Preserving human he alth for many years is the main task of modern medicine. Improving physical education also does not stand still, doctors and athletes, adherents of oriental teachings and fans of modern fitness offer their own systems for keeping the body in shape. People have long appreciated the benefits of training, and now the only problem is choosing among the variety of types and forms.
Hadu gymnastics - the basis of he alth
One of the most versatile in the field of application is the system of exercises, which was patented in 1997 by Arabuli Zviad. Khadu, life-prolonging gymnastics, is named after the mountain settlement where the Zviad family lived from ancient times. The exercises are designed to train all muscle groups, including the most unused in everyday life, while controlling the respiratory system. At the moment, there is a whole federation of Khadu trainers, which includes more than 100 certified specialists with a center in Kyiv, where the founder of the system, Zviad Arabuli, works.

Struggle for he alth undermined since childhood
Who is Zviad Arabuli? Biographyinstructor began in Tbilisi, where his mother, a native of Ukraine, lived in her husband's homeland. Zviad was born on February 2, 1967, pregnancy and childbirth did not proceed very smoothly. Due to complications, Zviad Arabuli's childhood passed in constant illness, which he repeatedly confirms in his speeches and interviews. Insufficient physical activity led to a weakening of the muscles in general, and he could not compete with his classmates.
The turning point in the life of Zviad Arabuli, he himself considers his acquaintance with the biography of Valentin Dikul. The athlete, as a teenager, received a serious spinal injury and was chained to a wheelchair. Such a shock greatly influenced the future circus performer, and, thanks to his own many hours of exercises, he got to his feet and inspired many wheelchair users of his time with his example. Arabuli was not so seriously ill, but chronic diseases from childhood made life very difficult. He began his struggle for he alth with the then popular judo and karate sections, tried weightlifting, mastered many gymnastic systems according to the All-Union He alth magazine, but success was insufficient.
Experience of ancient Eastern yoga masters
The long search for the key to he alth was crowned with success only in 1989 with the help of the ancient art of yoga, or to be more precise, thanks to a special technique for building strength and endurance through slow body movements. By that time, Zviad Arabuli was married and raised two children, which became an additional incentive to work on his own body.
So, the system of exercises,read in a random book on hatha yoga, quickly showed results. Zviad noticed a significant increase in strength and in fact was able to verify the effectiveness of training. Diseases began to recede, which could not but rejoice. Then the future instructor Hadu began a systematic study, self-testing and systematization of yoga classes, adapting many exercises to a modern person.
In his experiments on the body, Zviad relied on strict observance of all conditions, as well as on scientific research in the field of physiology. Indeed, hardening the body in winter, according to the descriptions of the ancient masters of yoga, without prior good warming up, can lead to serious he alth complications. To repeat the experience of yogis who can dry a wet sheet in the cold using only their own body heat, you must first run 5-10 kilometers or do warm-up strength exercises for an hour.
Visible result

The successes of Zviad Arabuli became noticeable among his friends, many questions arose regarding the exercises. Thus, a whole system began to emerge, applicable to all categories and ages, called "Hado gymnastics." Zviad Arabuli tested the effectiveness of his unique system for several years before patenting it. In Moscow, the future instructor met with Valentin Dikul, his role model, and told him about Hadu. Dikul was first of all convinced of the effectiveness of the classes visually, forcing Zviad to perform a complex physicalexercise, approved of the achievements, and later offered to read Hadu's introductory gymnastics course for his instructors.
Slow exercises and blitz complex
The strength component of Khadu is slow exercises with simultaneous tension of opposite muscles. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Alexander Zass developed a set of isometric exercises that allows you to build strength in static positions. Khadu largely repeats this technique, but in a more systematic way. With an elbow bend, the arms, for example, interact, put each other in opposition to the triceps and biceps, with slow slopes they balance each other with the muscles of the back and lower back with the abdominal ones. Thus, gymnastics allows you to almost completely abandon the equipment, and also expands the possibilities of classes outside of gyms. Some muscle groups, for example, on the wrist, elbow bend of the arms, as well as the muscles of the ankle and many others, can be trained right in the office without getting up from the workplace.

18-minute blitz complex of simple exercises - a special program for modern busy people, developed by Zviad Arabuli. Hadu morning gymnastics or a small warm-up during a break at work, or maybe a short workout after work - this complex helps to relieve stress, set the body in a he althy way, and stretch the muscles. Reviews on the Web vied with each other to confirm the missing back pain, posture straightening and ease of walking after several weeks of training in the blitz complex. This short warm-up gives people the opportunity to feelthe body's ability to evaluate preliminary results and often leads them to already serious Khadu gymnastics.

