Most streptococcal infections are caused by hemolytic streptococcus. Children and the elderly are most susceptible to it. In areas with a sharply continental and temperate climate, this group of bacterial infections is one of the most common. It is usually seasonal and affects the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and larynx.

The most common streptococcal infection is in the throat. Such inflammation is diagnosed as pharyngitis or tonsillitis. There is a significant difference between these diseases. In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to understand what causes inflammation, which organ is affected and whether you need to see a doctor. The disease "streptococcal pharyngitis" is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, other organs, as a rule, are not affected. With streptococcal tonsillitis, the inflammatory process occurs on the palatine tonsils. Although these diseases are more common in children, adults alsoexposed.

The source of streptococcal infections are sick people, less often - bacteria carriers, that is, those who do not have visible symptoms of the disease. The transmission of the most pathogenic microorganism occurs by contact-household and airborne droplets. In order for the pathogenic streptococcus to enter the body, it is not at all necessary to come into direct contact with the patient. A child can become infected through linen, soft toys or utensils. With a high concentration of children, the likelihood of catching an infection increases several times. Large outbreaks of tonsillitis are reported in children attending kindergartens and schools.
Signs of streptococcal infections may vary somewhat depending on the age of the patient. Children under one year old are primarily concerned about the discharge of green or yellow from the nasal cavity. There is also an increase in temperature, a decrease in appetite and irritability. Babies up to three years old complain of sore throat, their tone decreases, the temperature rises, and the anterior cervical lymph nodes increase. Symptoms of streptococcal infections in older children are more pronounced. There is a high temperature, weakness, fatigue, severe sore throat, difficulty swallowing, headache, purulent plaque on the tonsils.

Parents should be alert for symptoms such as: severe headaches, extremely painful and difficult swallowing even after a warm drink. This condition is often accompanied by highfever, weakness, pain in the stomach and vomiting. If the child has a rough red rash, you must immediately call an ambulance. This symptom is characteristic of developing scarlet fever. This infection is characterized by a combination with streptococcal infection. It is also necessary to urgently consult a doctor if there is difficulty breathing, and it becomes difficult for the baby to swallow even saliva. The hospital will diagnose streptococcal infection and prescribe effective treatment.