How to harden at home?

How to harden at home?
How to harden at home?

Hardening is a natural and effective method of maintaining he alth and improving the condition of a weakened body. You just need to carry out this procedure correctly, so as not to harm. After reading this article, you will understand how to temper properly, where to start and what methods exist, as well as find out what mistakes people make most often and what are the possible consequences due to wrong actions.

Factors affecting human immunity

The human immune system is directly related to external factors such as:

  • ambient temperature;
  • presence of bacteria and viruses in the air;
  • water condition;
  • seasonality;
  • microclimate in rooms and transport.

And also internal factors affect immunity:

  • food;
  • lifestyle;
  • psycho-emotional load.

If the body's defenses are weakened, then, as a rule, various diseases occur. Deviations in at least one of the above factors may contribute to their appearance.

methodshardening for he alth
methodshardening for he alth

For example, some people constantly catch colds when the weather gets damp and cold, while others do not. Why? Because those who managed to withstand the weather have stronger immunity. Many people know about this, but have no idea how to help themselves and loved ones. Therefore, below we will talk about how to properly harden at home so that the body can fight pathogens on its own.

Why is hardening needed?

Before proceeding to the very topic of hardening, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the concept of immunity. Each person has a thymus gland (thymus), which is responsible for the immune system. Initially, at birth in a he althy child, this gland can be large (about the size of a walnut), but over time, if the body weakens, the thymus becomes very small. Most people in middle age have virtually no iron. Accordingly, immunity is weakened or practically destroyed by modern chemicals, radiation, a sedentary lifestyle and nutrition. Not all parents teach their children to take care of their he alth from an early age, often because they themselves do not know and do not understand why this is necessary.

wrapping baby in warm clothes
wrapping baby in warm clothes

To restore the function of the thymus gland, to make it increase again or maintain its normal size, respectively, to raise or maintain immunity, that is, the body's defenses, you need to harden. How to do it correctly, we'll talk below.

Sudden temperature changes

The human body is a very delicate and complex matter that requires careful handling. No drastic action should be taken. Even nature is arranged in such a way that any external changes occur gradually. For example, it does not happen that the air temperature changes sharply from +30 ˚С to –10 ˚С. The body can then react negatively with unpredictable consequences that will become irreversible. Why is there such an example with temperature? The fact is that hardening involves a sharp change in temperature in order to accustom the body to resistance. But the strengthening of immunity does not occur due to exposure to cold or heat, but due to an increase in the thymus, which just “wakes up”.

So let's talk about how to start hardening at home.

Gentle beginning of hardening

To start this procedure, you need to understand that everything should be gradual. In no case should you take the advice of people to plunge into an ice hole in winter or pour melt water on them if you have no experience. It is one thing when a person is hardened from birth, another thing is if he is chronically ill. Organisms will react differently.

cold and hot shower
cold and hot shower

So let's make a plan on how to start hardening the right way. This procedure almost always uses water. To test your abilities, you can make it 3-4 ˚C colder than usual while taking a shower. For example, you are used to pouring water with a temperature of 38 ˚С. Now make it a little cooler. Let the body get used to the newconditions. It is better to do this several times until the discomfort disappears. You can return to a comfortable temperature again, then change it back to a colder one.

Contrast shower

It is advisable for a beginner to start the procedure at home. Therefore, we will consider the question of how to properly temper in the soul. Our task is to smoothly reduce and increase the temperature of the water as alternately as possible in the “hot-cold” style, but in the first days and even weeks it is better to make the water warm and cool. In no case should you change the temperature abruptly, especially if you like to wash under a hot stream.

It is advisable to purchase a thermometer with which you can control the state of the water. But if there is no opportunity to buy a device, then be guided by the sensations “warm - a little cool” or “hot - a little warm”. When you get used to such a contrast shower, you can gradually change the temperature. For example, you started with a temperature range of +38 ˚С and +30 ˚С, and now try to make it colder with +38 ˚С - up to +25 ˚С.

Contrast shower is considered the most gentle method, which is suitable even for seriously ill people. It is effective if you follow the recommendations above.

108 steps along the creek

Let's look at another example of how to properly start tempering at home. We will talk about the method beloved by the Eastern peoples - "108 steps along a cold stream".

108 steps along the stream
108 steps along the stream

Such hardening is also gentle for beginners, but on condition that the following rules are observed:

  • you need to fill the bath with water up to the ankle;
  • water should be cool but comfortable;
  • the room should not be cold and damp;
  • do 108 steps with feet underwater.

When the legs begin to get used to the procedure, the temperature of the water can be lowered. As a result, after a while, you can apply cold water.


How to start tempering yourself with a popular douche? Many people know and have even seen how he althy people in winter, having collected a bucket of cold water, poured it over themselves. If you have no experience, then in no case repeat! It is better to start training at home in the shower or in the bath. The water should be cool but comfortable for the body.

Wet towel rubdown

If neither a contrast shower nor a douche is suitable, you can use another method - wiping with a wet towel. This method is suitable even for small children. You should definitely check with the pediatrician how to properly temper the child so that he remains he althy.

Wet a terry towel with cool water, wring it out well and apply it to your body. Start rubbing them as if you are wiping dry. The skin should become reddish, but not pale and bluish.

Less warm clothes

Earlier we talked about how to properly temper with water. Now let's discuss what other methods exist that are not related to the shower. No wonder they say that even a baby should not be heavily wrapped in warm clothes. Otherwise, the immune system will weaken, and the child will constantly catch a cold. The same goes for teenagers, adults.

outdoor hardening in winter
outdoor hardening in winter

It is recommended to gradually give up sufficiently warm clothes. You need to start at home. Train yourself to walk without slippers, in thin socks or no socks at all. If the room is not warmer than +22 ˚С, do not rush to put on a warm sweater or terry bathrobe. Dress in summer clothes.

Walk on the balcony

Many of you have probably seen brave people walking down the street in winter in a light jacket or even a T-shirt. But do not rush to repeat their feat. It takes a long time to become hardened. Start by staying on your home's balcony or terrace. The temperature should not be lower than +10 ˚С. How to properly temper at home so as not to get sick after the first session?

walking barefoot
walking barefoot

Put on a warm wool sweater, but no jacket. Do some simple exercises on the balcony. Then gradually increase the time of walking, and reduce the amount of warm clothes.

Listen to yourself

It is very important to carefully monitor the state of the body during exercise. How to harden properly so as not to harm yourself? Here are the basic rules:

  • body temperature should be normal (it is forbidden to harden with increased temperature);
  • classes are held outside periods of exacerbation of diseases;
  • after the procedure, there should be no chills.

If the latter occurs, it means that the temperature of water and air has dropped too sharply.

Consequences of mistakes made

Often, immunocompromised people unknowingly immediatelybegin to harden with cold water. How to do it right, in fact, we found out earlier. What happens to the body when a stream of cold water suddenly falls on it? As a rule, there is an exacerbation of colds, the body temperature rises. In more severe cases, bronchospasm or cardiac arrest can be provoked.

swimming in the hole in winter
swimming in the hole in winter

Therefore, before you start working hard on your he alth, carefully study how to harden properly, be extremely careful! Remember that the body is well receptive only to sparing procedures. As for the duration of the restoration of immunity, it all depends on the severity of the disease, age and the state of the human immune system as a whole. If you harden every morning, then the result will not be long in coming. Stay he althy and don't get sick!
