In the cold season, any person's immunity decreases. This leads to the fact that the body is not able to resist various viruses and bacteria. Therefore, how to remove catarrhal acne in the autumn-winter period becomes a rather urgent issue. The reason for their appearance is wet weather, low temperatures, drafts and hypothermia. It should be noted that it is quite difficult to deal with them.
Most often, such formations occur on the face, so the question of their removal becomes very acute. They not only bring discomfort, but also worsen the appearance. Next, consider how they differ from acne, what problems in the body they can talk about, and how to get rid of them.

It should be noted that the treatment of catarrhal acne is a difficult process. They are considered complex subcutaneous formations. These pimples appear gradually. Seals are formed, which over time begin to stronglyinflame. A bump of bright red color may appear on the face. The skin will be inflamed and likely to swell. When compared with ordinary acne, then such a pimple does not have a top that would contain pus. It is almost impossible to squeeze it out, since it has a denser structure. Such pimples ripen for quite a long time, sometimes about one to two weeks is spent on this period. The features of cold acne are the following factors:
- appear only in cold weather;
- accompanied by severe pain;
- an extensive inflammatory process develops;
- there is a long maturation period.

This inflammation will be difficult to disguise, as it looks like a convex formation of a red tint. If you try to squeeze a pimple, then the situation may worsen in that the inflammation will begin to spread even more, and the person will also feel discomfort. If pus, along with microbes and viruses, enters the bloodstream, then the infection will begin to affect the entire body. Therefore, if you have a painful cold pimple, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe treatments and prescribe certain drugs. They should be taken only in appropriate dosages. You can also use ointments.

Most often, catarrhal acne on the body appears due to reduced immunity. However, this is not the only sign due to which sucheducation. They are provoked by chronic diseases associated with the endocrine and digestive systems, infections and viruses, hormonal disruptions, stress, depression and other nervous disorders, gynecological problems, lack of vitamins and nutrients, as well as several external factors at once, such as cold. and drafts.
Quite often, catarrhal acne is associated with internal inflammation. The place in which they appeared may indicate some he alth problems. There is even a diagram, thanks to which you can determine the connection with the internal organs:
- If acne appears on the forehead, then this indicates that a person has problems with the intestines, and there is also chronic intoxication. You need to cleanse your body.
- If the rash appears along the hairline, then this person has problems with the gallbladder.
- A cold pimple on the chin indicates that the patient has chronic inflammation associated with the gastrointestinal tract.
- Formations appear on the head due to infectious diseases, as well as hypothermia and due to problems with hormones. Most often, they cause headaches and bring discomfort.
- A cold pimple on the nose is the result of blockage of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Often, such an education does not speak of any other infections or diseases. On the nose, there is an increased oiliness of the skin, due to this, a good environment is created for the occurrence of acne. Also, after suffering a cold, they often appear in this place.
- A pimple on the lip indicates that a person has an infectious disease. Also, its occurrence could provoke hypothermia. He could also appear in response to the habit of constantly licking his lips.
If a person has a pimple due to some reason, then in order to get rid of it, it is necessary to eliminate the main disease. Only after its elimination can this skin problem be de alt with, as the functions of the immune system will be restored.

Medication treatment
Next, consider what medicines can treat a cold pimple. If it appears regularly, it is best to get an examination and understand the reason why this is happening. Factors that provoke inflammation can be problems with the endocrine system, as well as digestive and nervous. In order to eliminate them, you need the help of a specialist. To cure such acne at home, you should use Vishnevsky ointments, ichthyol, Levomekol, synthomycin, Baziron AS, as well as antiseptics.
Treatment with antiseptic
If the first signs of the development of a cold pimple in a child or adult appear, then it is necessary to resort to the help of an antiseptic. It should be treated every day with inflammation that has appeared, due to which the developing process will decrease. You can use iodine, alcohol, boric acid. Antiseptics should be applied pointwise, thus covering only the focus of inflammation. This can prevent the development of infection, as well as complications. Such actions will destroy the bacteria.
These funds can be easily bought at any pharmacy. There are cheap remedies that everyone can afford.

