Immunity is an important part of the human body. Without it, it is impossible to survive, since only he is able to fight pathogens: viruses, fungi, bacteria, and some types of parasites. But under the influence of harmful factors, immunity can decrease, and in rare cases it can be completely destroyed (for example, AIDS). Unfortunately, not every one of us understands how important it is to maintain the immune system, because due to its weakening, not only colds, but also various chronic ones, up to oncological ones, may appear. Therefore, it is very important to figure out how to increase immunity, how to maintain it, if it is good enough at the moment. The more responsible a person is about his he alth, the more chances he has for a happy life without colds and serious diseases.
What is responsible for the immune system
In the human body there is a gland called the thymus, or thymus. At birth in a he althy baby, this gland can be about the size of a walnut. Over the years, the thymus decreases in many, and inin old age, it becomes so miserable that it seems as if it has disappeared. Therefore, with age, people's immunity decreases, diseases become more common, and recovery and cure is almost impossible.

Despite the fact that the newborn's thymus gland is relatively large, the child cannot fully fight viruses and microbes on his own. Until the first teeth erupt, immunity will be formed. Therefore, mothers are recommended to harden their child from infancy. Unfortunately, not everyone knows this simple truth, and we have what we have: modern adults often catch colds, catch any viruses and microbes, and cannot resist parasites and fungi. How to increase immunity to an adult and is it possible to catch up? Theoretically, it is possible, but it will take a lot of time, and the recovery process will be lengthy.
How harmful factors affect immunity
Before we start discussing ways to boost immunity, let's talk about things that instantly bring the immune system to naught. It's about:
- tobacco smoking;
- antibiotics;
- alcohol;
- vaccinations;
- stress.
How does immunity decrease? For example, smoking, alcohol and stress dramatically reduce the level of vitamin C or completely remove it from the body. This vitamin helps the immune system function, fight pathogenic flora.
Antibiotics when ingested into the gastrointestinalThe tract kills not only harmful microbes, but also beneficial flora. Beneficial flora are microorganisms that kill microbes and parasites and help in the absorption of nutrients. Of course, if antibiotics are vital, then they should not be abandoned. In this case, it is better to make an intramuscular injection. And now let's see how to increase the immunity of an adult at home.
Hour walks
An excellent recommendation would be a walk in the fresh air. Only it should last at least 1.5 hours. It is worth noting that the total movement from home to work, from the place of study to the store in a hurry - this is not a full-fledged pastime on the street. In fact, to get benefits, you need to go to the park, the forest, if you live in the city, or just take a walk in the field, on the banks of the river or the sea, in the mountains, if you live far from the city.
You need to walk freely, without thinking that you need to come somewhere soon. Or, when walking on business, you can leave half an hour early and walk at a leisurely pace, admiring the beauty of nature and enjoying rainy or sunny weather.
How will immunity increase due to walking? Very simple, because you are resting from worries, relaxed and breathing fresh air. After all, the best rest is not only sleep, but also relaxation of the body and soul while awake.
Avoid Stress
It was previously mentioned that stress also affects the immune system. And it really is. The fact is that when a person is very worried, worries, then such processes take place in his body thatadversely affect he alth. It can be seen that most often the one who is constantly afraid of something, worries about something or is dissatisfied with something is most often sick. And a cheerful person almost always feels great.
Try to look at any difficult situation from a different angle. Do not postpone the problem indefinitely and in no case go into depression, because this trouble will not disappear anywhere. On the contrary, everything will only get worse, and the state of he alth will also worsen. Often there are cases when, due to misfortunes, people get very sick and even die.
How to increase the immunity of an adult if he is constantly worried? You need to learn to put up with events and be able to solve problems in a calm environment.
More positive emotions
To improve your he alth, you need to strive to enjoy life more, to accept it as it is. If no one can cheer you up, then you must learn to give happiness yourself. No wonder psychologists say that love, like happiness, is inside you. That is, you must “generate” such feelings yourself. Only then can we talk about increasing immunity.

