The third blood group is considered rare - it is defined in only 15% of the inhabitants of the Earth. According to some reports, we owe its appearance to the Mongoloid nomads. The age of the group is already more than 17 thousand years. The third negative occurs, respectively, even less frequently. It is more common in people living in Asian countries, the Middle East, Africa. Curiously, some researchers say that it determines the character of a person. So let's get to know the third negative category in detail!
General information
Blood is a biological fluid, which in a volume of 5-6 liters (about 7% of body weight) circulates through the body of each person. Researcher K. Landsteiner discovered its four categories:
- First - O.
- Second - A.
- Third - B.
- Fourth - AB.
The most common option is the first, the rarest is the fourth. The third negative will be in the honorable second place in terms of non-proliferation.

Third group - compatibility with donation
A person with the 3rd group will not be a universal recipient. In other words, his blood for transfusion is not suitable for everyone. The blood of the first group is universal. But those with the 4th category are suitable for the blood of all groups - 1, 2, 3 and 4th.
Here is the third category of blood in this vein:
- A person with the 3rd group can become a donor for people with the third and fourth blood category.
- It is permissible for a person with the 3rd blood group to transfuse blood of the first and third categories.
- 3rd positive and 3rd negative are incompatible! Rejection can even be fatal to the patient.
If it is not possible to transfuse suitable blood to a person in need, then experts use its serum or blood substitutes ("artificial blood") - special sterile liquids that can replace blood itself, as well as plasma. Such compounds are not a full-fledged alternative, but are able to support human life.

Rh factor value
So why is the third negative incompatible with the third positive? It's all about the Rh factor (+/-). It was discovered by scientists A. Wiener and K. Landsteiner in 1940.
Rh factor is a special antigen that is on the surface of erythrocytes - red blood cells. Interestingly, it does not change throughout a person's life, and is also transmitted from parent to child.
According to statistics, 85% of the population of our planet have a positive Rh factor and only the remaining 15% -negative (which is why there are so few people with a third negative group). The meaning of the difference is as follows:
- Blood of the same group, but different Rh is incompatible! Transfusion can threaten the patient with consequences up to death.
- It is important to note that different rhesus with the mother threaten the child with death in the womb. For example, if a woman has a third negative blood, and a baby has a third positive blood, then the embryo is in danger.
Why is that? A woman's body perceives a child with a different Rh factor as a foreign body, virus or infection. The mother's immune cells begin to fight the fetus, which ends with placental abruption or spontaneous abortion. This probability is most typical for women with strong immunity.
Expectant parents need to remember that the danger is observed only with a problem pregnancy! During normal gestation, the blood of the mother and child does not mix, which is why there is no threat.
Father-Mother Compatibility
We now know that the mismatch between the characteristics of the blood of a pregnant woman and the embryo has serious consequences. They are especially difficult just for the case when the child has a third negative blood group, and the mother has the first or second. But once again, we note that the danger is real only for the problematic course of pregnancy.
But now let's move on to the Rh-harmony of the father and mother. Let's look at the compatibility of parents who have the 3rd blood group:
- The third negative for a woman. Suitable father - with 1st and 3rd groupblood.
- The third negative for a man. Suitable mother - with 3rd and 4th blood type.
What threatens the incompatibility of mom and dad on Rhesus?

Danger of Rh-conflict of parents
It's simple - Rhesus mismatch between parents causes Rhesus mismatch between mother and embryo. After all, as you remember, it is inherited.
Rhesus conflict is dangerous for mother and baby as follows:
- Stillbirth of a baby.
- Miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion.
- Pregnancy fading - stopping the development of the embryo in the mother's womb.
- The appearance of pathologies in the fetus that are incompatible with life.
It is important to note that the Rhesus conflict will openly manifest itself only in the last months of bearing a child. Before that, it may affect the abnormal formation of the internal organs of the embryo - mutational changes are possible.
Doctors also note the fact that with Rh-conflict of parents, the first child in most cases is born without problems. And the second baby will be in danger. Therefore, if the first pregnancy went perfectly, a woman should still carefully prepare herself for the second.
However, Rh mismatch is not a 100% predictor of dire consequences. Today, future parents can undergo a course of special treatment, which significantly increases the chances of having a he althy and full-fledged baby.
Even if Rh harmony is observed between father and mother, planningthe child still needs to be approached with all responsibility - use tests to determine ovulation, regularly visit a specialist and follow his recommendations, follow a diet, a he althy lifestyle, and so on.

Probability of inheritance of the third group
We already know that one of the antigens of the third group is B. For a child to inherit the 3rd blood category, one of the parents must necessarily be a carrier of the element B.
However, a complete copy of the blood characteristics of a son or daughter is real only if both parents have the 3rd, 4th or mixed blood type.
A baby with a third blood category cannot possibly be born to a man with the 1st group and a woman with the 2nd.
Physical characteristics of the group
It is noted that people with the third category of blood for the most part have strong immunity. However, for this group there are a number of diseases to which, according to statistics, it is most susceptible:
- Inflammation of the lungs - pneumonia.
- Apathy, depression.
- Sclerosis.
- A number of joint diseases.
- Osteochonrosis.
- Autoimmune diseases.
- Women develop complications after childbirth.
You should not assume that every person with the 3rd blood type must be ill with all this list. This is just an excuse to remember your exposure - lead a he althy lifestyle, monitor your emotional state, eat he althy foods

Psychologicalgroup features
Surprisingly, the ratio of antigens (A and B) affects not only the physical characteristics of a person, but also his psychological portrait! In this vein, the third negative blood type in women and men is manifested by the following personality characteristics:
- High level of creativity.
- Cunning and wisdom.
- Showing some selfish behavior.
- Excellent oratorical qualities - emotional speech, a penchant for diplomacy. In other words, these are people who are able to lead.
- Frequent and quick mood swings, some nervousness.
- Sometimes there is excessive emotionality.
- Carriers of the 3rd blood type are most often surgeons, lawyers, accountants, representatives of other serious professions.

How to determine the third negative?
The method of determination is universal for all groups - this is the delivery of a blood sample for analysis. The fence is carried out from a vein. The study can be carried out by almost any clinic. This procedure is worth going through not only because of curiosity. You will receive vital information for donation, family planning. The event always precedes blood transfusions, tissue and organ transplants.
Preparing for analysis is simple:
- Blood is best taken in the morning and on an empty stomach (at least 4 hours from the last snack).
- At least 2 weeks after the end of the course of drug treatment.
- If it is not possible to stop taking medication,be sure to tell the specialist what you are taking.
- The day before the procedure, give up alcohol, s alty, fatty, spicy food.
- Before taking blood, protect yourself from physical and emotional stress.

The third negative blood category is one of the rarest. However, for its carriers, the fact will not be a problem. On the contrary, it is a feature of the psychological portrait of a person, which, according to scientists, is also influenced by antigens. It is important to know this blood type for planning pregnancy, donating blood, tissues, organs.