Vishnevsky's ointment
This drug is reliable and affordable. It is quite effective, and is also in the budget price category. The composition of this ointment includes natural ingredients, including tar, oil and so on. Due to this, the drug has no contraindications. The only factor is hypersensitivity to the ingredients.
Thanks to this ointment, you can contribute to the rapid development of a catarrhal pimple on the face, as well as on other parts of the body. She will open it and remove the pus. You can use this tool in the form of compresses. They are best done before bed. Ointment with a thick layer should be put on a napkin, applied to the face and secured with adhesive tape. In the morning, the bandage should be removed, and the pimple should be treated with an antiseptic. After 1-2 days, the formation will completely form and the pus will break through. Next, you should use the tool in order to draw out the remnants of the contents, as well as accelerate healing. Vishnevsky's ointment is safe, but has the disadvantage of a specific odor. It doesn't fade for quite some time. Because of this, many do not use this ointment.
Ichthyol ointment
Ichthyol ointment is a natural preparation that consists of vaseline and ichthyol. The tool is considered both antiseptic and bactericidal. Pretty quickly, this ointment copes with any inflammation. If we compareher from Vishnevsky, then if she has a catarrhal pimple on her face, she will not be able to cope with the acceleration of its maturation. However, it will very quickly draw out the pus and accelerate healing. Accordingly, this medication is best used on a mature pimple. The application procedure is completely the same as described above. Ichthyol ointment also has an unpleasant odor, so it may not be suitable for everyone.

It should be noted that acne most often occurs on problem skin. This type of cover is characterized by the production of sebaceous secretion in excess. Because of this, the pores begin to clog, respectively, there is a nutrient medium for the reproduction of pathogenic microbes. They cause inflammation, acne formation occurs. In this case, ointments that have antibacterial properties will help. With their help, you can relieve inflammation, anesthetize the skin. They also have an antiseptic effect. One of these ointments is levomekol.
It is based on methyluracil and chloramphenicol. This tool relieves inflammation in the shortest possible time, it also promotes rapid healing. When an abscess forms, it is necessary to apply the ointment in a small layer a couple of times a day. It is necessary to process not only the focus of inflammation, but also the skin that is around it. After acne on the lip or elsewhere opens, it is necessary to make dressings with this ointment. Thanks to this, the wound will quickly be cleansed of pus and there will be no complications.
Synthomycin ointment
Similar acnediffer in that they are very painful. Therefore, synthomycin ointment can be used to treat them. This drug contains lidocaine, which relieves pain, as well as chloramphenicol. The latter allows you to eliminate microorganisms. Thanks to this ointment, you can reduce inflammation, completely get rid of discomfort, improve your well-being, and also accelerate healing. It is advisable to use it several times a day.
Baziron AS
This gel has antibacterial properties. The described tool allows you to cope with the microflora, as well as regulate the production of sebum. Due to this, there will be no problems with filled pairs. This gel will destroy the environment in which bacteria develop. It is best to apply the described remedy in the morning and evening. This preparation is quite easily absorbed, it does not have a peculiar smell, and it does not leave greasy marks.
In order to fully protect yourself from such things, it is necessary to take preventive measures. Avoid drafts and hypothermia. Still no need to allow increased sweating. You should not go outside when sweaty, as there is a risk of such acne.

Skin should be looked after and cleansed every day. It is necessary to use tonics and lotions. You need to lead a he althy lifestyle. All bad habits should be abandoned. It is necessary to temper, play sports and so on. It is necessary to comply with the dairy and vegetablediet. A person will have to give up junk food, that is, sweets, fatty foods, fast food, and so on. All emerging diseases must be treated immediately. Especially when it comes to chronic. Their exacerbations should be stopped as soon as possible.