Hadu philosophy - three body systems
The basis of the Khadu exercise system is the understanding of the body as a combination of three systems. The nervous system is, as it were, above the whole organism, endowed with control functions, and not only conscious, but also subconscious. Every time you start training according to the Hadu system, the nervous system takes into account the characteristics of the body at the moment, blocking serious overloads. Thus, a person, by volitional effort, straining to full muscles, does not risk injury or excessive stress. The subconscious knows in our body such subtle settings that it will not allow a person who is tired during the day to dangerously overstrain. Sports equipment and simulators cannot take into account the psycho-emotional state, which requires more serious control, while with Khadu you can safely give all your best without fear of consequences.

The second most important body system according to Hud includes many auxiliary subsystems that allow the main motor and work processes to function normally in everyday life, including during training. This includes the digestive system, bone skeleton, joints, circulatory system, everything without which the constant work of muscles and tendons is impossible. This life support system of the body, like the nervous one,automatically strengthens and trains during classes. Without training, the support system will not work at full capacity, fulfilling its inherent functions only partially, and unused resources tend to accumulate, stagnate and lead to failures. That's why, according to Khadu's philosophy, a person has so many diseases, the support system, subject to constant stress in training, is much better able to withstand the external destructive effects of various diseases and stresses.
The main system of the body, conceived by nature not only for survival, but also for maintaining the he alth of the whole body as a whole, is the system of muscles and tendons. It is they who produce all the useful external work of the body, the rest of the systems only provide and control the process. It is through the motor system that Khadu's gymnastics affects all the others, activating their work, if not in the maximum, then in an enhanced mode. The life support and control systems mobilized by training cope much better with their functions and "train" themselves thanks to the body's built-in regulators.
Differences in Khadu gymnastics
So, the theoretical part is generally clear, how does Khadu gymnastics practically differ from hundreds of other exercise systems or from a banal workout on modern simulators that allow you to develop all muscle groups? First of all, it is the minimum cost of equipment. For a full workout, you will need suitable comfortable clothing and some space with a comfortable temperature. Khadu gymnastics is quite possibleperform at home, saving on payment for training halls. Even in the office or at the workplace, there is an opportunity to perform most of the exercises, the main thing is not to overdo it, after all, Hadu is strength gymnastics.
Harmonious figure as a result
Gymnastics, which was developed by Zviad Arabuli - Khadu - is aimed exclusively at improving the body. Exercise, being strength, however, will not lead to a large increase in muscle mass. Some muscle growth is inevitable in people who have not previously been involved in sports, but the mechanisms of self-regulation of the body do not allow bodybuilding forms that are useless for he alth. Only an athletically tailored muscular system allows the body to perform the required functions with minimal costs to maintain performance. Also, the restoration and improvement of articular, cartilaginous and other interosseous tissues in the process of training leads to a slight increase in the growth of a person as a whole. In he althy women, there are internal hormonal mechanisms that prevent muscle growth, so training will only lead to improved relief, but not to muscle growth.

Physical education for the disabled and contraindications
Hadu gymnastics, despite its energy, is also suitable as a restorative physical education for sick and overweight people. The nervous system, taking into account the state of he alth, injuries and other factors, will provide the muscles with exactly the load that a weakened body can withstand. The only contraindication for Zviad Arabuli's gymnastics ishyperexcitability and hyperactivity. Exercises are performed at a slow pace in order to involve as many muscles as possible in the workout. For children under 10 years old, such training will be boring and of little interest. Pregnant women should also avoid most Khadu exercises due to their heavy workload.
The path to he alth is a willful decision

Power gymnastics in any case requires a lot of volitional effort from a person and inevitably leads to fatigue, it is worth bearing in mind such factors. According to the system developer himself, bad habits are characterized in an easy way: smoking, alcohol, obesity; while the path to he alth is not always the easiest. In any case, those who embark on the path of recovery should be wished for patience and perseverance. Any workouts, especially systematic ones, will eventually cease to burden the body, and if you do them in a comfortable environment, for example, in a circle of like-minded people, they will bring pleasure, which is what the developer of the system Hadu Zviad Arabuli, full of he alth and energy, claims. Reviews of his gymnastics are always favorable.