Be sure to please your family. After all, the family is the closest people. Good relations with them are the key not only to success, but also to good he alth. How to increase the immunity of an adult in the family circle? First of all, learn to put up and get along, give in, listen to others.
It would seem that the immune system is related tojoy? It turns out that the relationship is direct. He althier children and equally he althy adults tend to be found where there are excellent relationships with all family members.
He althy eating
Food is of great importance for the state of the immune system. It is impossible to live fully without vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients. In addition, food should be balanced and natural.
Artificial additives and chemically processed food should be avoided, in addition, in no case should you buy meat and milk in stores, as they contain hormones, antibiotics. Eat more organically grown vegetables, fruits and grains.
Let's look at some immune boosting foods:
- garlic;
- bow;
- Jerusalem artichoke (tubers);
- turnip;
- fermented milk products;
- nuts;
- pumpkin, sunflower seeds;
- all edible berries;
- kiwi;
- bell pepper;
- rose hips.
Onions and garlic are the most common foods in our kitchen. They can be eaten all year round, but in moderation.

The more natural products in your diet, the easier the recovery process will go.
Hardening with water and contrast shower
One of the most effective and common methods to increase the thymus and make it function normally is to harden the body. The best way is water treatment. Speech is notit's about dousing with ice water in the cold or swimming in an ice hole. We will talk about gentle methods, such as "108 steps on a cold stream" and a contrast shower. Let's move on to a small instruction on how to increase the immunity of an adult at home.

To take 108 steps, you need to fill the bathroom with a little cool water up to the ankles. Then, without raising your legs, walk through the water, making a mental or aloud count. The speed of movement can be either fast or medium. You don't have to go slowly. At the end, just pat your feet dry with a towel. Don't wear socks. The procedure should be carried out every morning after waking up.
Contrast shower can be done after the main wash in the evening before bedtime. It is necessary to alternate slightly hot and slightly cool water for about 5 minutes. Don't change the water temperature too quickly.
Cold hardening
Surely many of you have noticed that in the cold season, some people go out in light clothing or even a T-shirt. At the same time, daredevils do not catch a cold. They are called tempered. Indeed, in order to achieve such success, it is desirable to accustom yourself to the cold from childhood, but gradually. And how to increase immunity at home for an adult who has lost his he alth? Gradually. It is very important to be moderate in everything, there should not be any drastic changes for the body.
You can start by airing your home during the winter season. It is advisable to be in the room. At first, while the body is weakened, it is better to dress warmer so as not to catch a cold. Take care not tothere were drafts and strong winds, as well as dampness. You can arrange a walk on the glazed balcony. When the body gets stronger, you can not warm up.
Vitamin complexes
Currently, it is very popular to improve he alth with vitamins offered by pharmacies. But do they really help the immune system? Unfortunately, the effectiveness of such drugs has not been proven. Immunity-enhancing drugs are practically non-existent. This applies specifically to synthesized means. It is better to be treated with natural raw materials.

