Water is involved in all chemical processes of the human body without exception. The absence or deficiency of fluid reduces the functionality of a person. Dehydration sets in and vital signs deteriorate very quickly. In addition to the physical condition, dehydration also negatively affects the neuropsychic activity of a person. And what happens to the body when drinking plenty of water?

We are water
The human body is 80% liquid. Regardless of its tasks, any cell of the human body is a universe in which millions of complex processes are activated. The volume of interstitial fluid is limited to a volume of 30%.
Presence of water in human organs and tissues:
- in the blood - 83%;
- in the skeleton - 22%;
- in the vitreous body of the eye - 99%;
- in adipose tissue - 29%.
Also, the presence of water in human life is necessary for normaldigestion, absorption of vitamins and minerals, cleansing from slagging and blood circulation.
Maintaining water balance: how much do you need?
The sultry climate dooms a person to death without water for 5 days. To maintain water balance, a person should consume one and a half to two liters of clean water daily during the day.

The first thing that determines the amount of fluid required to sustain life is air temperature. At a constant daily temperature of 32 ° C, the norm of heavy drinking will be at least 3 liters, at a temperature of 21 ° C this figure drops to 1.5 liters, and at 10 ° C, very little is needed - 1.3 liters.
Increased physical activity and hard work increase these figures to 5 liters. Increased physical activity in the fresh air means drinking plenty of water up to 6.5 liters.
Having lost a fluid equal to 25% of body weight, a person dies. If you make up for the lack of water in time by drinking plenty of water up to a deficit of 10%, then the metabolic processes will start and return to normal.
The amount of water consumed by a person in ordinary life:
- 1.5 liters excreted by the kidneys with urine;
- 0, 6 liters comes out with sweat;
- 0, 4 liters while breathing;
- 0, 1 liter during bowel movement.
Why are you constantly thirsty?

The feeling of thirst is a natural reflex of the body in the process of disturbing the water-s alt balance. Raiseair temperature, physical activity and the intake of s alty foods provoke an increase in thirst.
The signal of thirst is given from the drinking center of the CNR (central nervous system). Responsible for him:
- limbic region of the cerebral hemispheres;
- areas of the cerebral cortex;
- nuclei of the posterior lobe of the hypothalamus.
Failures in the work of the drinking center is the root cause why a person is uncontrollably thirsty. Persistent thirst can be a sign of disorders such as:
- poisoning;
- diabetes mellitus of all types;
- head injury;
- bleeding confined to body cavity;
- kidney dysfunction syndrome;
- pathology at the genetic level;
- adrenal tumor;
- hyperhidrosis;
- hypercalcemia.
In addition to the described, intense thirst and dry mouth can cause drugs of a certain group, for example, diuretic and antibacterial agents.
Water consumption by expectant mothers
To maintain vital signs during pregnancy, the amount of fluid consumed should be slightly increased. The data of the usual daily value should be increased by 300 ml.

In the 3rd trimester, specific proteins produced by liver cells enter the pregnant woman's bloodstream, which increases the need for plenty of fluids.
Children's water consumption

WHO provided data on the daily requirement of childrenbody in fluid intake, taking into account the child's body weight:
- Children under 5 kg should not drink more than 800 ml/day, including mother's milk.
- In children from 5 to 10 kg, the norm is up to 1 liter per day.
Among other things, the daily requirement depends on the age of the child, for example:
- From 1 year to 3 years the norm is 1.3 l/day.
- From 4 to 8 years the norm is 1.7 l/day.
- From 9 to 13 years old, the norm is 1.8 l / day.
- From 14 to 18 years old, the norm for girls is 1.6 l/day, for boys - 1.9 l/day.
In hyperactive children, an increased desire to drink is considered absolutely normal. To exclude pathology, you can undergo an examination.
Tip: how to deal with intense thirst

It is very important to understand that strong, carbonated and other drinks with additives do not quench thirst, but, on the contrary, exacerbate it. Fatty and fried foods make you want to drink more water. For abundant drinking, it is also not recommended to use mineral water saturated with s alts. The optimal temperature for drinking water during a period of intense thirst is 22 ° C.
Scientific studies carried out by scientists in modern laboratories have shown that only a limited category of people can drink excess water:
- athletes;
- people whose activities involve physical labor outdoors;
- inhabitants of hot countries.
In addition, there is no verified datathe benefits of drinking plenty of water for ordinary people. Medical officials stood aside, not confirming the advice about 8 glasses of water a day.
Drinking too much water flushes sodium out of the body. It also became known that excess water does not increase skin turgor.
Physicians from all over the world have united in the opinion that daily water consumption should be moderate, since drinking plenty of water is harmful. It is worth noting that modern advertising of bottled water is aimed only at increasing the number of sales, no more. It is very important to trust your body and its needs in these matters, excluding going to extremes, succumbing to the tricks of marketers.
Exercise naturally leads to weight loss, there is no need to compensate for it with excessive fluid intake.
The negative impact of excess water on the organs and systems of the body:
- increases the burden on the kidneys;
- cardiovascular system wears out;
- violated muscle tissue tone;
- malfunctions in the digestive system;
- there is a feeling of constant fatigue.
Water for weight loss
Warm water on an empty stomach in a volume of 200 ml normalizes the stool. Drinking a moderate amount of water, familiar to ordinary life, is necessary during the diet.
Drinking water just before eating is not recommended, as enzymes designed to digest food are washed out. Drinking during the meal is also undesirable.
Important!Excess water will not reduce the feeling of intense hunger, although it will curb the desire to snack.
Drinking plenty of water while losing weight causes morning swelling.
Water treatment
When the body temperature is elevated, it means that the immunity of a sick person is desperately fighting infectious agents and viruses. The decay products of such a struggle are toxic to humans. A slightly increased, but not very plentiful drink at a temperature removes toxins and mucus that has managed to form in the organs of the respiratory system. Plain purified water is an excellent remedy. Drink should be in small sips as often as possible. To help the weakened body as much as possible, it is necessary to take into account the temperature of the water. It should be close to body temperature.
Why drink plenty of water for a cold?

More liquid activates blood circulation and increases the intensity of the kidneys. As described earlier, such a triggering process is necessary to remove toxins from the body - decay products in the course of the body's struggle for life.