Pre-infarction condition: symptoms and measures

Pre-infarction condition: symptoms and measures
Pre-infarction condition: symptoms and measures

Pre-infarction condition, the symptoms of which can manifest themselves in various situations, has long been distinguished by doctors as a separate group of signs that can signal possible problems of the cardiac system. At the same time, you should be aware that timely assistance in this case will prevent a rather tragic outcome, which, in turn, threatens a heart attack.

preinfarction condition symptoms
preinfarction condition symptoms

Usually there are several techniques that allow you to stop the pre-infarction condition. Treatment in this case, of course, should be carried out directly by a doctor who can prevent a heart catastrophe. If you explain the essence of the symptoms, then they usually consist in a decrease in the blood supply to the myocardium, while this decrease is characterized by a fairly high progressiveness. An increase in the decrease can be caused, first of all, by the growth of atherosclerotic plaque or as a result of an increase in thrombosis.

In principle, in most cases, a person can self-diagnose a pre-infarction condition. Symptoms, however, may be quite minor and indicate the presence of other diseases. Insofar asthe symptomatology of such a phenomenon consists in a decrease in blood circulation, then the first signs of it will be the presence of previously unobserved signs of angina pectoris. This is especially true for those patients who previously did not know at all what heart rhythm disturbances were. If angina attacks have been observed before, then they can significantly change their character, for example, pain will become longer and more painful.

pre-infarction condition treatment
pre-infarction condition treatment

In addition, the appearance of angina pectoris spasms at rest, if previously they were observed exclusively during exercise, can also be considered as signs of a pre-infarction condition.

In principle, in addition to pain, you should still pay attention to secondary symptoms and unusual manifestations. General weakness, lethargy, lack of desire for work, feelings of lack of air and an incomprehensible fear of death can characterize a pre-infarction condition, these symptoms, however, are too minor, and it is not possible to judge the patient's diagnosis only by them.

signs of a pre-infarction condition
signs of a pre-infarction condition

Of course, it is possible to determine the exact presence of this type of disease only in stationary conditions under the supervision of a specialist. In case of persistent pain, it is necessary to put a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue, which dilates the blood vessels, and then call an ambulance. At the same time, it should be remembered that the pre-infarction condition, the symptoms of which may seem to youcommon ailment, is the first and very important call to possible heart attacks. To eliminate this danger, you should regularly undergo the necessary examinations if you previously had problems with the vascular system, and also carefully listen to your feelings.