Now you can find biologically active additives (BAA) that are consumed with food. Many of them contain vitamins and minerals, the most necessary elements for the body. But even here there is not always an effect if the goal is to increase the body's defenses. What to do? Just vitamins are recommended to be combined with other ways to increase immunity described in this article. In this case, the improvement of the condition will be provided.
Echinacea infusion
There are both immunomodulators and immunostimulants. But as practice shows, the former are more effective. It is best to use the immunomodulator in natural rather than synthesized form. An excellent raw material is such a common plant as echinacea. This is a garden flower that can be found in many summer residents and residents of the private sector. Ready-made dried raw materials can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared by yourself. Thus, now we will figure out how to increase immunity with folk remedies.
Ifthere is no allergy to the plant, no autoimmune disease, then a decoction can be applied. To do this, 1 teaspoon of echinacea is poured into a glass, poured with boiling water and covered with a lid. You have to wait 20 minutes. Then the infusion is filtered. You need to drink half a cup with meals once a day. It is advisable to put the remaining broth in the refrigerator, and the next day, warm it up to a warm state. The course should be no more than 3 weeks. After 7 days, you can repeat if necessary. Thus, you can increase immunity with folk remedies.
Walking barefoot
In past centuries, people preferred to walk barefoot or in sandals. Their immunity was strong. It is very important that the feet are often barefoot and preferably without socks. By the way, yogis also often do without shoes. It is worth taking an example from them.
To begin to temper walking barefoot, it is better to start from home: just take off your slippers, but leave socks, tights. Learn to walk without shoes around the rooms. If there is a lot of dirt, you will have a reason to clean up, which will also contribute to he alth promotion.
Now you know an easy way to boost immunity at home. Everything is quite simple. In summer, you can run in the village on the grass, ideally on the dew early in the morning and late in the evening.
Compliance with sleep and rest regimens
In order for the body to work like a clock, you need to follow the sleep and wake-up schedule. For example, getting up at 6-7 am is considered ideal both on weekdays and on weekends. In this case, it is better to go to bed no later than ten in the evening. The body will recoverwithin 7-8 hours, taking into account the fact that a person quickly falls asleep.

How will immunity increase with sleep? This is a rather complex process inside the body, which is still being studied by medical scientists and biochemists. Our task is to observe what is prescribed by nature itself.
In addition to sleep, daytime rest is also important. In no case should you overwork yourself to the point of exhaustion. The body must rest. As soon as you feel tired, be sure to take a break.
When you've finished everything, you can always start doing your favorite activities that give you pleasure: playing with children, reading books, hobbies and the like.
House cleaning
Cleanliness is the key to he alth! It is no coincidence that this phrase once appeared. The fact is that cleanliness in your own home greatly affects the he alth of all residents. The more dirt, the greater the risk of getting sick, especially for children and the elderly. What is the relationship here? Dust flies in the air, along with it there can be microbes, dust mites and other carriers of infections that easily enter the human body through the respiratory tract, deposited on the skin and mucous membranes, as well as on clothes and various objects. In addition, if there are animals at home, then parasitic infestations are also possible.
Once in the human body, pathogens can cause harm to he alth, destroy the weakened beneficial flora. Therefore, it is very important to carry out cleaning as often as possible in order to reduce the concentration of dust and dirt. Cleaning is one of the very first means of increasingimmunity at home. Remember to also ventilate the rooms while avoiding drafts.
Bee products
Excellent cope with infections honey, propolis and perga. But the most affordable is honey, which can be purchased from beekeepers. In the evening, before going to bed, it is recommended to eat a few teaspoons of honey with warm tea.
Tinctures are made from propolis, which can be used in courses both during illness and for prevention. How to improve immunity with honey and propolis? Use a course of up to 1 month one or another product. But be careful, allergic reactions are possible.
Propolis is a natural probiotic and prebiotic, that is, you can restore beneficial flora in the intestines.
Physical education and various exercises
You can't do without movement either. The more often the body is exposed to motor activity, the better the general condition becomes. It is good to start each morning with a warm-up, light exercise, or even breathing exercises. All this contributes not only to recovery after sleep, but also to cleansing of congestion in the lymphatic and circulatory systems.

How to increase the immunity of an adult with the help of sports exercises and movements in general? Walk every day, do not use public transport and private cars. If you live in a city, then try to walk in courtyards, and not near roads, so as not to inhale exhaust gases once again.
If the work is sedentary, then try to get up regularlyand warm up with simple school exercises or rhythmic dance moves.
Cleansing the liver and intestines
Modern scientists say that human immunity is most concentrated in the liver and intestines. But adverse factors, such as chemicals and food, toxic substances in the air and water, contribute to the slagging of the body. And this leads to the fact that the immune system begins to function poorly, minerals and vitamins coming from outside are practically not absorbed. Immunity-enhancing drugs in this case will be absolutely powerless. Only sorbents that cleanse the liver and intestines can help.
If you apply the presented recommendations constantly, then the immune system will definitely recover, and with it the lost he alth.