The acute form of the disease is indicated by a decrease in lipoid bodies and an increase in leukocytes. May be disturbed by frequent urination and pain in the groin area. If lecithin grains are completely absent, then we can talk about the development of chronic prostatitis, in which infertility or impotence can form.
- Prostate adenoma. Hormonal disorders can lead to the development of this disease. Pathology develops slowly. In the early stages, there are practically no noticeable symptoms. With this disease, timely diagnosis and timely treatment are very important.
- Oncological processes occurring in the prostate gland. The reasons for their development have not yet been fully identified. It is assumed that neglected pathologies of the prostate gland (for example, adenoma), the age of the man, as well as hormonal disorders can contribute to this.
Prevention of prostate diseases

It is very important for a man at any age to take care of his he alth.
- It is recommended to visit once a yeara doctor and take a spermogram, because many diseases in the early stages of development do not have obvious manifestations, which can lead to the development of complications, which will be quite difficult to cure.
- You need to do moderate exercise.
- Fiber must be present in the diet.
- You need to watch your weight to avoid obesity.
- Timely treat diseases of the genitourinary system.
This applies not only to men of reproductive age, but also to elderly patients. Timely detection of deviations in the spermogram, as well as timely treatment, give a positive prognosis in most cases.
If the analysis revealed a pathological change in the number of lipoid bodies in the ejaculate, the doctor directs the patient for additional tests to identify the cause of this condition. After that, an effective treatment is prescribed in each specific case. It is not recommended to try to decipher the values of the spermogram on your own and self-medicate, as you can only aggravate the situation. If you need to resubmit the material for research, it is recommended to use the services of the same laboratory as the previous time. You should check with the administrator about how much a spermogram costs in a particular laboratory.